
作答老师:郑州西亚斯学院    付福玲《洪亮英语》审核整理友情链接:如感兴趣请您速扫描群主武老师个人微信码并附说明您是新或旧高考区!以便武老师邀您加入15、16、17对应的亮哥新或旧高考群,免费享受海量资源(已经加入亮哥群的不要重复扫码,因为人数有限)也欢迎点击关注《洪亮英语》公众号,且标记星级,可每天获得最新的海量资源和回看错过内容!2021年湖北省八市高三(3月)联考英语试卷注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3.非选择题的作答:用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的AB C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读遍。例:Howmuch is the shirt?A. £19.15.                     B. £ 9.15.                        C. £59.18.答案是B。1. What does thewoman want to do?A. Watch TV                    B. Go for a walk.                C. Access the Internet.2. Where does theconversation probably lake place?A. At school.                    B. At a store.                    C. At a party.3. What time willthe woman reach Wuhan?A. 3:00 pm.                    B.4:00 pm.                    C.7:00 pm.4. What are thespeakers mainly talking about?A. A job.                        B. A speech.                    C. A person.5. What does Lilythink of the math problem?A. Hard.                        B. Easy.                        C. Puzzling.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does theman think of the woman?A. She studies toomuch.B. She has a lotof experience.C. She should earnmore money.7. What will thespeakers do in Hong Kong?A. Travel aroundby train.B. Create art onthe internet.C. See some famousartworks.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why does theman make the phone call?A. To hand in thelost keys.B. To claim hislost item.C. To report theloss of his luggage.9. What will theman do after the phone call?A. Fill out aform.                  B.Wait for a delivery.         C. Go to theLost and Found.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What eventdoes the man feel most confident in?A. The high jump.                B. The one hundred meters.     C. The four hundred meters.11. What’s thepossible relationship between the speakers?A. Coach andathlete.             B. Teacher andstudent.        C. Boss and employee.12. How does thewoman sound?A. Worrying.                    B. Encouraging.             C. Amusing.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. When did theymeet the last time?A. Last year.                    B. A decade ago.            C. At Amanda’s graduation.14. What does theman do?A. He is adesigner.                B. He is alawyer.            C. He is a writer.15. Where are thespeakers now?A. In New York.                B. In California.            C. In Arizona16. What time ofyear is it now?A. Fall.                        B. Winter.                C. Summer.听第10段材料,回答多第17至20题。17. When will themath exams be held this year?A. On Friday.                    B. On Thursday.            C. On Wednesday.18. What will theguest do?A. Listen tostudents’ suggestions.B. Take pictureswith students.C. Take part inthe Olympic Games.19. Who will givean introduction on Tuesday?A. An athlete.                    B. The headmaster.            C. The P. E teacher.20. Why areparents reminded to arrive early to the concert?A. To takepictures.                B. To get a place to sit.        C. To find a place to park.听力答案:略第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A B C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ARememberto study for knowledge and not study for getting good grades! This helped me alot, and might help you too.●Keep your study area organized andcomfortable.Thishelps you to concentrate better while studying by reducing unwanteddistractions. Keeping all the required books, pens, and otherinstruments within reach helps you to stay focused on studying. You don’t haveto look around for any book you need.●Discover ways to enhance yourconcentration.Concentrationis unquestionably the most important attribute necessary to enjoy studying.Staying focused on what you are reading helps you to understand and absorb it.Therefore, it is absolutely essential for you to find out all the essentialsthat enhance your concentration.●To enjoy studying, prepare in advance fortests.If youintend to truly enjoy studying, you must make it a habit to prepare well inadvance for all your tests. You cannot enjoy studying when you are preparing onthe last day prior to your test. This will make studying a painful experiencefor you.●Ensure that your study area is free fromdisturbances.Ensurethat outside noise and disturbances do not affect your studies. Your studytable must be located in a silent area free from all external disturbances.●Mark all important dates on a wallcalendar.●Remember to take short breaks.Takingshort breaks during studying helps you in retaining more of what you havestudied. Hence, short breaks are helpful during a long study session.●Manage your time in a wise way.●Stay positive.Stayingpositive is necessary to enjoy studying. Think of all the benefits you canobtain from scoring high grades. This will motivate you to strive harder inyour studies.●Be prepared; remove fear of exams.1. What helps youto stay focused according to the text?A. Enjoyingstudying.B. Preparing wellin advance for you tests.C. Taking shortbreaks during studying.D. Keepingunnecessary distractions away.2. If you want tokeep in your memory as much as possible of what you have learned, what shouldyou try to avoid?A. A long studysession without taking short breaks.B. The essentialsthat enhance your concentration.C. The painfulexperience of taking exams.D. Preparation foryour Lest on the last day.3. What could bethe best tile of this text?A. How to scorethe best grades?B. How to get ridof disturbances?C. How to improveyour ability to study?D. How to make thebest of your time?