当文章《Kaizen Event Planning Checklist》发出后,我们就有个想法,谁给翻译一下,于是有很多的人提出愿意参与翻译。我们就组成了一个黑俊堂翻译后援团。去帮助那些读英语有困难的公司。

好了说正文了,正文如下:(老规矩了,如果您要文本,发红包在群里了)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACESKaizenEvent Planning Checklist(59 actions for a successful large-scaleACES kaizen event)ACES KAIZEN活动计划查检表(59项行动成就一个大型的KAIZEN活动)Use this checklist when planning a large-scale ACES kaizen eventtoensure all details needed to make the event successful are completed.  For more detailed information and examples ofeach of the followingline items, please refer to the ACES Kaizen EventsReference Guide orcontact your Regional LeanLeader (KPO or Process Improvement Specialist). 当计划开展大规模KAIZEN活动的时候,用这个查检表可以确保百无一漏而成功完成项目。想了解更下面所列的每条项目的详细的信息和例子,请参考靠ACES 的 KAIZEN活动参考指引或者与分区精益领导(KPO或者流程改善专家)联系。大类Category明细DetailCompleted?  (check)是否完成?PersonAssigned指定负责人NotesComments 注释/评论预备工作Pre-workSet up1Are  selected processes to be included in the kaizen event clearly defined?所选的且被KAIZEN活动覆盖的流程是否界定清楚?2Have  selected processes been written in a small paragraph to share with all  team members?是否将选定的流程写在图表上并与所有团队成员分享?3Has  a member of ACES reviewed the selected processes?团队的每位成员是否浏览过所选定的流程?4Has  the ACES Kaizen Target Sheet been used for each selected process and have all   processes been measured for their pre-work measurements?是否对每一个选定的流程都用到KAIZE指标表来并且都做了预先测量(指标)?5Have   target goals been established for all selected processes?  是否对于所有选定的流程都树立了改善目标?6Have   team leaders been assigned to each team?是否每个小组都指定了组长?7Have   external resources (i.e SDE’s, 2PT members, other SME’s, etc) been  identified  and invited?是否已经识别并邀请过外部资源(如 供应商开发工程师、2PT成员、其他SME 人员等等) ?8Are   there no fewer than three  people on  each team who normally perform the process as part of their  regular job  duties (e.g. hourly associates/operators)?是否每个小组中有不少于3人(小时工、操作工)在他们日常工作中实际操作或执行(该小组涉及的)流程?9Have   arrangements been made for a Shingijutsu sensei and interpreter to be  present  (if applicable)?有没有安排Shingijutsu培训老师和随身翻译(如果需要的话)?10If   this is a Shingi event, have transportation arrangements been made for  the  sensei and interpreter to/from the airport and to/from the hotel  daily?   (Who is responsible for transportation  logistics?)如果有Shingijutsu活动的话,给培训老师和翻译者是否安排了机场或酒店往返的日常交通?11(Supplies)   Are there enough cameras for each team to use to take before and after   pictures?(供应商)是否有足够的照相机供每个小组使用(拍流程改善前 / 改善后的照片)12(Supplies)   Is there a video camera available (especially for virtual processes)?(供应商)是否有摄像机(特别针对虚拟流程)?13(Supplies)   Is there an identified, dedicated location on the shop floor for each  team to use as their team conference area?(供应商)在生产车间有没有划定区域供每个组开会讨论使用?14(Supplies)   Are necessary supplies available for each team shop floor area (flip  charts, sticky notes, pens, markers, cleaning supplies, whiteboard or  area big enough  for creating a fishbone diagram and/or value stream  map)?(供应商)是否给每个小组车间开会区配发必须的用具(海报、记事贴、水笔、记号笔、清洁用品、白板或够画鱼骨图或价值流图的地方)?15Has  each team leader been provided a map of their physical process area  (for spaghetti diagrams) if available and needed?每个组长有没有提供该流程区域的实际情况地图,如果可以或者需要的话?16Has a  room/location been identified for where the Team Leader/Co-Leader meeting   on Day 1 will occur?是否已经安排了组长/副组长参加的(第一天)首次会议的房间或地方?17Have  Team Leaders/Co-Leaders been made aware of the Day 1 meeting with  themselves and the sponsor/ACES Lean Leader?他们(组长/副组长/发起人/ACES)是否都知晓将开(第一天)首次会议?18Have  plans been made to serve breakfast fare, lunch or snacks to kaizen   participants?是否已经给所有KAIZEN活动参与者安排了 早餐/午餐/茶歇 ?思访客所思Think Likea Visitor19Has  an initial placeholder invitation been sent out to all participants/visitors   blocking the kaizen week off in their calendar?是否已经发起通知给全体参与人员/观察者并锁定KAIZEN活动周的日程?20Have hotel  reservations been made for out-of-town visitors?是否已经给外地人员安排了酒店预订?21Do  visitors have directions from the hotel to the site location?是否所有参加者都有酒店到工厂的路线指引?22(FC   only) Has a map of the FC been provided to visitors?(仅限FC)是否已经给参加者提供了FC的地图?23(FC   only) Do visitors have badge access into the building?(仅限FC)参加者是否有行李等附件要带进工厂?24(FC   only) How do visitors know what is expected of them for Security   procedures?  (this varies from site to  site)(仅限FC)参加者是否知道保安检查的要求(也包括门到门)?25(FC   only) Has Security been notified of the number and purpose of visitors  to the  site during the kaizen event week?(仅限FC)是否已经通知保安参观人数以及KAIZEN活动周期间的参加者的目的?26How   will visitors get from the entrance of the building to the initial  meeting  place on Day 1 (are there maps or signs posted?)