
Shaun Barry, Principal Consultant (Project Evaluation)
Valuation Approaches
Conclusions and Wrap-up
Valuation Approaches
The selection of Valuation Approach depends on the stage of development: 估值方法的选择取决于项目开发阶段:
Income – based on expected future income stream 收入–基于预期的未来收入
Market – uses transaction prices of projects in similar geographical, geopolitical, and geological environments to derive a Market Value 市场–利用相似地理、地缘政治和地质环境下的项目交易价格来得出市场价值
Cost – based on seeking a reimbursement of sunk costs with a risk premium 成本–基于寻求用风险溢价来偿还沉没成本
At least two or more Valuation Methods should be used. 至少应使用两种或更多种估值方法
Valuation Approach |
Exploration Projects |
Pre-development Projects |
Development Projects |
Production Projects |
Market |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Income |
No |
In some cases |
Yes |
Yes |
Cost |
Yes |
In come cases |
No |
No |
The Value of a project generally increases with the stage of development. 项目的价值通常随着开发阶段的推进而增加。

Source来源: Lilford, 2011
Cost Approach 成本法
Appraised Value Method 估定价值法
Multiples of Exploration Expenditure Method 勘探支出倍数法
Geoscientific rating Method 地学评级法
Depreciated Replacement Cost Method 折旧重置成本法 –not used for Market Value 不用于市场价值
Appraised Value 估定价值 (Roscoe, 2002) |
Multiples of Exploration Expenditure 勘探支出的倍数(Schodde, 2002) |
Geoscientific Rating地学评级 (Kilburn, 1990) |
Meaningful past expenditures (3-5 years) 有意义的过去支出(3-5年) |
Meaningful past expenditures (3-5 years)有意义的过去支出(3-5年) |
YBase Acquisition Cost (BAC) $500 per km2基本采购成本(BAC)每平方公里500美元 |
Inflated to current cost 通胀至当前成本 |
Inflated to current cost 通胀至当前成本 |
Factor multipliers to estimate Technical Value使用因子乘数估算技术价值 |
Multiply each year’s expenditure by retaining factor 将每年的支出乘以保留系数 |
/ |
Multiply by factor to reflect current Market Value 乘以系数来反映当前市场价值 |
Add warranted future costs 增加必要的未来成本 |
Add warranted future costs 增加必要的未来成本 |
/ |
Multiply total with Fair Market adjustment factor 将总数乘以公平市场调节系数 |
Multiplied total expenditure by retaining factor (PEM from 0 to 5 ×) 将总支出乘以保留系数(PEM从0到5×) |
/ |
Cost Approach caveats: 成本法警告:
ASIC suggests Valuers work 'backwards’ ASIC建议估值师“逆向”工作
Too subjective 太主观
Self-fulfilling 自我验证
Cost Approach safeguards: 成本法保障措施:
Use more than one approach 使用不止一种方法
Must not be primary valuation approach 一定不能作为主要估值方式
Be descriptive for reasons for subjective factors 对主观因素的原因进行描述
Market Approach市场法
Comparable Market Transactions Method 可比市场交易法
Joint Venture Terms Method 联合风险协议法
Yardstick Method 码尺法
Peer Group trading multiples Method 同行交易倍数法
Comparable Market Transactions 可比市场交易
–Outright acquisitions 全面收购
–Joint Venture Terms 联合风险协议法
–Peer Group trading multiples 同行交易倍数
· Can be expressed as: 可表述为:
–$ per unit of production / $ per resource (tonnes of coal, ounces of gold equivalent, etc.) 美元/单位产量或美元/资源(每吨煤、每盎司黄金当量等)
–$ per unit area (hectare and km2) 美元/单位面积(公顷和平方公里)