体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因应用文人与自我之学校生活study for knowledge语言能力★2896  mins/3语篇类型:说明文    主题语境:人与自我A[语篇导读]本文为应用文,主要介绍了如何高效地学习。1. D。直接信息题。根据题干定位到文章●Keep your study area organizedand comfortable段落中的This helps you to concentratebetter while studying by reducing unwanted distractions.(在学习的时候,减少不必要的分散注意力的事情可以帮助你更好的集中注意力)理解可知reducingunwanted distractions与选项Keepingunnecessary distractions away(远离不必要的分散注意力的东西)是同义替换。故选D项。2. A。细节判断题。根据题干定位到文章Remember to take short breaks段落中提到Taking short breaks during studying helpsyou in retaining more of what you have studied(学习时,短暂的休息可以帮助你对你所学习的东西记忆更长时间)可推知:为了尽可能长时间的记忆所学过的东西,应该避免长时间不休息。故选A项。3. C。标题判断题。通过浏览各个小标题,可知本篇文章分享了提高学习效率是一些小技巧。故选C项(如何提高你的学习能力?)。◎读后知识积累:一、单词积累:concentrate /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ v. 集中注意,聚精会神;distraction /dɪˈstrækʃn/ n. 分散注意力的事;disturbance /dɪˈstɜːbəns/ n. 妨碍,干扰;external /ɪkˈstɜːnl/ adj. 外部的;motive /ˈməʊtɪveɪt/ v. 激发,刺激。二、长难句分析:Keeping all the required books, pens, andother instruments within reach helps you to stay focused on studying.结构剖析:Keeping all the required books, pens, andother instruments within help在句中作主语。汉语释义:保持所有需要的书、笔和其他的文具在可触及的范围之内帮助你去集中精力学习。BMost Chinese know the story of the mythological Chang’e the Chinese goddessof the moon. It’s a story about a woman who takes animmortality pill and flies to the moon. It is toldevery year during China’s Mid-Autumn Festival, so people can’t hear the word“Chang’ e” without thinking of romantic images of a moon goddess.For this reason, China’s mission to the moon was calling out for astrong female figure. Therefore, pictures of a24-year-old female space commander have gone viral on Chinese social media forher work on the Chang’e-5 Moon exploration programme with comments about howshe is a “frontline soldier in the field of aerospace” that young Chinese canlook up to.Ms. Zhou, a 24-year-old lady of Tujia ethnic group, is China’syoungest ever space commander. She was involved in the successful launch of theChang’e-5 lunar probe on 24 November, in charge of the rocket connector system,described as a key role.In Wenchang space launch site, though she is only 1.58 meters andlooks “mini”, she is called “big sister” for her powerful “core and energy”.Since senior high, she has dreamed of being a member of a space research team.With her great efforts, she was admitted to an aircraft system and engineeringmajor of a domestic university in 2014, making her aerospace dream come true.To grow into a commander, in two and a half years, she changed five positionsto be familiar with multiple posts and types of work, each of which takes greatcourage and is full of challenges. In a working space with no air conditioningand narrow space to accommodate only three people, she worked for 60 days untilthe completion of “the Lang March 5 rocket goes around” battle.Her story has received attention from Chinese state-run media aswell as overseas media outlets. However, it has not appeared to have had muchof an effect on her. According to the media, she declinedrepeated requests for interviews as she does not wish to let fame get in theway of her work.4. Whydoes the writer mention the myth of Chang’e at the beginning of the passage?A. To introduce the topic.                                        B.To give an example.C. To tell a romantic story.                                       D.To spread Chinese culture.5. Whatmakes people think of Ms Zhou as a pioneer for the youth in aerospace?A. Her youth and beauty.                                         B.Her pictures on the media.C. Her identity of Tujia Ethnic group.                     D. Her performance in the moon-landing program.6. Whydid Ms Zhou reject the media’s invitation to interviews?A. Becauseshe was too shy.B. Becauseshe was not available.C. Becauseshe feared her fame might affect her career.D. Becauseshe considered fame nothing but a burden.7. Whatcan we learn from Ms Zhou’s story?A. Attitude is altitude.                                             B.The early bird catches the worms.C. Many hands make light work.                             D.Diligence makes up for inability.体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因记叙文人与自我之做人做事the Chang’e-5 lunar probe积极的生活态度★★3487  mins/4B[语篇解读]本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了嫦娥五号探月任务连接器系统周指挥员的事迹。1. A。写作手法题。文章第一段讲述了嫦娥奔月的故事,再根据第二段For thisreason, China’s mission to the moon was calling out for a strong female figure(出于这个原因,中国的登月任务呼唤一位坚强的女性形象)及下文讲述嫦娥探月任务女指挥员的故事。可推断,文章第一段提到嫦娥奔月的神话是为了引出话题。故选A项。5. D。结论判断题。根据题干定位到文章第二段Therefore, pictures of a24-year-old female space commander have gone viral on Chinese social media forher work on the Chang’e-5 Moon exploration programme with comments about howshe is a “frontline soldier in the field of aerospace” that young Chinese canlook up to可知,女指挥员在登月计划中的表现被评论为中国年轻人中值得尊敬的航天领域的一线战士,让人们认为她是年轻人在航天领域的先驱。故选D项。6. C。细节判断题。根据题干定位到文章最后一句According to the media, shedeclined repeated requests for interviews as she does not wish to let fame getin the way of her work可知,她多次拒绝接受采访是害怕影响她的工作。故选C项。