奇静脉食管隐窝(azygoesophageal recess)(图文)
X 线胸片和CT 表现: 在正位X 线胸片上表现为右下叶和邻近纵隔(隐窝内界)之间呈垂直方向
的界面, 该界面的上部表现为凸向左的光滑的弧形。界面的部分消失或扭曲提示有病变(如隆突下淋巴结肿大)。在CT 上应高度注意该隐窝,因为隐窝内的小病变在X 线胸片上常见不到。

Figure 1: Transverse CT scan shows azygoesophageal recess (arrows).
Anatomy.—The azygoesophageal recess is a right posterior mediastinal recess into which the edge of the right lower lobe extends. It is limited superiorly by the azygos arch, posteriorly by the azygos vein and pleura anterior to the vertebral column, and medially by the esophagus and adjacent structures.
Radiographs and CT scans.—On a frontal chest radiograph, the recess is seen as a vertically oriented interface between the right lower lobe and the adjacent mediastinum (the medial limit of the recess). Superiorly, the interface is seen as a smooth arc with convexity to the left. Disappearance or distortion of part of the interface suggests disease (eg, subcarinal lymphadenopathy). On CT scans, the recess (Fig 1) merits attention because small lesions located in the recess will often be invisible on chest radiographs .