Yardstick or 'Rule of Thumb’ 码尺法或“拇指法则”
Specified percentages of the spot price of the metal are applied to the defined Mineral Resources or Target 将金属现货价格的指定百分比应用于定义的矿产资源或目标
$ per resource (tonnes of coal, ounces of gold equivalent, etc.) 美元/资源(每吨煤、每盎司黄金当量等)
Resources |
Percentage of the spot price |
Measured |
2%-5% |
Indicated |
1%-2% |
Inferred |
0.5%-1% |
Inferred |
0.1%-0.5% |
Market Approach caveats: 市场法警告:
Yardstick or 'Rule of Thumb’ is very generic 码尺或“拇指法则”是非常通用的
Style of mineralisation 矿化类型
Geographic location 地理位置
Metal equivalent in the ground 地下金属当量
Market is very cyclical 市场具有很强的周期性
Market Approach safeguards:市场法保障措施:
Use more than one approach 使用不止一种方法
Ensure comparability of market transaction: mineralisation, geography, etc. 确保市场交易的可比性:矿化、地理等
Metal equivalent should apply recoveries of each metal type 金属当量应适用各金属类型的回收率
Normalise to current commodity price 正常化为当前商品价格
Income Approach收益法
Discounted Cashflow Method 贴现现金流法
SRK Geological Risk Method SRK地质风险法
Real Options Method 实物期权法
Capitalised margins Method 资本化利润率法
Earnings multiples Method 收益乘数法
Discounted Cashflow – Free Cash Flow贴现现金流-自由现金流
Less: Operating costs减:运营成本
–Operating: mining, milling, smelting, refining, etc.运营:采矿、磨矿、冶炼、精炼等
–Administration: overheads管理:一般费用
–Maintenance: plant and machinery, etc.维护:工厂和机械等
Less: Capital costs资本成本
–Sustaining/ replacement维持/更换
Less: Working capital减:营运资金
Less: Taxes减:税收
Less: Mine closure减:闭矿
Don’t take past 'sunk costs’ into account 不要将过去的“沉没成本”考虑在内
Discounted Cashflow – Measure of Value 贴现现金流–价值尺度
Net Present Value ($ M) – value added over and above investment 净现值(百万美元)–投资之上的增加值
Internal Rate of Return (%) – the return on investment, the discount rate at which the NPV equals 0, returning invested capital (not a good indicator when comparing investments, must be used in conjunction with NPV) 内部收益率(%)–投资回报率,即NPV等于0时的贴现率,回报投资资本(在进行投资比较时不是一个好指标,必须与NPV结合使用)
Capital Efficiency Factor (Ke) – the value added by each dollar invested 资本效率因子(Ke)– 每投资一美元所增加的价值
Discounted Payback Period (years) – time to repay the investment with interest 贴现回收期(年)– 偿还投资利息的时间

Capitalised Margin资本化利润率
Capitalisation of future maintainable earnings (EBITDA) 未来可维持收入的资本化(EBITDA)
More suitable for mining company with portfolio of mining assets 更适合拥有矿业资产组合的矿业公司
Simple method and easy to understand 方法简单易懂

Real Option Analysis 实物期权分析
NPV of stand alone case + Value of option 独立案例的净现值+期权价值
Probabilistic Value derived 概率值推导
Use of decision Tree analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation 使用决策树分析和蒙特卡洛模拟
Not generally used in public reports as it is complex and hard to understand 因其复杂且难以理解,一般不用于公开报告

Income Approach Caveats: 收益法警告:
Market is very cyclical 市场具有很强的周期性
ASIC requires use of discounted cashflow only for projects where an Ore Reserve is declared ASIC要求仅在声明矿石储量的项目中使用贴现现金流
Income Approach Safe Guards: 收益法保障措施:
Use more than one approach – check against market multiples 使用多种方法–检查市场倍数
Sensitivity analysis: stochastic and probabilistic (Monte Carlo analysis) 敏感性分析:随机的和概率性的(蒙特卡洛分析)
Can not apply discounted cashflow to early stage exploration 不能将贴现现金流应用于早期勘探阶段
Conclusion and wrap-up
Mineral Assets are comprised of several components: 矿产资产包括几个组成部分:
Whole business, Mining Right, Mineral Resource, P&E, etc. 整体业务、采矿权、矿产资源、P&E等
Overlap with Real Property valuation: 与不动产估值重叠:
Understand legal framework 了解法律框架
Many Valuation Codes: 诸多估值准则:
Drive to standardise, some are specific to asset class 推动标准化,有些是针对资产类别的
Define the 'basis of value’: 定义“价值基础”:
Market Value, Technical Value, Highest and Best Use, etc. 市场价值、技术价值、最高和最佳用途等
Three valuation approaches with several methodologies: 三种估值方式和几种方法论:
Use two or more methods 使用两种或更多种方法
The valuation approaches chosen depend on stage of development of assets 选择的估值方式取决于资产的开发阶段