Passage plan 航行计划


一.  Passage appraisal  航行评估

Appraisal is a process during which the risks are identified and assessed, to ensure that the vessel passage planis safe . 航行计划评估是识别和评估风险的过程,从而保证航行计划是安全的

Research all factors involving the proposed voyage related tonavigation, berthing requirements, mooring and tug operations, port entryrequirements, security and anti-piracy measures, strength and stability, MARPOL Special Areas, national or regional requirements, passage plan amendments.

To achieve comprehensive appraisal voyagerelated information should be gathered

研究所有航次相关的因素包括航行, 靠离泊,拖轮作业,带缆解缆,进港要求,保安防海盗措施,MARPOL特殊区域,船舶稳性强度,地方要求及区域的要求,航行计划的更改等等


All related information could be derived fromfollowing:

  • Chartcatalogue 航海图书总目录´

  • Navigationalcharts  /ENC 航海用图/电子海图

  • Ocean passagefor the world 大洋航路

  • Routeing chart  航路图

  • Sailingdirection 航路指南

  • List of light 灯标雾号表

  • Tide table 潮汐表

  • Admiralty listof radio signal 无线电信号表

  • Guide to portentry 进港指南

  • Marinerhandbook 航海员手册

  • Load linechart  载重线图

  • Navigationalwarning(Navtex/EGC) 航行警告包括大区航警

  • Nauticalalmanac 天文历

  • Climatic information  天气信息

  • Company’s bridgeprocedure  公司航行手册

  • Personalexperience   以及个人经验等等

二. Key element of passage planning  航行计划关键要素的详解

1. NO-GO area 禁止进入的区域

Coastal and port watercharts should be examined, and all areas where the shipCANNOT go must be carefully shown by highlighting or cross hatching. 应该仔细检查航线附近的沿岸和港口水域,任何船舶不能进入的水域(比如浅水区域,岛礁区,沉船,禁航区等都要突出标识或划线标识

No-go areas will include all charted depthsof less than the ship’s draught plus a safety marginIn general the line determining “no-go” will be not lessthan draught 10%. If company UKC policy has differentrequirement, always follow the highest standard.

禁止进入水域包括所有低于船舶吃水并加上10% 的安全余量,如果公司UKC政策的要求高于10% , 那应遵循公司的政策,目前在浅水区(沿岸或港口水域)公司的UKC 政策的要求是1M 或者10% 船舶吃水,应计算后按高标准执行

Precaution for drawing “NO-GO” area

  • Inconfined waters, where the tidal height may have a largeinfluence,such no-go areas will vary according to the time ofpassage在潮差较大的港口和沿岸水域,NO-GO的范围可能有较大差异,要根据实际经过时间进行调整修正

  • care being taken to not obliterateinformation such as a navigation mark or a conspicuous object要注意在划取禁入区的时候不要覆盖助航标志或可疑物标。

  • NO-GO area which far away from ship’sroute does not required to be marked. 远离航线附近的禁航区不要求标注

  • For NO-GO area marked on ECDIS, simplydraw a line or polygon without stating “ NO-GO” areaand cross hatching is not accepted. 在电子海图上标注禁入区域的时候,仅仅划取一条线或多边形范围,而不做标注“NO-GO”或者没有平行线条加注是不可接受的

Samples for drawing “NO-GO” area

For ship installed one ECDIS and papercharts, on both ECDIS and paper charts “NO-GO” area should be marked on charts, forships installed two sets of ECDIS on board without full set Paper charts except “Take home” charts,both ECDIS should be marked, for Navmaster ECDIS you may mark on one ECDIS by marineroverlay and export  to another

对于船配一套电子海图和一套纸板海图,禁入区要在电子海图和纸板海图分别标记,对于配备2套电子海图,除了TAKE HOME 海图外没有纸板海图的船舶,2套电子海图都应标注禁入区,可以使用OVERLAY工具在一台上标注然后导出安装到另一台ECDIS.

2.  Margin of Safety安全余量

When a fix is plotted on a chart it invariably represents the  position of a certain part of the ship’sbridge at the time of fix, with large ships, although the plotted fix may beoutside a NO-GO area, it is possible that another part of ship may already bein it-with disastrous results, so safety margin already required to keep shipsafe and away from NO-GO area or dangers,normally consider 20% of ship’s draft isthe margin of safety.


