

1970 出生于辽宁大连

1994 毕业于鲁迅美术学院


Wang Junying

1970 Born in Dalian, Liaoning

1994 Graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts

Currently lives in Beijing and Wuyishan City. Director of World Artists Association, Honorary Professor of California State University, Member of French Artists Association, Member of Chinese Artists Association, Standing Director of China Art Research Association

少女  布面油画  2007


Oil on canvas


她是谁  布面油画  2007

Who is She

Oil on canvas


蝶恋花系列之三  布面油画  2010

Love of Butterfly Series No.3

Oil on canvas



写意  布面油画  2012


Oil on canvas


蛇图  布面油画  2013

The Snake Figure

Oil on canvas


春苑  布面油画  2013

Spring Garden

Oil on canvas


龙种  布面油画  2014

Dragon Seed

Oil on canvas


Artists are carefully creating the imagery and artistic conception in Chinese poetry, presenting a poetic space where Feeling and setting happily blended, fiction and reality coexist, and endless charm. Each line runs through the painter's emotions and feelings. At this time, the lines are sublimated into a state where images are used for freehand brushwork, images are used to express ideas, and meanings and images are unified.
The pursuit of transcending the limited space in the painting to achieve the philosophical meaning of the infinite space outside the painting, to obtain the blending of the scene, and to construct a wonderful artistic conception of "unity of nature and man".

Text / Da Lombardi

Professor of contemporary Art history

Rome Academy of Fine Arts

若水  布面油画  2016

If the water

Oil on canvas


梦荷  布面油画  2016

Dream lotus

Oil on canvas


如梦  布面油画  2017

Like a Dream

Oil on canvas



2020 全球抗议书画艺术主题特展,炎黄艺术馆,北京,中国

2016 “艺术空间”联合展,纽约,美国

2016 第五基地联展,伦敦,英国

2015 中俄艺术联展,集典美术馆,北京,中国

2012 “中国魂. 艺术与奥运”国际艺术巡回展,北京,中国

2009 王俊英作品展,比利时画廊,比利时

2008  王俊英作品展,摩洛哥美术馆,拉巴特,摩洛哥

2006 王俊英作品展,加西亚拉奥里画廊,巴黎,法国

2005 中国戏曲艺术展,今日美术馆,北京,中国

2005 “左边、右边”联展,山东现代艺术馆,济南,中国

2003 王俊英作品展,香港光华新闻文化中心,香港,中国

2002 王俊英作品展,圣马克罗塞啦.琼克画廊,威尼斯,意大利

2001 王俊英作品展,法国波勒国会展览馆,巴黎,法国

2001 王俊英作品展,现代艺术馆,旧金山,美国

2001 布鲁塞尔现代艺术沙龙展,比利时

2000 王俊英作品展,比华利山庄艺术之光画廊,洛杉矶,美国

1999 王俊英作品展,加州州立大学罗伯尔-傅尼顿艺术博物馆,加州,美国

Selected Exhibitions

2020 Global Protest Painting and Calligraphy Art Theme Exhibition, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2016 "Art Space" Joint Exhibition, New York, USA

2016 Fifth Base Joint Exhibition, London, UK

2015 Sino-Russian Art Joint Exhibition, Jidian Art Museum, Beijing, China

2012 "Chinese Soul. Art and Olympics" International Art Tour Exhibition, Beijing, China

2009 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, Belgian Gallery, Belgium

2008 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, Moroccan Art Museum, Rabat, Morocco

2006 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, García Laoli Gallery, Paris, France

2005 Chinese Opera Art Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

2005 "Left, Right" Joint Exhibition, Shandong Museum of Modern Art, Jinan, China

2003 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, Hong Kong Guanghua News and Cultural Center, Hong Kong, China

2002 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, San Marco Rossella. Jonker Gallery, Venice, Italy

2001 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, French Bolle Congress Exhibition Hall, Paris, France

2001 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, USA

2001 Brussels Modern Art Salon Exhibition, Belgium

2000 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, Art Light Gallery, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, USA

1999 Wang Junying's Works Exhibition, California State University Robert-Foneton Museum of Art, California, USA



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