
重点话题sample answer

Describe an experience of good service in a shop or restaurant.

You should say:

What the service was

When and where it happened

How you felt about it

And explain why you think it was a good service.

The topic really reminds me of an unforgettable experience a couple of years ago when I visited Scotland. On one day during that trip, when I was wandering together with my two close friends on the street in Edinburgh, we had something very typical in a local restaurant. We ordered the national dish of Scotland, called Haggis. Haggis is a savoury pudding, containing sheep's pluck including heart, liver and lungs, minced with onion. Traditionally, the pudding is encased in the animal's stomach, but nowadays it’s often packed in an artificial casing.

Frankly speaking, I was kind of uncomfortable when I saw Haggis for the first time. It really scared me at first, and I was even almost ready to give up eating it, but my friends forced me to have a bite. Well, unexpectedly, after a bite, I would say it wasn’t not so bad, it just looked sort of disgusting. It tasted pretty great, especially when it’s mixed with some spicy ingredients. Normally, I don’t like cuisine of this kind, but this special pudding did impress me. More importantly, it was served with some whisky. It turned out to be a delicious meal.

Key words & expressions

  1. wander这个词表示 闲逛 ,可以替代大家口中常说的walk或gosavoury这个形容词在描述食物时,表示美味的,可口的,可以替代大家口中常说的tasty and delicious

  2. mince这个词表示把食物切成小碎块

  3. traditionally这个词大家都知道,表示 传统意义上得,在我们的口语表达中,要经常有意识地用此类的句首副词来替换口中经常用到的and,类似的还有undoubtedly, unexpectedly, frankly speaking

  4. be almost to do sth. 表示快要,几乎……以很好地体现当时的内心感受。

  5. have a bite 表示 咬一口, 当然也可以用take a bite

  6. cuisine of this kind这个表达非常地道,表示此类菜品

  7. be served with 可以替换大家经常会用的take, have or try something,我们举个小例子:

    I had some dumplings in that Chinese restaurant.

    I was served with some dumplings in that Chinese restaurant.




