

澄江化石地位于云南省澄江县抚仙湖东岸的帽天山,呈带状蜿蜒分布,分布带长20公里,宽4.5公里,埋藏深度在50米上,现已探明埋藏面积为18平方公里。遗址保存了距今5.3亿年前寒武纪早期地球上的生物特征,并将脊椎动物的早期历史往前推进了近六千万年。在这一短暂的地质历史时期里, 地球上生物开始了大爆炸的过程,并成为后来几乎所有动物类群都的起源。



“In a hilly 512-hectare site in Yunnan Province, Chengjiang’s fossils present the most complete record of an early Cambrian marine community with exceptionally preserved biota, displaying the anatomy of hard and soft tissues in a very wide variety of organisms, invertebrate and vertebrate. They record the early establishment of a complex marine ecosystem. The site documents at least sixteen phyla and a variety of enigmatic groups as well as about 196 species, presenting exceptional testimony to the rapid diversification of life on Earth 530 million years ago, when almost all of today’s major animal groups emerged. It opens a palaeobiological window of great significance to scholarship.” This is the remark that UNESCO made when the Chengjiang Fossil Site was inscribed on the World Natural Heritage List in 2012.

The Chengjiang Fossil Site, located in Maotianshan Hill on the east bank of Fuxian Lake in Chengjiang County, Yunnan Province, is a zigzag belt that measures 20 kilometers in length, 4.5 kilometers in width, and more than 50 meters in depth. To date, its proven burial area has been 18 square kilometers. The site conserves features of the biology on the earth in the early Cambrian Period that dates back to 530 million years ago, and its discovery pushes forward the proven history of the vertebrates by nearly 60 million years. In this short geological interval, the explosion of life began on the earth, and almost all major groups of animals had their origins.

The fossils discovered at the Chengjiang Fossil Site cover diverse species and categories. To date, there have been unearthed fossils of 196 species of animals in 16 phyla, including spongia, coelenterates, brachiopods, annelids, and arthropods. Moreover, fossils of a dozen species, which cannot be classified as any category, such as the famous Fuxianhuia, Maotianshania, Yunnanozoon lividum, Kunmingia, and Kuamaia lata, have been found there.

The Chengjiang Fossil Site is acclaimed as “one of the rarest and most amazing paleontological discoveries of the 20th century”, presenting an important record of early biological evolution on the earth.