2016085:巴拿巴旗船舶需配备Medicine chest and medical equipment

2016年10月12日,巴拿马船旗国发布通函要求悬挂巴拿马旗的船舶需按要求配备Medicine chest and medical equipment,意在执行WHO关于International Medical Guide for Ships的要求。详情如下文:

In the Panamanian Flag Ships, the shipowners shall ensure that seafarers working on board their ships have prompt access to the necessary medicine, medical equipment and facilities for diagnosis and treatment, and to medical and occupational health protection information and expertise, which is generally comparable to that provided to workers ashore.

The list assumes that on-board medical treatment is dispensed by an officer working under the responsibility of the master. Ships with a doctor on board may carry an expanded range of medicines and other medical equipment and supplies.

The list should include, for each item, such details as expiry date, storage conditions, and quantities remaining after purchase or use. A record of treatment given to any person on board, including the type and quantity of any medicines administered must be entered in the ship’s log.

The ship’s master is responsible for managing medical supplies kept on board, although he may delegate responsibility for their use and maintenance to a properly trained crew member. Nevertheless, however well-trained, crew members are not medically qualified. A doctor should always be consulted about serious illness or injury or when any doubt exists about the proper action to take in treating a patient. All Panamanian Flag ships carrying 100 or more persons and ordinarily engaged on international voyages of more than 3 days duration shall carry a qualified medical doctor.

The medicines and medical equipment shall be inspected in a period, not exceeding 12 months, by the designated medical officer on board, who shall ensure that the labeling, expiry dates and conditions of storage of all medicines and directions for their use are checked and all equipment functioning as required. Panamanian Flag State Annual Safety Inspections shall also be used to verify that medicine chests.



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