翻译训练营 #我们一起学翻译# 今天的翻...


♦ 要健全技能人才培养、使用、评价、激励制度,大力发展技工教育,大规模开展职业技能培训,加快培养大批高素质劳动者和技术技能人才。
♢ More efforts should be made to improve the system for training, employing, evaluating and motivating skilled workers, develop technical education, carry out vocational training on a large scale, and accelerate the training of a large number of high-quality workers and skilled technical personnel.

♦ 要加强高标准农田、农田水利、农业机械化等现代农业基础设施建设,提升农业科技创新水平并加快推广使用,增强粮食生产能力和防灾减灾能力。
♢ In this regard, efforts will be made to optimize modern rural infrastructures including high-yield farmland and water conservancy and agricultural mechanization projects, raise agricultural technological innovation capability and speed up promotion and application, and enhance the capability of grain production and disaster prevention and mitigation.

♦ 坚决把救治资源和防护资源集中到抗击疫情第一线,优先满足一线医护人员和救治病人需要。
♢ Resources for treatment, prevention and protection must be sent to the front line of the battle against the epidemic and priority should be given to meet the needs of frontline medical staff and patients.

♦ 最关键的问题就是把落实工作抓实抓细,坚决遏制疫情蔓延势头。
♢ The most crucial task for the moment is to execute the arrangements to the details and called for prompt and resolute actions in containing the spread of the epidemic.

