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Traction and casts
Infants need no more than a few days in balanced traction, followed by a spica cast for another 3–4 weeks. Angulation of up to 30 degrees can be accepted, as the bone remodels quite remarkably with growth. Immediate spica casting has also found favour and this approach does not appear to increase the risk of complications.
Children between 2 and 10 years of age can be treated either with balanced traction for 2–3 weeks followed by a spica cast for another 4 weeks, or by early reduction and a spica cast from the outset. Shortening of 1–2 cm and angulation of up to 20 degrees are acceptable.
Teenagers require somewhat longer (4–6 weeks) in balanced traction, and those aged over 15 (or even younger adolescents if they are large and muscular) may need skeletal traction. Once the fracture feels firm, traction is exchanged for either a spica cast (in the case of upper third and mid-shaft fractures) or a cast-brace (for lower third fractures), which is retained for a further 6 weeks. The position should be checked every few weeks; the limit of acceptable angulation in this age group is 15 degrees in the anteroposterior x-ray and 25 degrees in the lateral.
If a satisfactory reduction cannot be achieved by traction, internal (plates or flexible intramedullary nails) or external fixation is justified. This applies to older children and those with multiple injuries.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
spica cast 人字形石膏
/ˈspaɪkə/ 穗状花序;人字形绷带;角宿一(即室女座α星)
Angulation of up to 30 degrees can be accepted, as the bone remodels quite remarkably with growth.30度的成角是可以接受的,因为随着生长,骨骼会发生明显的重塑。
from the outset. 从一开始
Shortening of 1–2 cm and angulation of up to 20 degrees are acceptable. 缩短1-2厘米和角度高达20度是可以接受的。
flexible intramedullary nails弹性髓内钉
flexible /ˈfleksəbl/adj. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的