当疫情来临的时候,医务工作者总是冲在最前面、站在第一线。飞飞妈妈就是一名医生,当厦门这次疫情来临的时候,又一次站在了抗议第一线。向所有奋战在抗疫一线的工作者们致敬!疫情来了,学校停课,孩子的学习也不能耽误。今天这篇文章是飞飞妈妈在繁忙的工作之余,利用点滴时间和孩子探讨深度话题,带孩子了解疫情中的生活变化、了解人民在疫情中的付出和努力,既给孩子进行了英文渗透,也在孩子内心深处培养了浓浓爱国热情。英语启蒙可以是无处不在的。在探讨大事件中、日常生活中,只要掌握方法,大家都能像飞飞妈妈一样“行云流水”般给娃自然渗透。加入我们,提升自己,成为更好的妈妈,陪孩子高质量成长。开学不到一周,幼儿园停课,中小学改线上课,一场突如其来的疫情就这么来了。经历了近2年的疫情,其实这次我们少了恐慌,多了冷静和淡定,即便这次的疫情就在身边。Try to keep your composure even in an emergency.闲暇时跟小朋友聊聊天,谈谈疫情,趁机英语输入。一说起新冠病毒,小朋友就滔滔不绝,新冠病毒是可以传染的,得了这种病或者接触了这种病人,我们就会被隔离起来。If you've been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or begin to experience symptoms of the disease, you may be asked to self-quarantine or self-isolate.
现在的新冠病毒更狡猾了,进入体内后在你出现不舒服前就可能传染给别人,传染力也更强了,哪怕你从病人身边经过不接触都可能被传染。现在厦门已经陆续出现有感染病毒的人了,因此学校要停课,让大家呆家里。媒体做了很多有关此次疫情的报告,我们都可以了解疫情的进展。我们家附近有家三甲医院的工作人员感染了新冠病毒,为了尽快把可能带病毒的人找出来,政府决定暂时关闭医院,院内人员全部检查核酸。形势严峻,医院关了,病人怎么看病,谁去打病毒啊。Hospitals have equipment, instruments, machines or facilities for treating people who are sick or hurt. Everyone deserves to be healthy and have access to qualified doctors in order to feel safe and secure.
Doctors are indispensable to our society.They prescribe medicine which can relieve or alleviate or ease patients' pain or suffering.
后来同安那边感染的人越来越多,其它地方有零星病例,政府决定让全市人民都做核酸检查。平时我们政府就致力于改善公共服务事业。Health care and education are essential public services. The government aims to improve public services .当疫情来临,中国政府始终把人民的生命安全放在第一位,控制疫情的决心始终不变。China’s determination to control the covid-19 pandemic has never wavered.妈妈是医生,也要去帮忙采核酸,就是用棉签在喉咙里采点细胞去做检查。Doctors can test your throat swab to see if you are ill.孩子说:“万一被感染了怎么办,妈妈还是不要去。”
“这是妈妈的责任。妈妈会做好防护,会照顾好自己的,宝贝不要担心。Your mom is a person of competence and responsibility.医生治疗检查这些病人时要穿上厚重不透气的防护服,会出很多汗。”
小朋友说那你不要忘了喝水,要喝运动饮料。Don’t forget to drink water .平时跟她爸长跑后会喝盐典等一些运动饮料,小朋友很清楚这些。Salt is a vitally important dietary nutrient. An appropriate amount of salt is indispensable to our health.中途如果要喝水上厕所就要脱掉防护服,洗手消毒后才可以,既浪费资源,也浪费时间,因此大部分医师中途都不停歇,连续上四五个小时后才下来。现在天气太热,有些医生都中暑了。虽然很辛苦,但是医生还是会不遗余力去做。Doctors spared no effort to help patients.“妈妈,做核酸检测,喉咙会不舒服,我害怕”。I have a phobia about that.不要害怕,张大嘴巴,说啊……,医生就在喉咙那边擦几下就好了。Knowing what to do is the best way to extinguish all kinds of fears.后来听奶奶说每次做核酸检查时她都很自觉主动张大嘴巴,说啊。重灾区生活物资和医疗资源很缺乏。除了医生,还有很多警察,基层干部,都参加防疫,对社会做贡献。Many people are making positive contributions to society.许许多多的志愿者和企业也献出爱心,有些人是现场维持秩序,疏通人流,运送物质,有些人捐钱捐物。哥哥年级也号召大家捐款为抗疫做点贡献。当然也有一些不守规矩,不配合检查还动手打人被拘留的一些负面报道。我们都应该遵守规则,做个遵纪守法的公民。Children and parents alike are expected to obey the rule. We should be law-abiding citizens. We should abide by the law. We should comply with the law. The police have the authority to arrest lawbreakers.我们都要对自己的行为负责。We should be accountable or responsible for our actions.这次疫情涉及到学校,有些小孩都感染上了,最小的只有3岁,他们要自己一个人去医院,接受隔离治疗。这么小被迫独立让人看了心疼。而且长期生病会影响学习,希望他们尽快好起来。Their long illness and consequent absence put them far behind in their studies. Take a very good rest. I hope they will feel better soon.
