首发 | 水相设计 · 恋慕时空的聚散离合


慕幕 /

In the past,  watching opera played an important role in city life.  Whether for the emperor or common people, everyone can find resonance in the opera in terms of  knowledge, ideals, and emotions.  Hundreds of operas played on a stage make thousands of people go back to daily life with the story in their heart.



戏台 Stage
Where parting reuniting happen


Zhengzhou, is one of the eight ancient capitals in China, and has Henan Opera of powerful singing style as its cultural heritage. When creating a building of the future in Zhengzhou, Waterfrom Design hopes it to be a new carrier of culture, just like the theater shed attracting people to stop , enjoy and communicate, as well as connect with the past and anticipate the future via several songs. As for the appearance of the building, the visual modeling that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom looks like a stage that will appeal to people to look up to the interior unconsciously, as if they were looking forward to an opera.


We attempt to use the concepts of interior architecture to present internal modeling andan experience, utilizing winding and rolled organic facade arc to create the protruding and recessed facades with different senses of quantity: Thehuge sturdy cylinder and smooth and has continuous curved surfaces, connects or builds layers of cover in dislocation and creates a deep and mysterious atmosphere when waiting for the performance to begin on the stage.By contrast with many sturdy massing, there is a visual focus of the sheet-shaped curved wall erecting from the bottom to the ceiling, as if someone trots by quickly and a corner of the curtain is lifted, and as if one swings his/her long sleeves easily and lightly. That moment is transient and will make people have an interesting optical illusion of the quantity of the wall’s interior architecture.



The lifted corner inspires a desire for probing into the movements and contours that are hidden in the back, thus completing the layout that draws the focus to the movements occurring at the front stage.




Gap between shadows and lights
Where the shows go on


In the interior structure, we create a variety of windows, which are different from the French window that brings natural light indoors. The opening of interior architecture is more like a viewing window that is purposely arranged with the dramatic focus. Whether looking at a square window, which resembles a stage, or a gap, which only allows a quick  glance of the light and shadow in the back, both are designs intended to restrict people’s viewing manner.People’sindoor movement, whether can or cannot be seen because of the dramatic sense inside and outside the frame, is now coated with lens with entertaining nature.




The changing spatial behaviors provide massing with endless performances. So many people interact with each other in different window views in dislocated heights and dimensions, just like the plots of each chapter are intersected simultaneously. The audience can interpret the time and sequence of the scripts freely or participate in them to become a part of the performing art. Here, the figures shuttling forth and back have become the indispensable source materials for the interior architecture.




The extension and overlapping of shadows a performance regardless of gain or loss


Since the facade modeling and the design of mixing performance acts have been expressive enough, we leave room for the use of pure material and color. Only using the terrazzo and gray paint with a single and similar color to create a boundless and coherent overall sense of the façade, it is also like a curtain waiting to be lifted before the show, giving people endless imagination on the story about to be told.


However, on the misplaced rear facade, we especially arranged two other deep colors-auburn and dark blue, which do not interfere with the elegance and grandeur of the large grayish-white curtain. The small scene contains countless layers of colors, which set off the distance between the protruding and recessed facades, deepening people's curiosity about the other side of the space, and making the performance in the frame a little grander.


With changes of light and shadow along the natural shifting sunlight, non-matrix indoor lights are creating a visual rhythm on the silent curtains, resembling the bright spots in the sky and the light leaking from the rock gap. Time has cast a dynamic sculpture with the trade-off light and shadow on the building;it takes some patience to see what it is.

Impression Drawing




空间设计 | 李智翔、葛祝纬、池佰镇、张子轩、陈宥儒/水相设计
Designer | Waterfrom Design
项目业主 | 华润置地郑州
Client | China Resources Land Limited
空间性质 | 接待会馆
Space type | Reception hall
座落位置 | 中国郑州
Location | Zhengzhou, China
室内面积 | 1,060平方米
Area | 1,060 ㎡
空间格局 | 接待区、洽谈区、品牌展示区、办公室、卫生区
Layout | reception area. sales area. display area. office. toilet
设计时间 | 2019.03~2019.10
Design Period | 2019.03~2019.10
施工时间 | 2019.10~2020.01
Construction Period | 2019.10~2020.01
主要材料 | 浅灰色手工漆、灰白双色手工漆、灰色水磨石、实木皮染蓝、实木皮染红、原色镜面不锈钢
Material | light gray hand paint. gray and white double hand paint. grayterrazzo. blue veneer. red veneer. mirror stainless steel.
项目摄影 | 鲁芬芳
Photographer | LU,FEN-FANG

设计总监 / 李智翔(Nic Lee)


成立于2008年的水相设计跨足室内与建筑领域,秉持设计应如『水』的初衷,纯淨、有机又多变,本质上保持其原有的简洁性,意念上展现无框架的可能性。我们致力关注于空间的故事脉络及时间光线,创造一个具有情感沉淀及讯息想像的空间。近年来,水相设计陆续荣获iF、A’Design、国家金点奖、Asia Pacific Interior Design Award、Taiwan Interior Design Award、IIDA、BoY等奖项殊荣,作品也深受义、荷、法、韩等国际媒体报导。

Flowing Light;Mario Botta曾说过“失去了光线,空间就不再存在。”在光线下,空间有了表情,也才有了时间的意义。我们专注让光线在空间的影响力极大化,感受光线在空间流动。

Sensing Space;空间不只是观看的视觉体验,在材质转换间,各种感官都在介入空间。我们喜欢尝试各种材质在空间中解散重组,让材质自身透过观看及触碰叙述空间的个性与故事。

Humorous Art;因为一直对设计保持高度好奇心,对于太制式的殻体会忍不住皱眉。设计的养分不仅来自伟大建筑师,更多来自艺术家,我们试图把幽默玩心放在空间中,变成一只大型装置艺术。

水 相 设 计 推 荐 案 例



DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例

DIA丹健国际 / 作品即实力

GND设计集团 / 视觉美学先行者

G&K桂睿诗 / 不失经典的优雅

   DOMANI 东仓建设 / 艺术近在咫尺

   GRANDRAW观筑 / 品牌形象新定位

DINZ德国室内设计网 / 全新的数字体验



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