Vascular injury
If there are signs of vascular insufficiency in the limb, brachial artery damage must be excluded. Angiography will show the level of the injury. This is an emergency, requiring exploration and either direct repair or grafting of the vessel. In these circumstances, internal fixation is advisable.
Nerve injury
Radial nerve palsy (wrist drop and paralysis of the metacarpophalangeal extensors) may occur with shaft fractures, particularly oblique fractures at the junction of the middle and distal thirds of the bone (Holstein–Lewis fracture). If nerve function was intact before manipulation but is defective afterwards, it must be assumed that the nerve has been snagged and surgical exploration is necessary. Otherwise, in closed injuries the nerve is very seldom divided, so there is no hurry to operate as it will usually recover. The wrist and hand must be regularly moved through a full passive range of movement to preserve joint motion until the nerve recovers. If there is no sign of recovery by 12 weeks, the nerve should be explored. It may just need a neurolysis, but if there is loss of continuity of normal-looking nerve then a graft is needed. The results are often satisfactory but, if necessary, function can be largely restored by tendon transfers (see Chapter 11).
Delayed union and non-union
Transverse fractures sometimes take months to unite, especially if excessive traction has been used (a hanging cast must not be too heavy). Simple adjustments in technique may solve the problem; as long as there are signs of callus formation it is worth persevering with non-operative treatment, but remember to keep the shoulder moving. The rate of non-union in conservatively treated low-energy fractures is less than 3 percent. Segmental high energy fractures and open fractures are more prone to both delayed union and non-union.
Intramedullary nailing may contribute to delayed union, but if rigid fixation can be maintained (if necessary by exchange nailing) the rate of non-union can probably be kept below 10 percent.
A particularly vicious combination is incomplete union and a stiff joint. If elbow or shoulder movements are forced before consolidation of the fracture, or if an intramedullary nail is removed too soon (e.g., because of shoulder problems), the humerus may refracture and non-union is then more likely.
The treatment of established non-union is operative. The bone ends are freshened, cancellous bone graft is packed around them and the reduction is held with an intramedullary nail or a compression late.
Joint stiffness
Joint stiffness is common. It can be minimized by early activity, but transverse fractures (in which shoulder abduction is ill-advised) may limit shoulder movement for several weeks.
---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
brachial artery [解剖] 肱动脉;[解剖] 臂动脉
Angiography美/ændʒɪ'ɑgrəfi/ 血管造影术;血管照相术;血管学;[特医] 血管造影法
If nerve function was intact before manipulation but is defective afterwards, it must be assumed that the nerve has been snagged and surgical exploration is necessary.如果在操作前神经功能完好,但操作后神经功能有缺陷,则必须假定神经已受阻,需要手术探查。
neurolysis /njʊ'rɑləsɪs/n. 精神疲惫;神经组织崩溃;神经松解术
are more prone to更倾向于 /proʊn/adj. 俯卧的;有…倾向的,易于…的
vicious /ˈvɪʃəs/adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的
ill-advised/ˌɪl ədˈvaɪzd/adj. 不明智的;失策的;不理智的;没脑筋的;欠考虑的