
Finally he had moved into journalism, eventualy ending up in Canberra as a leading newspaper columnist and television commentator. No longer English even in his thoughts, he had ignored his birthplace until ill-health began to plague a body long abused by excesses of work and long hours and strong drink.

But his return to England was coupled with heights fo disillusionment. His brother, Dinah's father, had died in a road accicent the year before, when Dinah was just twenty-one, and with him had died the sister-in-law Jonathan had never met. His own parents were long gone, and his only tenous link with England was the niece he had heard of only in the rare letters he had exchanged with her father.

Strangely enough , they had taken to each other right from the first, although Jonathan had been less than equally impressed with Dinah's tiny cold-water flat and her seemingly simless future in the overcrowded island country he had himself rejected.

"It's a hell-hole!" he had judged bluntly after less than five minutes in the flat."And you, my girl , are damned silly to stay here.Mother England's nothing but a fat, silly overstuffed queen bee-- no fit place for any young person with an ounce of gumption.

Later he had taken her to the theatre , and to dinner at several exceptionally smart restaurants. And he had seemed to enjoy her in the role of guide to the art galleries and museums that had improved so greatly during his forty-year absence.

But Jonathan Fisher's gruff heartiness and genuine love for his adopted country had easily won over Dinah to "at least give it a go",and after his departure she had enthusiastically ploughed through the maze of paperwork required to arrange for immigration.







但是,乔纳森 费雪对他的养国的表现出的热心和真挚的爱很轻易地赢得了黛娜的心,她“至少想尝试一下”。在他离开后,她很热情地投身于迷宫一样的办移民所需要的各种文件工作。



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