直击考场 | 2018.05.05雅思考试重现《9分达人》原题!




本次考试听力Section 1


Test 2 section 1





口语话题Sample Answer

Describe a toy you had in your childhood.

You should say:

When you had the toy

Who gave you the toy

What it was like

How you feel about the toy.

When it comes to toys, the first thing that comes to mind is the peppa pig watch. Watch though it is called, it is more of a toy. With a cartoon image of peppa pig on its lid, it has become the rage suddenly among the youngsters. What amuses people is that they can actually open the watch lid and a amount of candies await them inside. A fun toy meets sweet candy, it really is a novelty.

Young people are of great curiosity and herd mentality, they show great interest in anything trendy whatsoever. Some objects alluring young people may not be practical, but they just want to fit in. Then here comes a toy like the peppa pig watch. It significantly meets the needs of the expectations of youngsters.

