A wise person once said, “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy books and that’s kind of the same thing.” Lucky for you, Reese Witherspoon has no shortage of recommendations. Each month, the Academy Award-winning actress shares a female-driven book, many of which are New York Times bestsellers, with her Reese’s Book Club x Hello Sunshine. The Whiskey in a Teacup author founded her club back in 2017 and has been picking titles for members to enjoy every month since. Witherspoon’s community is “propelled by meaningful connections with stories, authors and fellow members” sparking “thought, joy, and conversation” both online and off. So if you’re a book worm looking for a good read, then consider this your invitation to join Witherspoon’s club.一个聪明的人曾经说过:“你或许买不到幸福,但你可以买书,它们差不多是一回事。”幸运的是,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭不乏一些好书的推荐。每个月,这位奥斯卡获奖女演员都会和她的瑞茜书友会x Hello Sunshine分享一本女性驱动的书,其中许多是《纽约时报》的畅销书。这位《茶杯里的威士忌》的作者早在2017年就成立了自己的读书会,从那时起,她每月都会为会员挑选一些可以享用的书目。威瑟斯彭的社区在线或者离线“通过与故事、作者和会员们做有意义的联系来推动的”,“引发”思考、愉悦和交流。所以如果你是一个爱读书的书虫的话,那么不妨考虑一下威瑟斯庞的读书会吧。Here is everything you need to know about Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club.How does Reese’s Book Club work?现在就给大家介绍一下里斯的读书俱乐部是怎么运作的?The Home Again actress picks one book that celebrates female protagonists, both real and fictional, and then shares said novel with her club every month. Picks are announced on the first Tuesday of each month.《再次回家》的女主演每个月都会挑选一本女性为主角的书籍,包括真实的和虚构的,分享在她的读书会里。每个月的第一个星期二都会公布她的选择。Which books are on Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club list?瑞茜威瑟斯彭的书友会名单上有哪些书?The Sweet Home Alabama star has shared numerous titles since the club officially began with Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid, One Day In December by Josie Silver, and Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng have been among her picks.自从Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine(中文译名:我很好)以来,这位主演过《情归阿拉巴马》的明星已经分享了无数个畅销书了。泰勒·詹金斯·里德(Taylor Jenkins Reid)的《黛西·琼斯与六个人》(Daisy Jones&The Six),乔西·西尔弗(Josie Silver)的《十二月的一天》(One Day In December),以及塞莱斯特·吴(Celeste Ng)的《星星之火》(Little fire)。1. Seven Days in June by Tia Williams 六月份的七天,缇娅·威廉姆斯著。
2. Tokyo Ever After/Emiko Jean 往后的东京,铃木绘美子·吉恩著
3. Reese’s 2021 April Pick:The Last He Told Me by Laura Dave 他告诉我的最后一件事,劳拉·戴夫著
4. Reese’s 2021 April Pick:Northern Spy by Flynn Berry 北方间谍,弗林·贝里著
5. Reese's March 2021 YA Pick:Firekeepers Daughter by Angeline Boulley 放火者的女儿,安吉琳·布利著
6. Reese's March 2021 Pick: Infinite Country by Patricia Engel 无尽的国度,帕特里夏·恩格尔著
7. Reese's February 2021 Pick:The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse 疗养院,萨拉·皮尔斯著
8. Reese's January 2021 Pick:Outlawed by Anna North 法外女子,安娜·诺斯著
9. Reese's December 2020 YA:The Light in Hidden Places by Sharon Cameron 暗处之光,莎伦·卡梅伦著
10. Reese's December 2020 Pick: The Chicken Sisters by KJ Dell'Antonia 鸡姐妹,KJ 德尔安东尼亚著
Reese Witherspoon, 45, it appears, can spot a bestseller at 10 pages. The American actress has slowly been bolstering her CV, carving out a second act as one of Hollywood's most astute producers. Her speciality? Turning chart-topping novels into box-office gold.45岁的瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)似乎有一种超能力,一本书只看10页,就可以看出能否成为畅销书。这位美国女演员慢慢丰满起自己的履历,成为好莱坞最精明的制片人之一。她的专长是什么呢?就是把排行榜上的小说变成了票房冠军。female-driven 女性驱动的protagonist (戏剧、电影、书的)主要人物,主人公,主角bolster 改善、加强以上就是今天的内容。欢迎继续关注Metro English。