7. A。隐含意义推测题。总结全文,我们了解到,周指挥员虽然只有1.58米的身高,但是却凭借自己对空间探测工作的热爱和在工作中多次勇于接受挑战的品质为自己赢得了“大姐大”的称号。从中我们学到“态度决定高度”。故选A项。◎读后知识积累:1. 单词积累:mythological /ˌmɪθəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ adj. 神话的;immortality /ˌɪmɔːˈtæləti/ n. 不朽,长生不老;exploration /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ n. 勘探,探索;domestic /dəˈmestɪk/ adj. 国内的;accommodate /əˈkɒmədeɪt/ v. 为……提供食宿。2. 长难句分析:Therefore, pictures of a 24-year-old female space commander havegone viral on Chinese social media for her work on the Chang’e-5 Moonexploration programme with comments about how she is a “frontline soldier in thefield of aerospace” that young Chinese can look up to.结构剖析:这句话的主干是pictures of a 24-year-old femalespace commander have gone viral,on引出的介词短语做地点状语,for引出的介词短语做原因状语,with引出的介词短语做方式状语,about后又接了how引导的宾语从句,that引导的定语从句修饰先行词frontlinesoldier。汉语释义:因此,24岁女性空间站指挥官的图片在中国社交媒体上走红了。她的走红是因为她在嫦娥五号探月项目中的工作。评论称,她是以为值得中国年轻一代敬仰的“航天领域的先锋”。CAs the saying goes, “time waits for no man”. Time is always againstus, and we just can’t stop it. Maybe that’s why some of us are always runninglate for appointments. But if timekeeping is not what you’re good at, don’tstress. There might be a good reason for your lack ofpunctuality.People’s attitudes to being on time vary. Some clock-watch andmake sure they’re exactly on time for a meeting. It is, after all, rude to belate, and if you can make it on time, why can’t everyone else? But if, like me,you want to make every second count, you might try to squeeze asmuch as you can into the time you have available. However, when your scheduledoesn’t run to plan, your punctuality inevitably slips.People who lack promptness have been described as 'time benders’.Author Grace Pacie told the BBC that “they’re the peoplewho don’t want to be late, but they have a strange resistance to being early,and they don’t allow enough time.” They assume their journey to anappointment will always go smoothly, and the train will always be on time!Perceptions of unpunctual people are almost always negative — evenif sometimes wrong. Writing for the BBC, Laura Clarke says: Being consistentlylate might not be your fault. It could be your type. Thepunctually-challenged often share personality characteristics, such asoptimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety, or a preference forthrill-seeking, experts say. It is also possible that people are late so asnot to be noticeable and to avoid the anxious wait for others to turn up.Maybe we latecomers should make more of an effort and follow theadvice I heard to no 'try’ to be on time but 'decide’ to be on time. But I knowif a meeting or a deadline really matters, then I’ll be there. Otherwise relax,even if others are blaming you!8. Thetext is meant to _____.A. tell us to avoid being late                                    B.tell us why we are lateC. tell us the importance of punctuality                  D. tell us to try to be early rather than late9. “Timebenders” refer to those _____.A. whodon’t want to be lateB. whodon’t allow enough timeC. whohave a strange resistance to being earlyD. wholack punctuality10. Accordingto experts, it is typical of time benders to _____.A. be pessimistic                                                      B.be negativeC. make every second count                                    D.have low levels of self-control11. Itis quite possible that the writer is one of those _____.A. punctual people                                                   B.unpunctual peopleC. trying to be on time                                             D.deciding to be on time体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因说明文人与自我之做人做事late健康生活★★3227  mins/4[语篇解读]本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一个司空见惯的问题——迟到,并介绍了人们迟到背后的原因。8. B。写作目的题。根据文章第一段There might be a good reason foryour lack of punctuality及下文内容可知,文章的目的是为了解析迟到原因的。故选B项。9. D。词义猜测题。根据文章第三段Grace Pacie对time benders的解释they’rethe people who don’t want to be late, but they have a strange resistance tobeing early, and they don’t allow enough time,对应的是选项中的A、B和C, 而这三个特点都是D项(缺乏准时性)的人拥有的。故选D项。10. D。观点态度题。根据文章第四段The punctually-challenged oftenshare personality characteristics, such as optimism, low levels ofself-control, anxiety, or a preference for thrill-seeking, experts say可知,缺乏准时性的人有以下特点:“optimism”, “low levels ofself-control”, “anxiety”而且“apreference for thrill-seeking”。故选D项。11. B。结论判断题。根据最后一段we latecomers可知,作者是“迟到者”。故选B项。◎读后知识积累:1.单词积累:punctuality /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/ n. 准时,准时性;available /əˈveɪləbl/ adj. 可获得的,有空的;schedule /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn /ˈʃedjuːl/ n. 时间表;inevitably /ɪnˈevɪtəbli/ adv. 不可避免地,必然地;consistently /kənˈsɪstəntli/ adv.一贯地。2. 长难句分析:They’re the people who don’t want to be late, but they have astrange resistance to being early, and they don’t allow enough time.结构剖析:but引导并列句,前一分句who引导定语从句修饰the people,后一分句and并列两个分句。汉语意思:他们是那些不想迟到的人,但他们对早到有一种奇怪的抗拒心理,他们不允许有足够的时间。