英国地理考试真题长这样【A1-0412 模考真题解析】
2017.04.18 - 2017.05.10
(9696 Geography, 3 hour)
⏳Before the A1 exam, you have 22 days to go.
今天距离地理A1 考试还有:22 天
今天更新Section A 前三题,我尝试用ABC解读法,先分析,然后给出我的参考答案,最后给一段相关的文字阅读材料:
(choose 5Q from 6Q, each with 10 marks)

Q1 (selected by 80%)
1.several river channels (有好几条河道)
2.islands/eyots [vegetated or not] (有好几处或有树林或光秃秃的岛屿)
3.several river channels (沿岸有小沙洲)
When the river channel is divided by islands or bars. Islands are vegetated and long-lived whereas bars are unvegetated, less stable and often short-term features.
Braided channels are formed by various factors, for example:
a steep channel gradient 河道坡度陡变
a large proportion of coarse material 大量沉积物
easily erodible bank material 河岸易侵蚀
highly variable discharge 流量变化大 【课本P10】
Be my guest:
(b)The fluctuation in discharge and river energy loss are crucial to the large amount of coarse materials to be deposit. As time goes by, some of the unstabelised bare bars become vegetated islands. And once they become stable by vegetation, it can influence the river channels’ nature.
The main contributing factor to the formation of braided streams is the sediment load carried by the river. Once the sediment load in a river reaches a certain level it is deposited on the slow moving and shallow parts of a river such as at meandering points of the river.
These large deposits make islands in rivers and braided channels are formed.
Q2 (selected by 60%)
If you see how we say “subtropical high”, you can play a trick since you know sub is “near”, and you also know the wind goes from high pressure to low. Then we can easily mark A as tropical low. Similarly, B will be subpolar low.
Of course pressure A and B have their “textbook name”as Equatorial low and Temperate low respectively. But they are both right answers.
And I don’t mind say this again: read the question word by word(一字不差地读清题目问的是什么). C and D are asking for the wind’s name. There are also two ways of answer for C because it is trade wind. If you don’t know the name, easy, clam down, try to draw a direction, so that you would know it is easterlies, it is N.E in north hemisphere, and S.E in south part, so what’s the similarity? It is from the East.
Luckily, the next D can also use this method to solve. N.E polar winds and S.E polar winds can both identified as East winds, or we say Easterlies.
After we finish labelling the pressure and wind, we shall move on to how the system works.
Be my guest:
The pressure system is a reflection of the heating of the earth’s surface and atmosphere. The equator area gets heated most through concentrated insolation(which is dispersed near the poles). It warms the air, leading to a rise, producing low pressure in equatorial area. When it comes to a subtropical area, the air descends, causing the high pressure. [tip: we are talking about the air pressure near the earth. 我们这里说的气压带是近地面的气压哟]
The surface wind blow from high to low pressure areas, which means the heat is transferred around the globe by winds. That brings a re-dirstribution of heat globally. That’s how pressure systems influence on global patterns of pressure.
Try to practice draw this diagram yourself as a test, if you didn't get a full score.

Q3 (selected by 60%)

被chemical withering 包围着的当然是chemical weathering, 典型的地貌特征是喀斯特,化学风化需要水溶性岩石的存在。在一个降水量较少的地方,比如西北的魔鬼城,就是物理风化的结果,所以A和B分别是strong chemical weathering(较强的化学风化)和weak physical/mechanical weathering(较弱的物理风化)。