
As you can see in the following chart, silver appears to be on the mend with the price per ounce rising over the past few weeks, erasing much of the declines seen since fall of this year.


At present, I believe that silver is set to rally in both the short and long term. Specifically, I believe that the data is highly supportive of a trade over the next 1-12 months in silver and that buying now represents a solid opportunity.


Silver Markets

To start this piece off, let's discuss a short-term catalyst which will likely impact the price of silver: seasonality. Put simply, silver has a history of clear seasonal patterns of returns and these patterns generally show that the start of a year is a strong time to buy the commodity.


Source: Author's calculations of LMBA data


In this chart, I have calculated the historic odds that any given month saw a rise in the price of silver, using data since 1968. What the data clearly shows is that silver tends to have a very high probability of rallying in the first two months of the year while the rest of the year generally remains fairly subdued from a seasonal standpoint.


Source: Author's calculations of LMBA data


To get an idea as per the magnitudes of price movements generally seen during the various months of the year, the above chart shows the historic average monthly changes in silver by month. Again, the trend is very clear in that January and February tend to be fairly strong months with history showing that simply buying January and February would return a little over 6% per year to shareholders. Note that this is simply an average return and some years will see higher or lower values.


An interesting wrinkle in the above data is the skew of returns in January and February. What I mean by this is that historically speaking, when January and February rally, they do so by about 7% in each month. However, when they decline, they tend to only do so by around 3-4% in each month. In other words, from a historic data perspective, buying silver during these two months tends to result in a trade with upside nearly twice as large as potential downside. And when you consider that the odds favor upside in these months, buying during January and February makes for a sound trade.


Source: Author's calculations of LMBA data


In the above chart, I have calculated the cumulative return silver holders would have seen since 1968 trading purely on seasonality and during January and February. In recent decades this strategy has performed incredibly well with shareholders not seeing much drawdown since 1994.


I believe this strategy is capturing a key phenomenon in markets: rebalancing. Specifically, while it is nearly impossible to prove or demonstrate empirically, I believe that investors tend to periodically rebalance their portfolios during strategic times of the year. For example, the start of the year can be a period in which investors change holdings to align with existing or new investment objectives. And in my opinion, this rebalancing is what is driving the above relationship: investors buy silver at an above-average pace at the start of the year to change portfolio holdings and this aggregate purchase gives fuel to the first part of the year.


This said however, I also believe that we will see silver trade higher over more of 2021 due to recent and rising market volatility.


Source: TradingView


It's no secret to most market participants that 2020 has been a very volatile year. Earlier this year we witnessed one of the largest run-ups in the VIX ever seen and recent weeks have had the VIX rise up to around 40.


From silver's perspective, it is important to understand what a spike in the VIX represents to investor psychology. What I mean by this is that when the VIX spikes, it tends to do so in association with a drop in the S&P 500.


Source: Author's calculations of Kinetick data


When the S&P 500 falls, equity traders tend to look for safer alternatives of which silver (and gold) tend to be the first investment options. This influx of capital doesn't happen immediately but the market data shows that a clear trend of higher silver prices can be observed in the year following spikes in the VIX.


Source: Author's calculations of FRED and LMBA data


The above chart shows the historic 1-year returns following VIX spikes of a certain magnitude. If you notice, there is a very clear jump in the data when the VIX rises over 30. Historically speaking, when the VIX reaches over this amount, returns in silver tend to be pronounced to the upside.


Not only are returns pronounced to the upside, but the odds of upside movements in silver tend to rise as well. For example, when the VIX is between 30-45, market data shows that there's about a 73-83% chance that silver will rally over the next year. Given that the VIX hit 30 over the last 24 hours and given that November started off with the VIX reaching up to around 40, this would be highly supportive of a trade in silver over the next 11-12 months with historic data showing average returns of 23-32% in the year following such spikes.



Put simply, I believe that short-term and long-term variables are supportive of silver at this time. Seasonality is likely to push silver higher over the next 1-2 months while investors shifting capital from equities into safe havens will also give further uplift to prices. It's a great time to buy silver.