得病了不仅伤害身体,还可能影响自己的学习。我们平时就应该认真做好防护。要怎么防护呢?小朋友说我知道,要勤洗手,不出门,要加强营养,多运动,多休息。There are germs and bacteria on your fingers. 平时我们做到饭前便后要洗手。
现在疫情来了,这样子还不够,我们出门都会接触到公共的东西,新冠病毒有可能会躲在你手上,因此回家第一件事是用酒精消毒手,然后再用肥皂洗手。爸爸妈妈要去上班,去打病毒,小孩就呆在家里不出门,不去人多的地方,实在要出门也要做好防护,带好口罩。小朋友说疫情来了,大人们为什么还要去上班?上班不仅能赚钱,还能为国家做贡献。People work to earn money.If people don’t work hard, they’ll end up nowhere .If we work hard, our country will revive and prosper. 疫情期间你呆在家里也是给社会做贡献。Staying at home ,you are making contributions to our society too.
People do physical exercise to build up strength.Regular exercise enhances your immune system.Many people feel more relaxed and positive after exercising .Exercise can help people to sleep well. Exercising is good for our physical health.You should spend more time participating in sports.要吃健康有营养的东西,少吃垃圾食品,而且不能挑食。Food is the best medicine.Eating nutritious food helps you achieve your optimal health. Eating clean and nutritious food reduces the chance of developing disease.每个人都要吃丰富的健康食物,而且营养要均衡,青菜水果蛋白质都要有。Everyone needs to eat a variety of healthy food. We should eat a balanced diet.Both adults and babies should eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.Protein is essential to life.Milk and meats contain proteins and fats.垃圾食品吃太多了会生病。Eating too much junk food makes people sick. Junk food contains too much sugar and fat.睡眠对身体也是至关重要。如果睡得好,爸爸妈妈就会做好工作,你就会学习好。By sleeping well,father can meet the demands of work and you can meet the demands of school.如果睡不好第二天就没无精打采,没有精神。If you are sleep-deprived,you will feel lethargic tomorrow.You won’t have enough energy.小妞说知道了,我们平时要早睡早起。Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy ,wealthy and wise.白天午餐后也可以打个盹,下午精神会更好。Taking a nap after lunch will be beneficial /instrumental/helpful/useful.晚上关上窗帘也会好睡点,放点轻音乐也可以帮助入睡。
Close the curtain.
Turn off the light.
Darkness is the right atmosphere for bedtime.
Soft music is conducive to sleep.
乐观的心态也是至关重要的。It is impossible to achieve your optimal health if you do not have a positive mindset. Have courage to face life cheerfully even in times of adversity!身体不好的小朋友容易感冒。Children with poor health are more prone to colds in winter.要想有健康的体魄,这些习惯从小就要养成。妈妈可以帮助你,你的健康和安全是我的头等大事。I will help you develop these habits. I pay attention to your academic performance,but I attach greater importance to your health and safety. Your safety and health are my top priorities.
中国人民创造了无数的奇迹。Chinese people have created innumerable miracles.非典,地震,洪水我们都战胜了。相信这次厦门也能战胜疫情。中国是全球新冠病毒疫情控制最快最好的国家,我们非常幸运生活在这伟大的时代。We are lucky.We live in an age of unprecedented opportunities. I believe that the government of XIAMEN will be able to manage the outbreak effectively.