



· Bats are in trouble.


· A mysterious disease known as white-nose syndrome has plagued the bat population causing millions of bats to die.


· The disease looks like white fuzz on the bat's nose and affects hibernating bats, making them over active and causes them to burn fat too quickly.


· Scientists all over the world are studying the disease and trying to come up with a cure.



Bats are amazing creatures. They have many adaptations that help them to survive. Possibly the most amazing adaptation is bat's ability to fly at night, in the dark. Bats use echolocation. They send out sound waves and as the waves bounce back, the bat is able to figure out how far away the object is. 1

Bats are in trouble. A mysterious disease known as white-nose syndrome has plagued the bat population causing millions of bats to die. The disease looks like white fuzz on the bat's nose and affects hibernating bats, making them over active and causes them to burn fat too quickly. Scientists all over the world are studying the disease and trying to come up with a cure.




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