















个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。







The long history of Chinese culture, up and down five thousand years, continuous, the rise and fall of each dynasty, are a historical process, are a historical record of the story. Once the monarch a courtier, dynasty of renewal, new rules and regulations also one after another.

It is a necessary step for a new dynasty to unify the currency system and make the money belonging to its own dynasty. The unification of currency and the stability of economy are the necessary conditions for the implementation of its political policy.

The amount of coins minted and the length of time the dynasty ruled affected the amount of coins in circulation. Coins with a short time in circulation naturally had a small number of coins in existence. In addition, time passed and people changed. Many coins had gradually disappeared, and some of them entered the collection world. Scarce is precious, and the rarer it is, the more rare and valuable the coin becomes.

However, what kind of role did Sichuan copper coins play and what kind of position did they occupy in the history?

In 1911, the victory of the Revolution of 1911, the Republic of China announced the establishment of the Qing dynasty ended 267 years of feudal rule. Faced with financial difficulties at the beginning of its establishment, the government quickly took over the Chengdu Mint and decided to mint "Sichuan copper coins", also known as "Han" copper coins. In the first year of the Republic, the Sichuan military government ordered the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan to open moulds and make Sichuan copper coins.

At the beginning of the coinage, only ten and twenty coins were issued. In the fifth month of the same year he added fifty inscriptions on copper.

This copper coin is made by the military government. It is made of fifty coins in Sichuan. The coins are in good condition. The coins are mellow and rusty. No matter the words or the pictures, they look natural and exquisite.

On the front of the coin, there are four characters "Sichuan Copper Coin", with crabapple blossoms in the center, four characters "made by the military government" on the top, and six characters "Dang Qian Wen" on the bottom;

On the back, there is a large circle of eighteen small circles, representing the then eighteen provinces, and the seal character "Han" in the circle represents the meaning of "Han" of the new government, which implies that the eighteen provinces unite to fight for "expelling the Tataris and restoring the Chinese nation", with a straight line pattern as the bottom.

This coin has a unique design, very Republican copper coin style, copper casting time is not long, the unique meaning of the coin is given a different historical significance, with high artistic value and cultural value.

Coins and square inches represent different historical stages. "The military government made Sichuan copper coins" was the product of the Revolution of 1911 and was issued and circulated by Sichuan itself.

It is a special currency of special historical period and local government. The time of issuing currency by regional government is also quite short, and the circulation area is narrow, so the value of coined currency is not poor. It represents the currency culture of modern China, reflects the rise and fall and vicissitudes of China's modern history, economy and finance, is the product of history, is the historical witness, and has irreplaceable cultural value.

Now its market value and market prospects are very huge, according to the market of Sichuan copper investors, the value of Sichuan copper is rising, is expected to continue to rise later, is the collection of hobbyists worth pursuing varieties.