Following factors should be takeninto account when deciding On the size of “ Margin of Safety” 在衡量安全余量时要考虑以下因素:

  • The dimensionof the ship  船舶的尺寸

  • The accuracyof the navigational systems to be used 航行设备的精确度

  • Tidal streamsor current  潮流或洋流

  • Themaneuvering characteristics of the ship船舶的操纵性能

3.Tidal Window

Intidal areas adequate UKC may only be attainable during the period that the tidehas achieved at a given height, Outside that period the area must be consideredno-go, Such a safe period, called the Tidal Window, must be clearly shown sothat the OOW is in no doubt as to whether or not it is safe for the ship toproceed,while mark on chart may update as per actual transiting time,thisis dynanic element, need to be updated if applicable

在某些潮汐水域船舶要获取足够的富裕水深需要等待潮高达到一定的高度,只有在满足要求潮高的时间段内可以安全通过,这个可以安全通过的时间我们叫潮汐窗口, 这个需要清晰的标注在海图上,这样值班驾驶员在值班的时候不会有疑问是否可以安全通过。标注TIDALWINDOW是要考虑实际通过时间进行更新。这个是动态的参数

Attention: currently our fleet has no habit to mark Tidal window on the chart,hoping improvement in the future.

4.Course alteration and wheel over   转向及施舵点

Whenever there is an alteration of the course, we need to mark a wheel over position, thisis theposition on our initial course at which we need to start altering the course ata pre-planned rate of turn to arrive at the next desired course without runninginto the danger.
The wheel over position depends upon the speed of thevessel and rate of turn during alteration of course. 施舵点取决于船舶的船速和回转半径。ROT = Speed of the ship/Radius of turn, Usually, we keep the radius of turn of 1NM as constant.asper the formula of ROT, the ROT will be same value with ship’s speed, pleasesee screenshot below.
转船速率=船速/回转半径,通常我们把回转半径设定为1海里不变,根据ROT的公式,转船速率就永远等于船速,如下图,转船速率为10deg/Min, 和船速的数值是一样的


  • 要在海图上按1NM做出回转圆弧,可以借助辅助线如右上图,找到和初始航向的切点后额外加上惯性值就是施舵点,惯性值通常是0.2海里。 Takea pencil compass and spread it to the distance of turning radius which is 1.0nm. Point the steel tip of the pencil compass on the datum and then draw a turnonto your course

  • 在ECDIS上的标注在大部分电子海图设备上是可以自动设置的。Inmost ECDIS wheel over could be auto set

  • W/O是按照VIQ 7的要求是强制标注在航线上的  W/O is the compulsory requirement as perVIQ7

  • W/O是可以借助方位辅助线和距离辅助线来提示OOW转船时机  Time for wheel over could be identifiedby bearing or distance from fixed object, such as lighthouse, beacon,etc

5.Parallel Indexing 平行避险线

ParallelIndexing is to create a line on the screen that is parallel to theship's course, butoffset to the  left or right by perpendiculardistance to monitor  the cross tracktendency (or XTE cross track error), normally lighthouse/beacon/ headland etc, could bebetter reference for making parallel Indexing. The Parallel Indexing should beused on ship’s radar. See below screenshot


Donot select floating buoyunless they have been first checked for position(not recommended)or unclear shore line 在选取参考物标的时候注意不可以选取移动物标比如浮筒(除非浮筒位置事先确定是否准确,当然不建议这样做)或者不突出的岸线等

ParallelIndexing is the compulsory element to mark on chart as per VIQ7 requirement 按照VIQ7的要求平行避险线是强制标志在海图上的

6. Clearing  distance 距离避险线

Clearing distance is to draw two distanceline from reference line and danger in order to monitor and keep safe distancefrom danger by radar Parallel Indexing. We have two type of clearing distance“NMT” and “NLT”, when danger and reference object are at the same side ofplanned course, we use NLT, if danger and reference object are at differentside of course line, we use NMT

距离避险线是划取2条到参照物和危险水域或物标的距离线,来监控和保持船位在安全水域, 通常我们有2种距离避险线“NMT”和”NLT”, 危险物和参照物标在一侧的我们使用”NLT”,危险物标和参照物在航线两侧的我们使用”NMT”

7. Bearing clearing 方位避险线

Clearing bearings arejust what they sound like: bearings that keep you clear ofany nearby hazards,normally we will choose a good reference objects to draw a clearing bearing todetermine the safe water.


8.  Abortpoint 放弃点

Abort point is the point on the passage beyond whichthere is no sufficient sea room to turn back the vessel. When approaching orentering a port or proceeding in a channel, the width of the channel may not be sufficient to turn thevessel.The position of abort point will varywith the circumstances prevailing, e.g water availability, speed,turningcircle, steam direction, etc

The reason for abort will not only be insufficient room could be following aswell:

  • Deviationfrom approach line  由于风浪原因偏航太大不得不放弃原航线

  • Machineryfailure or malfunction 机器设备故障

  • Instrumentfailure or malfunction 航行设备故障

  • Nonavailability of tugs or berth 没有拖轮或码头没有备好清爽

  • Dangeroussituations ashore or in the harbor 港内发生危险的情况

  • Suddenchanges in weather condition such as poor visibility or dangerous increase inwind speed or direction天气的突然变化比如能见度不良或者风力风向的突然变化和增大

