

人类社会不断通过创新来推动科技发展,尤其是如今的网络科技发展,信息可以日行千里万里,货币虚拟化、共享平台带来史无前例的生活便利,仿佛带着人类可以“逆天”。但是,every coin has two sides,我们在一味追求科技发展的同时,是否有好好思考过科技发展带来的弊端。今年以来,国内外皆有闹得沸沸扬扬的网络科技事件,facebook数据信息泄露和滴滴乘客连续受害事件,接下来我们先学习以下两个节选文章:


Didi Chuxing, China’s popular ride-sharingservice, fired two senior executives and suspended a car-pooling service afterthe second killing of a female passenger in three months.

Thecrime follows others that have raised questions about the company’s ability toprotect women who use its services and comes at a fraught time for Didi, one ofthe world’s most successful start-ups.

It is fair to say that every step Didi hastaken has been a passive response to appease the public.

It regards itself as an informationtechnology company, and refuses to accept the fact that it is also atransportation enterprise that has a responsibility to ensure the safety ofthose using its services.

The E-Commerce Law will come into effect onSept 1 next year, when it will not be easy for it to shirk its responsibilityby passing the buck to individual drivers.


British media reported that the data ofmore than 50 million Facebook users were inappropriately used by a British dataanalysis company, Cambridge Analytica, in activities allegedly connected withU.S. President Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign.

Cambridge Analytica has extracted the datawith the help of a personality quiz on Facebook. The quiz is called “this isyour digital life” and was taken up by nearly 300,000 people. The app illegallyacquired data of the users’ friends and managed to get access to nearly 50million profiles which is against Facebook guidelines. This data was then usedto create a psychological profile of the users as well as their friends basedon their online activities which was further misused for targeted politicaladvertising during UK’s Brexit referendum as well as during the 2016 US presidentialelections.

The Facebook CEO acknowledged that thecompany did make mistakes and more stringent actions are needed to be taken tocheck this.Facebook will conduct a full audit of any app with suspiciousactivity and if something is found amiss, the developers concerned will bebanned from the network, the CEO informed.



2、是企业出现问题简单粗暴关停就是解决之道?滴滴这类网络平台明明可以依靠技术解决问题(facebook在事件之后对自己的软件全面检查),却因为价值观问题不作为,或者因噎废食(suspended a car-pooling service)直接关停顺风车业务。

3、是企业就应该利益至上?企业,无论实体企业还是网络平台,都肩负不可推卸的社会责任,而不仅只是趋利个体。滴滴作为一个网络平台,同样也是一个网络环境下的“新型”交通运输企业(transportation enterprise),其赚钱的同时怎么能够忽略对公众的社会责任呢?如果在第一次出现受害者的时候提高重视,就可以避免第二次的伤害。




In the midst of growing public concern overartificial intelligence (AI), privacy and the use of data, Brent Hecht has acontroversial proposal: the computer-science community should change itspeer-review process to ensure that researchers disclose any possible negativesocietal consequences of their work in papers, or risk rejection.

The FCA is part of the Association forComputing Machinery (ACM) in New York City, the world's largest computingsociety. It, too, is making changes to encourage researchers to considersocietal impacts: on 17 July, it published an updated version of its ethicscode, last redrafted in 1992. The guidelines call on researchers to be alert tohow their work can influence society, take steps to protect privacy andcontinually reassess technologies whose impact will change over time, such asthose based in machine learning.




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