

在这个看脸的时代,有越来越多的人开始在意自己的外表。照镜子的时候,总是有人会想自己的眼睛再大一点,鼻子再挺一些就好了。甚至,在生活中,不少人总是觉得自己很丑,因自己的容貌而感到 焦虑 或自卑。

也许你正在遭受容貌焦虑症的折磨,而却全然不知。在医学上,这是一种真实的精神障碍性疾病,被称作躯体变形障碍(Body dysmorphic disorder)。

容貌 焦虑症 具体表现: ·过度关注过小或根本不存在的外观缺陷或瑕疵 ·对外表的关注会出现重复行为(例如,照镜检查,过度打扮)或心理活动(与他人的外表进行比较)。 ·对外表的关注引起具有临床意义的痛苦,或者社交职业或其他重要功能的损害

In this day and age, when advertisement floods social media, and this online world motivates the idea of perfect lives, and perfect bodies, more and more people feel the need to constantly improve their appearance. Based on this idea that they are supposed to look a certain way to be desirable and successful, many people develop anxiety and low self-esteem issues.

Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental disorder that is more real and common than many people think. People suffering from this disorder may look at themselves in the mirror and think they are fatter than they are, for example, or have repetitive behaviors such as excessive make-up or frequently look in the mirror.



不少女性网友表示,因年龄增加、鱼尾纹、颈纹加深、 皮肤松弛 、发际线越来越高等问题而感到焦虑。抑或是在路上看到妆容精致的女生,会暗自比较、心生羡慕。



Recently, a short film on the topic of 'appearance anxiety' in Chinese has resonated with many people. The topic 'Do you have facial anxiety?' is even on the hot search list of Weibo, triggering a heated discussion among people.

It is generally believed that women are more prone to this problem, but the fact is that many men also have it.


2018年8月, 波士顿大学 医学院研究人员在《美国医学会杂志·面部整形外科学卷》上发表文章表示,以前只有名人或美容杂志才会修图,让人看上去更完美,但现在随着手机美颜工具的普及,美颜照充斥社交媒体,这会诱发一类被称为“体象障碍”的心理问题。





Like most mental disorders, body dysmorphia is not caused by a single factor. However, social media can be a big factor.

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine published an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association - Facial Plastic Surgery Volume In August 2018, stating that the beauty function on social media can induce psychological problems related to body dysmorphic disorder.

Photo editing can cause anxiety to such a level that people choose to go for plastic surgery in an attempt to eliminate that problem. But plastic surgery is not the best choice. Not only does cosmetic surgery entail the risk of disfigurement it also doesn’t lead to dealing with the real root of this mental issue.



