丰盛的早餐有益健康这种说法可以追溯到20世纪20年代,当时有个名叫爱德华·伯内斯(Edward Bernays)的公关大佬领导了一项全国性的媒体宣传活动,鼓励人们早餐吃培根和鸡蛋。而当时,伯内斯先生的一个客户正是销售培根等猪肉制品的比纳肉类加工公司(Beech-Nut Packing Company)。
该研究的作者、英国巴斯大学营养和代谢学副教授詹姆斯·贝茨(James Betts)说:“吃不吃早餐本身并不会影响你的体重。”
Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Mar;103(3):747-56.
The causal role of breakfast in energy balance and health: a randomized controlled trial in obese adults.
Chowdhury EA, Richardson JD, Holman GD, Tsintzas K, Thompson D, Betts JA.
Departments of Health and Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom; School of Life Sciences, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
BACKGROUND: The causal nature of associations between breakfast and health remain unclear in obese individuals.
OBJECTIVE: We sought to conduct a randomized controlled trial to examine causal links between breakfast habits and components of energy balance in free-living obese humans.
DESIGN: The Bath Breakfast Project is a randomized controlled trial with repeated measures at baseline and follow-up among a cohort in South West England aged 21-60 y with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry-derived fat mass indexes of ≥13 kg/m(2) for women (n = 15) and ≥9 kg/m(2) for men (n = 8). Components of energy balance (resting metabolic rate, physical activity thermogenesis, diet-induced thermogenesis, and energy intake) were measured under free-living conditions with random allocation to daily breakfast (≥700 kcal before 1100) or extended fasting (0 kcal until 1200) for 6 wk, with baseline and follow-up measures of health markers (e.g., hematology/adipose biopsies).
RESULTS: Breakfast resulted in greater physical activity thermogenesis during the morning than when fasting during that period (difference: 188 kcal/d; 95% CI: 40, 335) but without any consistent effect on 24-h physical activity thermogenesis (difference: 272 kcal/d; 95% CI: -254, 798). Energy intake was not significantly greater with breakfast than fasting (difference: 338 kcal/d; 95% CI: -313, 988). Body mass increased across both groups over time but with no treatment effects on body composition or any change in resting metabolic rate (stable within 8 kcal/d). Metabolic/cardiovascular health also did not respond to treatments, except for a reduced insulinemic response to an oral-glucose-tolerance test over time with daily breakfast relative to an increase with daily fasting (P = 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: In obese adults, daily breakfast leads to greater physical activity during the morning, whereas morning fasting results in partial dietary compensation (i.e., greater energy intake) later in the day. There were no differences between groups in weight change and most health outcomes, but insulin sensitivity increased with breakfast relative to fasting.
This trial was registered at www.isrctn.org as ISRCTN31521726.
KEYWORDS: appetite regulation; breakfast; energy balance; energy intake; fasting; metabolism; obesity; physical activity
PMID: 26864365
PMCID: PMC4763497
DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.115.122044