292Name the arrowed structure:Fissure of falciform ligament镰状韧带裂


Answer::Fissure of falciform ligament

· The falciform ligament is attached to the diaphragm and separates the medial and lateral segments of the left lobe of the liver.

· The falciform ligament is composed of two layers of peritoneum closely united together.

· Inferiorly, the falciform ligament contains the round ligament (the obliterated umbilical vein) between its layers.

· The round ligament (also known as the ligamentum teres) is found on the inferior aspect of the liver anterior to the caudate lobe.

· It merges with the fissure of the ligamentum venosum, which contains the obliterated ductus venosus that connects the left portal vein to the left hepatic vein.


1. fissure [ˈfɪʃɚ] n. 裂

2. falciform ['fælsɪˌfɔ:m] adj. 镰刀状的

3. peritoneum [ˌpɛrɪtnˈiəm] n. 腹膜

4. obliterated [ə'blɪtəreɪtɪd] v. 擦掉; 除去

5. umbilical [ʌm'bɪlɪkəl] adj. 脐带的,母系的

6. ligamentum [ˌlɪgə'mentəm] n. 韧带

7. caudate ['kɔ:deɪt] adj.有尾的




