
奥莱娜·巴巴克(Olena Babak),美国学院派、外光户外写生女画家。




奥莱娜的作品曾在“Plein Air杂志”、“诗人和艺术家:100幅伟大的绘画作品”、“古典主义者”和“天才之笔”系列中发表和展出。

Olena Babak is an American academic and outdoor light painter.

'This Maine oil painter instills the experience of art history into her works. She uses her accumulated experience and skills to stay in the moment and express her feelings for a scene.'

Olena is an award-winning, classically trained painter whose landscape and figurative works can be found in galleries, public and private collections in the United States and abroad.

Some of olena's selected Awards: tilgman and St. Michaels best performance award, Easton exterior painting, best Cape amp outdoor sketching, artist's choice of outdoor sketching, Richmond,

first prize quick draw and people's Choice Award, finger Lake outdoor sketching, best representative Rockies National Park, first prize booth Bay outdoor sketching and many others.

Olena's works have been published and exhibited in the series of 'plein air magazine', 'poets and artists: 100 great paintings', 'classicists' and 'the pen of genius'.