  • Anysituation where it is deemed unsafe to proceed 其他一切认为危险不能继续执行原航线的情况


This chartdescribe how to mark abort point and contingency anchorage correctly forCJK  arrival, of course, in addition, weshall mark position for standby engine/ switch on echo sounder/stand by bothanchor/ EOSP and so on.这张图是进长江前的Abort point及Contingencyanchorage的标注方式,当然抵港还要标注其他信息,比如备车,开启测深仪,备双锚,EOSP (结束海上航程)等等的位置

To safelyswing the vessel and return back we need to know how much distancethe vessel will cover in forward direction and second how much distance it willcover on the side of the turn,first you can find the highest value of advance andtactical diameter from themaneuveringbooklet or wheel house poster, after that we need double up this value onadvance and tactical diameter to achieve maximum head reach and side reach totank wind and tidal stream factors, finally we need to add 5min distance basedon planned speed(marginof safety),then we will get the result for the distance between abort point and point of no return.

为了使船舶放弃原计划后能安全转回  , 需要提前算出船舶放弃后的最大前进距离和横向距离,首先要从操作手册或旋回图贴获取进距和旋回直径的数值,然后乘以2来把风流等外界因素考虑进去(船舶旋回数据是基于无风流的情况下测定的),然后加上5分钟航程的安全余量, 就会算出放弃点的位置。

Key point in determining abortpoint  在确定放弃点时的几点注意事项

a. Formula forHead reach= advance(turning circle element)X2 5min (running distance atplanned speed). 前进距离的公式=旋回圈的最大进距X2 5分钟的航行记录(计划速度下)

举个例子,如果船舶的最大进距是0.5 nm, 当前速度是12节,那前进距离应为0.5x2加上1.0=1.5海里,就是说要距离不可旋回点倒推1.5海里就是我们要算的放弃点的位置

b. Formula forside reach=tactical diameter(turning circle element) x2 5min (runningdistance at planned speed). 横向距离的公式=旋回圈的直径X2 5分钟的航行记录(计划速度下), 例子同上,在此不做赘述

c. When determine abort point avoid to keep close or far to point of noreturn, if too close ship has insufficient room to turn back,if too far will provide incorrect information to OOW causing confusion

当确定放弃点的时候避免距离“不可旋回点”太近或太远,太近导致船舶没有足够的水域回转,太 远的话会给值班驾驶员提供 错误信息造成混淆,需要严格按照以上公式计算得到

d. Be understood that do not replace abort point by abort line, because ifdoing so will not ensure safety of turning back underthe situation of deviation 应了解不可以使用ABORT LINE 替 ABORT POINT,因为船舶一旦偏航后回转不能确保安全, 计算是基于航线上的一点。

e. Asshown in last slide the turning direction must be marked at abort  point because it may only be safe toturn at that side


另外提醒下ABORT POINT也是一个动态的参数,不是不变的,如果进入航道前突发紧急情况主机故障,在放弃点前也不 一定可以放弃,可能在放弃点前旋回到应急锚地的一侧通航密度很大,导致ABORT POINT实际不能ABORT,就是说这个是个动态的参数,要现场评估提前预知态势

9.  ContingencyAnchorage 应急锚地

Contingency anchorage normally will be marked on chart for the reason that when shipencounters possible expected emergency, should easily and immediately find safeplace for stay to deal with emergency situation.
 And the contingency anchorage should be identified inplanning stage and fully assessed for suitability, water depth/obstructionexistence or not/ sea bed nature/ distance away from course line, etc应急锚地通常标注在海图上只要是用于当船舶遭遇可能的应急事件时,比如主机失控、舵机失灵、改变航行计划、没有赶上预期的潮水,拖轮引水没有准备好等等,能使OOW容易快速的识别出一个安全的位置用于应对紧急情况,应急锚地应在航行计划阶段识别出来并充分评估适当性,比如水深情况,底质情况,是否有障碍物,距离航线的距离等等


10.Position fix interval 定位间隔

The general rule for position fix interval is: 
Between two position fix ship will not run into danger. This rule particularlywill use in restricted water or passing danger in short range.

Basic requirement for position fix means and interval 定位方式和间隔的基本要求

a. Oceanpassage: position fix interval shall be 1 hour, and primary means of fixing isGPS, secondary position fixing is Celestial fix。

大洋航行:定位间隔为1小时,主要定位方式为GPS, 辅助定位方式为测天

b. Coastalpassage : position fixinterval shall be 15-30min,generalrule will be applied, and primarymeans of fixing is Radar or/andVisual, secondaryposition fixing is GPS。     沿岸航行:定位间隔为15-30分钟,具体间隔要按定位的通用原则来确定(如上表述)主要定位方式为雷达或 目视或2者组合,辅助方式为GPS

c. Port entry/restricted water(narrow channel): position fix interval shall be 5-10min, and primarymeans of fixing is Visual or /andRadar, secondaryposition fixing is GPS fix. Andin these water, the general rule of fix interval is applicable. of courseminimum interval of fixing is limited to 5min, less than that is notpracticable to do



