[深度剖析] “空蝶鞍”是怎么回事?影像报告中有没有必要提及?会不会因脑脊液搏动而产生的流动伪影呢?...
空蝶鞍(empty sella)一词的定义为蛛网膜下腔延伸至蝶鞍内,因此蝶鞍内并非空无一物,而是填充了脑脊液,其实称其为“鞍内蛛网膜囊肿(intrasellar arachnoidocele)”更为准确,但“空蝶鞍”作为惯用词仍在使用。
图5 49岁女性,多次分娩史,脑脊液鼻漏、脑膜炎和空蝶鞍。
图6 36岁男性,蛛网膜下腔扩大,原发性空蝶鞍。
The term empty sella refers to the extension ofthe subarachnoid space within the sella turcica;therefore, the sella is not really empty but fi lledwith CSF: the term “intrasellar arachnoidocele”is sometimes preferred, but “empty sella”remains the customary term. Differential diagnosisincludes intrasellar cysts and necrotic pituitaryadenomas. The clue is demonstration of aCSF- fi lled sella with an elongated pituitary stalkattached to a fl attened pituitary gland at the levelof the sellar fl oor. The pituitary stalk is frequentlypressed against the dorsum (Fig.1 )and better seen on coronal T1WI. It can beblurred by fl ow artifacts on T2WI (Fig. 2 ).These fl ow artifacts from CSF pulsations are notseen in cysts or intrasellar tumors. An incompletesellar diaphragm can sometimes be visualized.Demonstration of an empty sella during animaging checkup is frequent and raises questions.Is it a primary or secondary empty sella?Can it be responsible for headache, visual symptoms,or endocrinologic disorders? Is a “partialempty sella” a true abnormality or should it beignored in the radiological report? It is worthremembering here that a fl attened pituitary glandand, therefore, a partial empty sella, is commonin the elderly without any hormonal defi cit.Diagnosis of secondary empty sella is easy incases of a history of pituitary tumor shrinkage,occurring spontaneously or more frequentlyafter medical treatment, apoplexy, surgery, orradiotherapy. In these cases, the sella is usuallyenlarged. Diagnosis of secondary empty sella isless simple if there is no known defi nite pathologicalprocess involving the pituitary gland; itcan be after undiagnosed postpartum pituitarynecrosis, hypophysitis, or complicated Rathkecleft cyst (RCC). In these cases, the sella can beof normal size. In most cases of secondary emptysella, a small normal pituitary gland remnant canbe found at the bottom of the sella, and hormonaldefi cit may or may not be present. The posteriorlobe is either ectopic or pressed against thedorsum sellae, and only visible on axialT1WI. Diabetes insipidus is rare. Mild hyperprolactinemia(<50 ng/ml) resulting from stalkeffect may be noted. In large empty sella, ptosisof optic nerves or even of the inferior part ofthird ventricle may be rarely responsible forunclear visual symptoms (Fig. 3 ). Headache,if present, is usually unrelated to the presence ofempty sella except in the context of benignchronic intracranial hypertension (Fig.4 ).Bone erosion can exceptionally lead to a CSFfi stula and rhinorrhea (Fig. 5 ).
Primary empty sella is unrelated to any pathologyof the sellar region. In most patients, primaryempty sella is an incidental fi nding while in 20 %of patients, mainly men, some degree of anteriorpituitary defi ciency, particularly growth hormonedefi ciency, may be noted. For this reason, an endocrineevaluation can be recommended in adult patients (not in the elderly) on incidental discoveryof a primitive empty sella. Primitive or acquiredsellar diaphragm incompetence is so frequent thatit cannot be held responsible for all empty sellae.Chronic elevated CSF pressure secondary to obesityhas been proposed as a risk factor, in additionto the rare occurrence of benign intracranial hypertension.The role of multiple pregnancies is fairlycertain: at each pregnancy, both the pituitary glandand sella enlarge; the pituitary gland shrinks afterdelivery, but the sella remains slightly enlarged.Ultimately the sella is too large for the pituitarygland, permitting CSF to penetrate the sella. Wehave hypothesized that nonpneumatization of theposterior part of sphenoid sinus could be anadjunctive facilitating factor: deepening of thesella could be facilitated if the sellar fl oor is in contactwith cancellous bone and not with the moreresistant cortical bone bordering the sphenoidsinus. Finally, an empty sella can be found incidentallyin asymptomatic patients with globalenlargement of subarachnoid spaces such as theoculomotor nerve sheaths, the gasserian ganglioncistern, or the cerebellar cistern (Fig.6 ).