DAs the effects of climate change become more disastrous,well-known research institutions and government agencies are focusing new moneyand attention on an idea: artificially cooling the planet, in the hopes of buyinghumanity more time to cut greenhouse gas emissions.That strategy, called solar climate intervention(干预) or solar geoengineering, involves reflectingmore of the sun’s energy back into space — abruptly reducing globaltemperatures in a way that imitates the effects of ash clouds flowing out fromthe volcanic eruptions. The idea has been considered as a dangerous and fanciedsolution, one that would encourage people to keep burning fossil fuels whileexposing the planet to unexpected and potentially threatening side effects,producing more destructive hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other disasters.But as global warming continues, producing more destructive hurricanes,wildfires, floods and other disasters, some researchers and policy experts saythat concerns about geoengineering should be outweighed by the imperative tobetter understand it, in case the consequence of climate change become so terriblethat the world can’t wait for better solutions.One way to cool the earth is by injecting aerosols(气溶胶)into the upper layer of the atmosphere, wherethose particles reflect sunlight away from the earth. That process works,according to Douglas MacMartin, a researcher at Cornell University.“We know with 100% certainty that we can cool the planet,” he saidin an interview. What’s still unclear, he added, is whathappens next. Temperature, MacMartin said, is an indicator for a lot ofclimate effects. “What does it do to the strength of hurricanes?” he asked,“What does it do to agriculture production? What does it do to the risk offorest fires?”Another institution funded by the National Science Foundation willanalyze hundreds of simulations of aerosol injection, testing the effects onweather extremes around the world. One goal of the research is to look for asweet spot: the amount of artificial cooling that can reduce extremeweather events without causing broader changes in regional rainfall patterns orsimilar impacts.12. Whydo researchers and government agencies work on cooling the earth?A. To prevent natural disasters.                               B.To win more time to reduce gas emissions.C. To imitate volcanic eruptions.                             D.To encourage more people to bur fossil fuels.13. Whatare researchers worried about in terms of global warming?A. Morevolcanoes will throw out.B. Moresolar energy will go into space.C. Moredisasters will endanger the future of the world.D. Peoplewill keep burning fossil fuels to keep warm.14. Whatcan be inferred from Douglas’ words in an interview?A. Hethinks more research remains to be done.B. Heis optimistic about the effect of cooling the earth.C. Heis concerned about the reduction in agriculture production.D. Hedisapproves of the practice of solar climate intervention.15. Whatdoes the underlined words “sweet spot” in the last paragraph mean?A. Therainfall pattern of a region.B. Themodest drop in temperature.C Thenumber of extreme weather events.D. Theinjection amount of aerosol.体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因说明文人与自然之环境保护cut greenhouse gas emissions思维品质★★★3428  mins/4[语篇解读]本文是一篇说明文。主要说明了为了应对全球气候的变化,一种新的方式被提出来了:给地球人工降温。文章围绕这个话题展开,介绍了这个方法及相关的研究。12. B。直接信息题。根据题干定位到第一段artificially cooling the planet,in the hopes of buying humanity more time to cut greenhouse gas emissions可知,研究者和政府机构给地球降温的目的是为了赢得更多的时间来减少温室气体的排放。故选B项。13. C。细节判断题。根据文章第三段as global warming continues,… someresearchers and policy experts say that concerns about geoengineering should beoutweighed …, in case the consequence of climate change become so terrible thatthe world can’t wait for better solutions可知,研究者们担心全球变暖会造成灾难性的后果。故选C项。14. A。推断判断题。根据文章第五段“What’s still unclear”, headded, “is what happens next.”(“接下来会发生什么还是未知的”)及“What does it do to the strength of hurricanes?” he asked, “Whatdoes it do to agriculture production? What does it do to the risk of forestfires?”(他问:“它对飓风的强度有什么影响?这对农业生产有什么影响?它对森林火灾的风险有什么影响?”)可知,Douglas认为还有很多疑问没有解开,仍然需要更多的研究。故选A项。15. B。词语猜测题。理解最后一句One goal of the research is tolook for a sweet spot: the amount of artificial cooling that can reduceextreme weather events without causing broader changes in regional rainfallpatterns or similar impacts(这项研究的目标之一是寻找一个“最佳点”:人工降温的数量,既可以减少极端天气事件,又不会造成区域降雨模式的广泛变化或类似影响)可知,这里的a sweet spot指的是适度的降温。故选B项。◎读后知识积累:1. 单词积累:disastrous /dɪˈzɑːstrəs/ adj. 灾难性的;artificially /ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəli/ adv. 人工地;emission /ɪˈmɪʃn/ n. 排放;abruptly /əˈbrʌptli/ adj.突然地;destructive /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/ adj.破坏的,毁灭性的。2. 长难句分析:But as global warmingcontinues, producing more destructive hurricanes, wildfires, floods and otherdisasters, some researchers and policy experts say that concerns aboutgeoengineering should be outweighed by the imperative to better understand it,in case the consequence of climate change become so terrible that the worldcan’t wait for better solutions.结构剖析:这句话的主干是some researchers and policy expertssay that…,as引导的时间状语从句,say后面由that引导了一个宾语从句,宾语从句中又套了一个in case引导的条件状语从句,从句中that引导结果状语从句。汉语意思:但是,随着全球持续变暖,毁灭性的飓风,野火,洪水和其他灾难也随之而来。一些研究者和政策专家说,以防气候变化变得非常糟糕以至于找不到更好的解决方案,对地质工程的关心应该被当局重视。第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,,选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Choose Your Purpose-Filled CareerWhen you think about choosing a career, you often do it in thefollowing two ways.