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刘知白 20世纪30年代作品


刘知白 丙辰册之春江夜月 1976年 纸本水墨


刘知白 丙辰册之携琴访友 1976年 纸本水墨


刘知白 奇峰耸秀 1973年 137×68cm 纸本水墨




刘知白 嫁女册之嘉平瑞雪 1976年 11×17cm 纸本水墨



(Yin Shuangxi)

Speaking of Mr. Liu Zhibai’s contribution to Chinese painting history in the 20th century, I can’t help thinking of two great artists. One is Huang Binhong from China and the other one is Rodin, the great sculptor of the 9th century in France.

刘知白 独树老夫册之二 1993年 15×15cm 纸本水墨

Mr. Liu Zhibai and Mr. Huang Binhong have similarity in that both of them learn from tradition instead of rigidly adhering to it, express life rather than paint realistically and study traditional techniques but pursue innovation. Finally they achieve the integration of inner truth and ink language. The difference between them is that Mr. Huang Binhong sticks to the brush and ink system of Chinese paintings and return to the nature while Mr. Zhibai develops the tradition of “splash-ink” which has been neglected by historians in Chinese traditional paintings history, expressing the subjective mental imagery and inner emotion. The objects in Mr. Liu’s paintings are rich and sincere in visual image, composing a boundless world. I want to call it “Heart of Landscape”. In this sense, Mr. Liu is close to Rodin, that is, he has stood at the critical point of tradition and modernity, indicating the historical trend of Chinese ink painting embracing abstract and expression in new century.

刘知白 门对寒流 1990年 66×45cm 纸本水墨

Mr. Xiong Shili, a great philosopher, stresses that the peak of learning and life is “Integrated with the Universe”. Mr. Yuan Jixi, a famous scholar of Chinese classics, thinks that the unique “life realm” of Chinese traditional culture is the unification of ideal and reality and of eternity and transience. Mr. Liu’s ink paintings, especially splash-ink paintings created in his later years reflect a high state surpassing secular society and reveal his rich and boundless life realm after experiencing difficulties without regrets.

刘知白 山水册1 36×24cm×6 纸本水墨

Mr. Liu’s brush and ink are free and loose, just like running . In his paintings, mountains and water are dense and dreamy, and trees are verdant and lively, just like there are dragons and snakes going in and out. He follows rule and order in looseness.

刘知白 山水册3 36×24cm×6 纸本水墨

Mr. Liu Zhibai tries to combine Shi Tao’s techniques with that of Huang Binhong. The liveliness and naturalness in his works is close to Mr. Shi while his loftiness and denseness is close to Mr. Huang.

刘知白 山水清音 2002年 138×64cm

刘知白 壬申山水第096号 2002年 68×133cm 纸本水墨

Mr. Liu’s main experience is his dedication to traditional painting study and painting techniques. He makes Chinese traditional paintings walk along its road to innovation.

刘知白 苍岭浮翠 2001年 134×68cm 纸本水墨

Mr. Liu Zhibai is the Chinese painter who walks towards abstract farthest at that time but keeps close spiritual relation with traditional paintings.

刘知白 雾 2000年 138×64cm 纸本水墨

In the extreme turmoil and hardship of the 20th century with western culture invading mightily, Mr. Liu Zhibai together with a batch of excellent Chinese painters devotes to the inheritance and innovation of Chinese paintings. They become the final watcher of Chinese painting tradition and forerunner of innovation in the new century. Mr. Liu’s artistic life and excellent works will be our valuable cultural treasure, providing later generations with endless aesthetic pleasure and enlightenment of innovation.

刘知白 溪山野趣 2000年 68.6×137cm 纸本水墨




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