
我们内心有个敌人!当你软弱时,它会变本加厉折磨你。当你强大时,它会卑躬屈膝侍奉你。这个敌人很狡猾,不要低估了它。譬如你的畏惧、退缩、胆怯、愤怒、狂傲,炫耀和自卑  ——鼎然

We have an enemy inside us! When you are weak… ——dingran

当你吃到第四个馒头时你饱了,难道是第四个馒头让你饱的?同样!当你遭遇一件事情时你觉醒了,难道是这件事让你觉醒的?一个人的认知度提升了,并不是你的认知度提升,而是认知的本身聚集太多辛酸所致  ——鼎然

When you eat the fourth steamed bread, you are full. Is it the fourth steamed bread that makes you full? Same! When you encounter …  ——dingran

脚崴了,你责怪坑洼。脚疼了,你责怪鞋子。脚酸了,你责怪走路。倘若你看不到自己的不是,即便你穿多好的鞋子,即便你走多平坦的路,即便你有多么健壮的双腿,你还是跌倒 —— 鼎然

I sprained my ankle. You blame the potholes. Your feet hurt. You blame the shoes…  ——dingran

早早觉醒的人会让他的生命早点微笑,带着微笑的生命去活着,才是不枉白活的一生。倘若迟来的觉醒即便到来,那也只是伴随生命半残的苟活做最后垂死的安慰  ——鼎然

The person who wakes up early will make his life smile early… - dingran

不要妄图做一个有本事的人!因为你是否拥有高度的认知?你是否具足苦难的觉醒?你是否具备智慧的格局?你是否获得贵人的相助?倘若没有倘若欠缺,即便你是个你认为有本事的人,无非是带着炫耀和狂妄甚至鼓吹与模仿苟且撑着罢了  ——鼎然

Don't try to be a capable person! Because do you have a high level of awareness? Do you have the awakening of suffering? Do you have the pattern of wisdom? …  ——dingran

用泥沙堆积起来的城堡即便是美轮美奂,还是经受不起海浪的吞噬。靠想,想出来的东西,终究经受不起现实的吞没。要把想出来的玩意用到现实中,你才发现你苦心经营出来的所有想法都是被风吹没的尘土  ——鼎然

Even if the castle piled up with sand is beautiful, it still can't withstand the wave. Relying on thinking…- Ding ran

给自己一次疲惫的旅程,你才发现原来自己是那么的脆弱那么的绝望。待到这次疲惫旅程结束后,你才知道待在家里的自己和走出家门的自己根本就不是一路的  ——鼎然

Give yourself a tired journey, you will find that you are so fragile and desperate… ——dingran

啥是内心安详?在人生颠簸的途中你是否有勇气承担!啥是内心安宁?折腾的人生你是否挺得过去!啥是内心寂静?人生闲来的无聊你是否善于描绘!啥是内心彻底的空凝?人生不断忙碌的你是否拥抱善良不忘感恩!  ——鼎然

What is inner peace? Do you have the courage to take on the bumpy road of life! What is inner peace? Are you going to make it through life! What is inner silence? Are you good…—— Ding ran

当欲望得不到满足时就会痛苦,当欲望得到满足时就会无聊,这就是人性,从生到死的过程不断重复从未停歇。能控制欲望的是神,能不受思想认知左右的是神人,能左右思想认知的是圣神  ——鼎然

When the desire is not satisfied, it will be painful, when the desire is satisfied, it will be boring. This is human nature. The process from… ——dingran

后悔的事情都是你曾经激情澎湃坚定去做的,失去了又何必如此低落的陷入焦虑?也许这样的结局告诉你凡事不要鲁莽,否则后悔定是常态!  ——鼎然

What you regret is what you have been passionate and determined to do. Why should you be so depressed and anxious when you lose it? Perhaps this outcome tells you not to be reckless, otherwise regret will be normal—— Ding ran

试着与自己交流,你就不会讨厌自己。有时候我们只看到了局部的凄凉,而忘了周边的美丽   ——鼎然

Try to communicate with yourself and you won't hate yourself. Sometimes we only see the local desolation, and forget the surrounding beauty - dingran