____16____. If you like writing or doingcrafts, you might consider these things. This is not a bad way to go, ofcourse, but you can’t always make money doing things you like (like video gamesor drinking beer). And sometimes things you like are better as a hobby or sidepassion.Think about a well-paid job that you can do and doesn’t sound so bad.Maybe a doctor, engineer or lawyer? Or maybe that’s out of youreducational reach, so you choose office or retail worker. ___17___ butoften they are not something you’re really passionate about. It’s kind of likejust doing something because it’s there — not very inspired.However, there’s another way that is perhaps better: ____18____.For example, taking care of children, because you really want to help childrenget a great start in life, or blossom into whom they want to be or getting intogovernment or social work to improve the conditions of the community you livein or becoming a scientist to help ease the environmental crisis or find a curefor a terrible disease. ____19____ and if you choose one of them for thatpurpose, you will serve in that work feeling a sense of purpose eachday.There are endless ways to do that. The point isn’t how you servethe world, but just serving the world in some way willhelp you feel filled with purpose. ____20____.A. Theseare all great choicesB. Thinkabout what you like to doC. Youcan identify your purpose and work out how to get thereD. Eachof these is just one of many possibilities filled with purposeE. Tryto do something to serve a community or make the world betterF. Thesooner you complete the training requirements, the sooner you will make alivingG. Ifyou choose a purposeful and enjoyable job, you’re always further along thanmost people体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因说明文人与自我之职业规划choosing  a career人生价值★★2598 mins/5【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了面对职业的选择,到底该何去何从。16. B。考查主题句。根据文章第一段you often do it in the followingtwo ways和第三段首句Think about a well-paidjob that you can do and doesn’t sound so bad可知,第二段是和第三段在内容上和结构上是平行的。故选B项(想想你喜欢做什么)。17. A。考查细节句。根据文章第三段but often they are not somethingyou’re really passionate about(但它们往往不是你真正感兴趣的事情)可知,所填的句子和之形成转折关系。故选A项(这些都是很好的选择)。18. E。考查主题句。根据空格前面However, there’s another waythat is perhaps better(然而,还有另一种可能更好的方法)可知此处和第二、三段首句在内容和结构上是并列关系。同时,根据空格后面“For example”中的具体实例可知,应该“Try to do something to serve a community or make the world better(尝试去做一些服务社区或者可以使世界变得更好的事情)”。故选E项。19. D。考查细节题。本句是对本段上文的一个总结性陈述,根据空格后面内容and ifyou choose one of them for that purpose(如果你为了这个目的而选择其中一个)可知空格应该出现that purpose相对应的内容。故选D项(这些中的每一种都只是众多充满目的的可能性中的一种)。20. G。细节理解题。根据空格前的内容“。。。but just serving the world in some way will help you feel filledwith purpose.”可知,作者提出,这个选择既能服务世界,又能让你感觉充满目的。故选G项(如果你选择了一份有目的且有趣的工作,你总是比大多数人走得更远)。承接上句,进一步说明选择一份有目标的工作带给你的意义。◎读后知识积累:craft /krɑːft/ n. 工艺,手艺;passion /ˈpæʃn/ n. 激情,热情;be passionate about 对……有热情;blossom /ˈblɒsəm/ n.花朵,花簇 v.开花;变得(更健康/自信等);ease /iːz/ v.减轻,缓解。第三部分语言运用(共三节 ,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。The best and most amazing thing about life is that no matter whathappens or how hard it may get, or how useless you feel, stay  21 .All you need to   22   isdoing good, even if it may be the smallest thing, like greeting someone with asmile. It can   23   someone’s day, and you will have made thesmallest   24   biggest difference to their life. It allstarts with your small but sincere smile!I learned patience the hard   25  .I have been trying to rush through life rapidly, always   26   myself to my friends and family and wonderingwhen my life would change. I was too busy trying to speed things up, but thingsjust weren’t   27  , so I finally gaveup. However, when I continued to help people and do little things I couldevery day to make a difference, life   28   me back. Therefore, keep your   29   realistic, no matter how unjust people aretowards you. I believe you will be successful,   30   everything has its own special time wheneverything goes well, and yours is definitely coming. You just need to   31   a little longer.I   32   met someone worth it all, so kind and sweet,always trying to surprise me in the most   33   ways. Now, every day is something bigger andbetter, and that   34   isamazing, and then you realize it’s because of all the good things you keepdoing in your life.Even if you have been doing bad things up until now, you canchange it all and make it all better. Believe me, it always gets better. It’snot easy, but it will. I know, because I have been   35   with it and I finally feel better.21. A. curious                  B.patient                         C. serious                                         D. generous22. A. reflect on               B.set about                     C. take up                                         D. focuson23. A. speed up                B.light up                        C. brightenup                                         D.turn up24. A. yet                         B.and                              C. or                                         D. so25. A. way                       B.time                             C. point                                         D. problem26. A. adapting                B.adjusting                     C. comparing                                         D. applying27. A. speeding                B.changing                     C. moving                                         D. succeeding28. A. gives                      B.pays                             C. gets                                         