1022 Digital Library (30 分)python

A Digital Library contains millions of books, stored according to their titles, authors, key words of their abstracts, publishers, and published years. Each book is assigned an unique 7-digit number as its ID. Given any query from a reader, you are supposed to output the resulting books, sorted in increasing order of their ID’s.
Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains a positive integer N (≤10​4​​) which is the total number of books. Then N blocks follow, each contains the information of a book in 6 lines:

Line #1: the 7-digit ID number;Line #2: the book title -- a string of no more than 80 characters;Line #3: the author -- a string of no more than 80 characters;Line #4: the key words -- each word is a string of no more than 10 characters without any white space, and the keywords are separated by exactly one space;Line #5: the publisher -- a string of no more than 80 characters;Line #6: the published year -- a 4-digit number which is in the range [1000, 3000].

It is assumed that each book belongs to one author only, and contains no more than 5 key words; there are no more than 1000 distinct key words in total; and there are no more than 1000 distinct publishers.

After the book information, there is a line containing a positive integer M (≤1000) which is the number of user’s search queries. Then M lines follow, each in one of the formats shown below:

1: a book title2: name of an author3: a key word4: name of a publisher5: a 4-digit number representing the year

Output Specification:

For each query, first print the original query in a line, then output the resulting book ID’s in increasing order, each occupying a line. If no book is found, print Not Found instead.





The Testing Book
Yue Chen
test code debug sort keywords
ZUCS Print
Another Testing Book
Yue Chen
test code sort keywords
ZUCS Print2
The Testing Book
keywords debug book
ZUCS Print2

1: a book title
{‘The Testing Book’: [‘1111111’, ‘2222222’], ‘Another Testing Book’: [‘3333333’]}

2: name of an author
{‘Yue Chen’: [‘1111111’, ‘3333333’], ‘CYLL’: [‘2222222’]}

3: a key word
{‘test’: [‘1111111’, ‘3333333’], ‘code’: [‘1111111’, ‘3333333’], ‘debug’: [‘1111111’, ‘2222222’], ‘sort’: [‘1111111’, ‘3333333’], ‘keywords’: [‘1111111’, ‘3333333’, ‘2222222’], ‘book’: [‘2222222’]}

4: name of a publisher
{‘ZUCS Print’: [‘1111111’], ‘ZUCS Print2’: [‘3333333’, ‘2222222’]}

5: a 4-digit number representing the year
{‘2011’: [‘1111111’, ‘2222222’], ‘2012’: [‘3333333’]}

我们处理a key word需要单独判断,因为一本书可能有不同的关键词,不像其他属性只有唯一个,我们使用split将关键分开。


n = int(input(""))data = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]#数据存放for i in range(n):#输入书籍    id = input("")#书籍的id号    for j in range(5):#书籍对应的属性        belong = input("")#书籍属性        if j == 2:#单独判断a key word ,其他属性对于书是唯一的,但写法一样。            for keys in belong.split(' '):#a key word分成若干关键字                try:                    data[j][keys].append(id)#存在将id添加对应关键字中                except:                    data[j].setdefault(keys, [id])#不存在就创建关键字            continue        try:            data[j][belong].append(id)#同上        except :            data[j].setdefault(belong,[id])            n=int(input(""))for i in range(n):#查找    find=input("")    print(find)    if(data[int(find[0])-1].get(find[3:])):#如果找到才输出        data[int(find[0])-1][find[3:]].sort()#先排序        for id in data[int(find[0])-1][find[3:]]:#逐个输出            print(id)    else:#找不到就输出Not Found        print("Not Found")




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