D. brings29. A. intentions              B.minds                          C. hearts                                         D. feelings30. A. if                            B.when                           C. until                                         D. because31. A. work                      B.wait                             C. operate                                         D. stay32. A. eventually             B.occasionally                C. abruptly                                         D. instantly33. A. normal                   B.unusual                       C. common                                         D. unexpected34. A. thought                  B.view                            C. feeling                                         D. idea35. A. hunting                  B.struggling                    C. searching                                         D. exploring体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因议论文人与自我之做人与做事life生活态度★★28912  mins/15[语篇解读]本文是议论文,文章论述了生活不是一帆风顺的,我们能做的就是保持耐心并且笑对生活。21. B。语义衔接的考查。根据文章第三段I learned patience可知,无论什么时候,我们都要保持耐心patient(有耐心的)。故选B项。A. 好奇的;C.严肃的,认真的;D. 慷慨大方的。22. D。语境结构衔接的考查。根据后暗示even if it may be the smallestthing, like greeting someone with a smile可知:你所要集中注意力的就是做好事情,即使是最微小的事情,比如微笑着问候某人。A. reflect on考虑;B. set about开始;C. take up从事;D. focuson集中。故选D项。23. C。语境结构衔接的考查。A. 加速;B.点燃;C.点亮;D.调高,出现。根据前提示greetingsomeone with a smile可知,这里应该是一个微笑会点亮(brighten up)别人一天的生活。故选C项。24. A。语境结构衔接的考查。根据后暗示your small but sincere smile可知,此处作者想要表达,小小的微笑却可以带来很大的影响。故选A项。A. 然而;B.而且;C.或;D.因此。25. A。语境结构衔接的考查。A. 方式;方法;B.时间;C.点,意义;D.问题。根据后暗示I was too busy trying to speed things up,but things just weren’t   27  , so I finally gave up可知,作者学会有耐心也不是一件容易的事。因此应该选A项,the hard way相当于in ahard way。26. C。语境结构衔接的考查。根据后暗示and wondering when my life wouldchange可知,我经常将我自己和我朋友和家人作比较。故选C项。A. 改编;B.调节,适应;C.比较;D.应用。27. C。语境结构衔接的考查。根据后暗示so I finally gave up可知,答案选C项。A. 加速;B.改变;C.进展;D.成功。句意:我一直忙着加快进度,但进展并不顺利,所以我最终放弃了。28. B。语境结构衔接的考查。根据后暗示However, when I continued tohelp people and do little things I could every day to make a difference可知,当我继续帮助别人并且每天都做一些可以产生一些影响的事,生活回馈了我。故选B项。A. give (back to sb.) 回馈(某人);B. pay sb. back 回报(某人);C. get back (at sb.) 带给某人;D. bring sth. back 使想起某事。29. A。语境结构衔接的考查。根据后暗示no matter how unjust people are towards you可知,不管别人对你们有多不公正,保持你们切合实际的想法/意图。故选A项。A. intentions意图,目的;B. minds想法;C. hearts心;D. feelings感觉。30. D。逻辑衔接的考查。根据前提示I believe you will besuccessful可知,后句解释你会成功的原因,故选D项。A. 如果;B.当……时;C.直到;D.因为。句意:我相信你会成功的,因为每件事都有它自己的独特的发展时间……”。31. B。语境结构衔接的考查。根据前提示and yours is definitely coming可知,你的也肯定会来,你需要的只是多等一会儿。故选B项。A. 工作;B.等待;C.操作;D.停留。32. A。逻辑衔接的考查。根据30、31题,可知作者通过耐心的等待,“最终”等到了那个值得依靠的人。故选A项。A. 最终;B.偶然地;C.突然;D.立即,马上。33. D。语境结构衔接的考查。根据前提示always trying to surprise me常识判断,总是出其不意地给作者惊喜。故选D项。A. 正常的;B.不平常的;C.常见的,共有的;D.意想不到的。34. C。语境结构衔接的考查。根据前提示Now, every day is something bigger and better可知,那种感觉妙不可言。故选C项。A. 想法;B.观点;C.感觉;D.主意。故选C。35. B。逻辑衔接的考查。根据本段第一句,作者鼓励读者“即使到目前为止,你一直都在做一些不好的事情,你也可以做出改变并且变得更好”。可知,此处作者现身说法“因为我一直在奋斗,并且现在感觉更好了”。故选B。A. 打猎;B.挣扎,奋斗;C.搜寻;D.探索。◎读后知识积累:definitely /ˈdefɪnətli/ adv.当然,确切地;make a difference 产生影响;speed up 加速。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Shanghai is a window into China that is open to the world. Shanghaiis the place where East meets West,   36   where China meets the world. Shanghai cultureis amazing, and the city is filled with smart people, dynamic interactions, a   37   ( willing) to move and an appetite for beingmodern while embracing diversity and creating   38   business friendly environment. Shanghai is apeople-centric city. I stayed in Shanghai during the pandemic and now myperception of the city   39   (change) as I experienced a city that caresabout its citizens regardless of their nationality and origin. I felt   40   (protect) and safe during the crisis. I wasvery touched when Shanghai set up a hotline for foreigners to help   41   (they) during the crisis.Shanghai is a big city in the world. While it is   42   ( deep) rooted in Chinese culture, Shanghaihas also moved   43   the times and become a modern metropolis. Fromdoing sports and running on Bund to traditional Chinese art or modern Westernart museums, every activity is feasible in Shanghai.   44   I like the most are the traditional wetmarkets, restaurants   45   (offer) various dishes and the numerous culturalactivities that are available there.体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因说明文人与自然之灾害防范culture健康生活★★★2026  mins/10[语篇解读]本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了作者在疫情期间在上海的生活体验及上海的风土人情。36. and。考查连词。句意:上海是一个东方与西方交会的地方,是一个中国面向世界的地方。两个where引导的定语从句是并列关系。因此用并列连词and连接。37. willingness。考查名词。冠词后面跟名词。句意:这个城市充满了睿智的人们,有活力的交流,想要有所进展的意愿和对现代化的渴望。38. a。考查冠词。句意:创造了商业友好型的环境。修饰后面的“environment”,用不定冠词“a”。39. haschanged。考查动词时态。句意:在疫情期间,我呆在上海。现在,我对上海的看法已经发生了变化。因为,我体会到了它是一个关心市民的城市,不管他们的国籍和出身如何。作者的看法改变从过去持续到现在,并且有可能持续下去,所以用现在完成时。主语perception为单数,注意主谓一致。故填has changed。40. protected。考查非谓语动词。句意:在危机中,我感觉被保护了并且感到安全。感官动词feel后跟过去分词作表语,表示主语的状态。protected意为“受保护的”,符合句意。故填protected。41. them。考查代词。这里指的是上文提到的“foreigners”,并且做的事动词help的宾语。因此用“them”。句意:我很感动,在疫情期间,上海为外国人开通热线来帮助他们。42. deeply。考查副词。句意:在深深扎根于中国文化的同时,上海也与时俱进,成为一座现代化的大都市。修饰动词短语be rooted in要用副词deeply。43. with。考查介词。句意:上海深深地根植于中国文化。随着时间的变化,上海也一直在进步并且成了现代大都市。短语move with表示“随着……变化”为。空格需填填with。44. What。考查主语从句。What引导主语从句,在主语从句中充当动词like的宾语,句首字母需大写。故填What。45.offering。考查非谓语动词.句子已有谓语动词are,空格需填非谓语动词作定语修饰restaurants,offer与restaurant之间是主动关系,因此空格需填offering。句意:我最喜欢的就是传统的菜市场,提供各种各样菜肴的餐厅和大量的可以参加的文化活动。◎读后知识积累:be open to 对……开放;appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ n. 胃口,欲望;diversity /daɪˈvɜːsəti/ n. 多样性;people-centric以人民为中心的;metropolis /məˈtrɒpəlɪs/ n. 大都市;feasible /ˈfiːzəbl/adj.可行的。第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40分)第一节(满分15分)46. 假如你是李华,上周日下午在你校排球场上举行了排球比赛决赛(thevolleyball final),请你为校英语报写一份报道,内容如下:1.赛程回顾:2.赛后反响。注意:1.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯:2.词数80左右,标题已给出,不计入总词数。The VolleyballFinal____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生为校英语报写一份报道,回顾上周日下午在校排球场上举行的排球比赛决赛及其反响。【详解】第一步:慎审题,开好局审文体:应用文;审格式:报道;审话题:比赛;审要点:1. 回顾赛程;2. 描述赛后反响;审人称:第一、三人称为主;审时态:一般过去时。第二步:巧谋篇,拟提纲(重点词汇)be highly involved in;competitive;competition;at the very beginning;spare no effort;enthusiastically;without any doubt;highlight;end up with;stick in one’s mind。拓展:描写先后发生的事情,常用过渡词/过渡句:First, …/ Firstly, …/ At first, …/ At thevery beginning, …;Second, …/Secondly, …/ Then, …/ / What comes next is …;Third, …/ Thirdly, …/ Finally, …/ Eventually, …/ In the end, …/ Atthe end of…/ … end up with …第三步:提笔写,巧成句1. Thevolleyball final was held on the volleyball court of our school last Sundayafternoon.2. President of the volleyball club addressed thatalthough winning the game was exciting, it was the sports spirit that matteredmuch more.3. Theplayers spared no effort for the championship and the audience cheeredenthusiastically.4. Therecame the winner and the activity ended up with an award ceremony第四步:巧升级、连成篇(添加过渡词、短语以达到上下文连贯,注意主谓一致和时态问题。)The Volleyball Final[事件的人物、时间、地点、目的] The volleyball final was held on the volleyball courtof our school last Sunday afternoon. Both players and audiencewere highly involved in the competitive activity.[事件的过程和细节]【句1】At the very beginning, presidentof the volleyball club addressed that although winning the game was exciting,it was the sports spirit that mattered much more.【句2】What came next was the firm competitionwhere the players spared no effort for the championship and the audience cheeredenthusiastically.【句3】It, without any doubt, highlightedthe whole activity. Finally, there came the winner and the activity ended up with anaward ceremony.[总结升华]【句5】While the volleyball finalhas ended, the sports spirit conveyed will stick in students’ mind and encouragethem in future.【参考译文】排球决赛上周下午,排球决赛在我校排球场举行。球员和观众都积极地参加了这次竞争激烈的活动。最初,排球俱乐部的部长做了个赛前动员,称:赢得比赛尽管重要,但是更重要的是体育精神。然后就是激烈的比赛了。运动员们为了冠军拼尽全力;观众们也热烈地为运动员们加油。毫无疑问,这是比赛最精彩的部分。最后,冠军产生了。这个活动以颁奖仪式而结束。虽然这场排球决赛已经结束了,但是它传达出来的运动精神会一直印在同学们的记忆中并且在今后的日子里鼓舞着他们。【点评】[句1] address 后面是一个宾语从句,宾语从句中又由although引出了一个让步状语从句。宾语从句的主干部分用了一个强调句式来强调运动精神的重要性。[句2]用了一个定语从句,将比赛的细节加以描述。[句3]插入语without anydoubt,为这个简单句添了色彩。[句4] so kind to引导结果状语。[句5] 用“while”的对比作用,对这次比赛进行了情感的升华。第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完畅的短文。I was lucky to have an interview with a famous international bankafter graduation. I really appreciated this chance. So 1 spent a lot of time preparingvery carefully I prepared for all the possible questions ahead. As a result, Igot the job. While my classmates were still struggling to get a job, I hadsucceeded in getting one, which made me feel very proud of myself.After one month of hard training, today was my first day at workto show the results of the training. I got up as usual, but I decided to skipdoing exercise as I did not want to take the risk of arriving at the officelate on my first day. I went through my morning routine and spent a lot of timedeciding what to wear. I definitely wanted to make a great impression rightfrom the start. Finally, I settled on the white suit with a tie.I waved to say goodbye to my mother and set off cheerfully towardsthe bus stop. But l saw a bus leaving the stop just as I turned around thecorner. Now I would have to wait for another 15 minutes, even though time wasvery precious. I stood there patiently. 15 minutes passed and then 30 minutes,and there was no sign of the bus. Now what could I do? I had to reach theoffice on time. I saw a motorcycle approaching, but as I tried to stop it, thedriver sped on without even a glance. It was then that a car stopped near meand a man waved to me. He said, “Aren’t you working at the bank at NarimanPoint? My office is in the same building. Can I give you a ride?”I was uncertain at first but then forced myself to get in as I wasgoing to be late. Gradually, I realized that we were not on the familiar routeto my office. I asked the man to stop the car, but he did not listen to me andtold me to shut up.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph1.I had no other option but to keep my mouthshut._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph2.He told me that he was my boss.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】Paragraph 1.题型分析:这篇文章是个记叙文。文章脉络清晰,很容易读懂。但是开放性大,对学生们的逻辑思维能力和写作能力都是很大的挑战。一、准确理解材料,理清人物事件1. 浅层信息理解首先审题:体裁是记叙文;人称是第一、三人称;主体时态是一般过去时;记叙文“六要素”who(I,a graduate who wastravelling for my work; the driver, a stranger who gave me a lift)、when(my first day for my firstjob)、where(the bus stop)、what(A stranger offered me a lift but got on a different route.)、why(left to be figuredout)2. 深层信息理解①理清故事的发展线索(How)段落及时间线索Behaviours(行为)Topic(短意)Para 1 (after  graduation)have an interview,prepare for all the possible questions,get the job,be  proudWhile my classmates were still struggling for job hunting, I had  succeeded in getting a job in a famous international bank.Para 2 & 3 (after a  month of hard training/ my first day at work)get up as usual, skip doing exercise, spend a lot of time deciding  what to wear, wave to say goodbye to my mother, set off cheerfully, saw a bus  leaving the stop, wait, stood patiently, saw a motorcycle, try to stop it but  the cycle sped up, a car stop and the driver wave to meI missed the bus and a car stopped to offer me a lift.Para 4(accept  the lift)was uncertain, force myself to get in, realize that we were not on  a familiar route, ask to stop, the driver did not listen and asked me to shut  upI accepted a stranger’s help but found something wrong.②挖掘文章人物的情感I was lucky tohave an interview with a famous international bank after graduation. I really appreciated this chance. So 1 spent a lotof time preparing very carefully I prepared for all thepossible questions ahead. As a result, I got the job. While my classmates werestill struggling to get a job, I had succeeded in getting one, which made mefeel very proud of myself. (All thewords in red suggest that “I” valued this working opportunity very much and I tookpride in myself for my succeeding in getting it.)After one month of hard training, today was my first day at workto show the results of the training. I got up as usual, but I decided to skip doing exercise as I did notwant to take the risk of arriving at the office late on myfirst day. (The words in red indicate that I sacrificed my exercise time to arriveat the office on time.) I went through my morningroutine and spent a lot of time deciding what to wear (It hints that I, maybe, missed the bus later.). I definitely wanted tomake a great impression right from the start. Finally, I settled on the whitesuit with a tie (I would like to leave a good first impression on my first day.).I waved to say goodbye to my mother and set off cheerfully towards the bus stop. But l sawa bus leaving the stop just as I turned around the corner. Now I would have towait for another 15 minutes, even though time was very precious. I stood there patiently. 15 minutes passed and then 30 minutes,and there was no sign of the bus. Now what could I do? Ihad to reach the office on time (I becamea little impatient). I saw a motorcycle approaching, but as Itried to stop it, the driver sped on without even a glance (It added my impatience.). It was then that a car stopped near me and aman waved to me (It seemsthat there was the hope.). He said, “Aren’t you working at the bank at Nariman Point? My office is in thesame building. Can I give you a ride (How did the driver know me? It must raise my safety awareness and italso acts as a hint for the development of the story.)?”I was uncertain (Although I was a little impatient and eager to get a lift, I was stillsensitive.) at first but then forced myself to get in as I wasgoing to be late (thereason behind my action). Gradually, I realized that we were not on the familiar route to my office. Iasked the man to stop the car, but he did not listen to me and told me to shutup (I became worried and scared).3. 整合本篇的情节和情感线索:毕业之际,作者通过自己的努力,成功的应聘到了著名的国际银行。一个月的培训之后,作者迎来了工作的第一天。这一天作者像往常一样起床,为了能够按时到达公司,牺牲掉了自己的锻炼时间;为了给同事们留一个好的第一印象,花时间选了一套非常满意的西服并配上了领带。然而,作者还是错过了公交车。最后,一位私家车司机愿意载作者。但是作者却发现路线并不是去公司的。二、分析续写段首,确定续写方向由第一段首句内容I had no other option but to keep my mouth shut.(我除了闭嘴以外,别无选择。),第一段描写的应该是作者的心理活动以及故事的出人意料的发展。由第二段首句 He told me that he was my boss.(他告诉我,他就是我的老板。)可知,这是老板对我入职前的最后一次考验。这一段应该描写的是老板对我的教诲。三、借助文本资源,创设续写情节根据六要素和自己的想象,借助文本资源,创设续写两段故事的情节。[开端] 被拒之后,不得不保持沉默。[故事发展]内心既害怕又懊悔 —— 幸运的是,最终被载至工作的银行。[高潮]陌生人就是老板。[结局]老板的训话,即感悟。A possible versionI had no other option but to keep my mouth shut. I tried to collect myself and recall the one-month trainingabout how to deal with emergency effectively and successfully. Unfortunately,there was nothing but scare and nervousness left. ①If only I got up earlier than usual. If only I spent less timegetting dressed … Nothing remained in my mind but regret. ②As I was becoming desperate, the bank I would work at,surprisingly, stood in front of me magically. “Who are you?” I askedconfusedly.He told me that he was my boss.③It turnedout that what had happened was the last test for me. ④Unfortunately, I failedto pass it. The boss told me that as an employee in an internationallyfamous bank I ⑤should have been ableto resist any temptation and intelligent enough to deal with unexpected issues.I realized that my failure was not an accidental, for I lacked real-lifeexperience and ability to apply what I had learnt into practice. ⑥I would treasure thelesson in my mind and keep going.【参考译文】我除了沉默以外别无选择。我尝试着去镇定自己并且去回顾一个月来关于如何有效地处理紧急情况的内容。不幸的是,除了恐惧和紧张以外,我的脑海里一片空白。要是我比平时早起一会儿就好了。要是我少花点时间在着装上就好了……除了后悔以外,我的大脑里什么都没有。就当我慢慢地变得绝望的时候,我要工作的银行奇迹般地出现在了我的眼前。“你是谁?”我困惑地问。他告诉我他是我的老板。刚刚发生的事情是对我的最后一次考验。不幸的是,我没能通过。老板告诉我,作为国际级银行的雇员,我应该能够抵挡住任何诱惑并且应该有足够的智慧来应对任何突发情况。我意识到我的失败不是偶然,而是因为我缺乏经验和将理论应用到实践中的能力。我会珍惜这次教训并且勇往无前。【名师导学】本文将作者的心理变化非常细腻地表达出来了。第二段感情的升华也非常到位。①句用两个“if only”将作者的懊悔之情跃然纸上。②句的两个副词“surprisingly”和“magically”和形容词“desperate”构成鲜明的对比,表达出作者看到工作的银行后的喜悦。③句用了句型“Itturned out that…”将作者的心情由刚才的喜悦降到了冰点引车④句。⑤中的“should have done”巧用情态动词提出了故事的教育意义。⑥句中“treasure”一词作动词,表现了作者从失败中总结经验,正所谓“Failure is the mother of success.”欢迎打赏,渴望朋友们对我们几天劳动的肯定和鼓励!