在首次(第一天)会议那天,参加者 如何 从工厂入口 到 启动会议现场?27In   large sites, is there a plan of communication for how visitors will  know how  to get from their team area to break rooms, rest rooms,  smoking areas,  etc?   (Will there be dedicated   “buddies” from the local site assigned to each visitor?)在大的园区,是否有沟通规划(让到访者知道 如何在各组区域、休息区、洗手间和吸烟区 之间往返 )?28If   more than one building entrance exists, how will visitors know where to  park  and which entrance to use?如果有 1个建筑物入口以上,到访者如何知道 哪里停车以及走哪个入口?29What   plans have been made for how any external consultants (such as  Shingijutsu  sensei and interpreter) will enter the building?  Will  there be a dedicated member from the  local team provided to get them  through the turnstiles or lobby area?针对外部资询人员(Shingijutsu培训老师和翻译)如何进入厂房 做了哪些方案   ? 是否会在本地安排专门的人员来带领 外部人员 通过 栅机 或 大堂?30What   Safety reviews/orientation arrangements have been made for  visitors?   How will they know the Safety standards of  the  site location?是否已经对到访者准备了安全手册(安全回顾/安全指导)?他们如何知道工厂的安全准则?31Is   there a plan to conduct a site tour on Day 1 of the kaizen event?   If so, who will lead that tour and who will  participate?是否有 首次(第一天)KAIZEN活动的工厂参观计划?如有有的话,谁来主导,谁参与?有效的沟通Effective Communication32Do   all team members (including visitors) have a copy of the weekly  agenda?是否所有的组员(包括到访者)人手一份周计划安排表?33Do   all participants know the start time/end time of the kaizen  event?是否所有的参与者都知道KAIZEN活动的开始时间和结束时间?34Is   there a dedicated person assigned to conduct (lead) the opening and  closing  ceremonies?   Does this person have a  script to  use of what to cover during opening ceremonies?是否有专门的人主持开始仪式和结束仪式?在开始仪式上,主持人是否备有台词脚本?35Has   the opening ceremonies presentation been created (includes safety tip,  week’s  agenda, team formation with pictures, description and target  sheet for each  team, and opening statements by the sensei)?是否已经做好开始仪式的PPT(包括安全提示、周计划行程、图片形式的队伍介绍、每个组的目标和任务描述、培训老师的开始仪式声明)?36Is   there a dedicated person assigned to conduct (lead) the Team  Leader/Co-Leader  meeting on Day 1?    Does that person   have a script of what to cover during the Team Leader/Co-Leader  meeting?是否有专门的人主持组长/副组长的首次会议?这位主持人是否准备了本次会议的台词脚本?37Has   a plan been created and clearly communicated to/by each Team Leader on  how to  communicate department/area changes to both off-shift associates  and other  site managers?如果部门/区域有变则需要和两个换班人和工厂的其它管理人员沟通,是否对此事先计划好并与每个组长交待清楚?38Have   pre-event communication plans been established to notify site  associates of  the upcoming event (e.g. letter from GM or AM Talking  Points to be read  during stand-up the week prior to the event)?在活动开始前, 是否对工厂负责人进行了事先沟通(如:一份总经理级别的讲话指示在KAIZEN活动开始前一周准备好)?39Regarding   closing ceremonies, have Regional Sr Leadership been invited to attend  the  closing ceremonies by conference call?    是否邀请了各分区的高级领导以电话会议的方式参家结束仪式?40Has   a call-in line (bridge number) and/or WebEx account been established  for the  closing ceremonies?  (Who will own  creation and  running of WebEx and con call?)是否有多方通讯平台(八爪鱼 或 网络电话平台),以在结束仪式上使用?(谁来建立或运行电话会议的连接平台?)成功前的攻坚战Trystorming Success41Have   accommodations been made for extra Facilities Techs (especially during  Day  2-4 of the kaizen event)?对厂务等技术人员是否安排好食宿(特别是第2~4天的KAIZEN活动)?42Has   a process been established and clearly communicated about how a team  should  request help from Facilities?要是有那个组需要从设施部获取帮助,是否建立流程并交待清楚他们应该如何去做?43Has   a process been established and clearly communicated for a team to  request  immediate purchase of supplies or equipment?要是有那个组需要立即采购物料或设备,是否建立流程并交待清楚他们应该如何去做?44Has   Purchasing/Buying team been notified of their role in supporting the  kaizen  success?为了保证KAIZEN的成功,是否已经通知采购/买手人员他们应该扮演的角色?45Has   a “who’s who” contact list of people in the local site location been  created  and posted in the team area (including Buyer, Facilities  Manager, Safety  contact, GM/Site Leader, LP Manager, and other points  of contact)?是否制作并张贴了各个工厂/车间“谁是谁”的联系人信息清单(包括 采购员,设施经理,安全联络员、总经理/车间主任、精益生产经理、以及其它相关联系人)?46Have   commonly requested trystorming supplies (such as pvc pipe, measuring  wheels,  video cameras, cleaning supplies, label makers, tape measures)  been gathered  and put into a common area for each team to use?是否已经准备了” 攻坚会”用品(精益管、测量轮、摄像机、清洁用品、标签贴、卷尺)?47Has   necessary safety PPE (e.g. safety vests, gloves, safety goggles, etc)  been  provided to each team?必备的安全个人防护用品(如:安全马甲、手套、护目镜等)是否已经 给每个组?会议里程碑(改善周的结构)Meeting Milestones  (Structure of Event)48Have   teams been provided with copies of the standard ACES Kaizen Event  Milestones  and Timeline document that sets the expectation for a  successful kaizen  week?标准格式的KAIZEN活动周的时间计划表和里程碑是否已经提供给所有组?49Has   each participant (and each Team Leader) been trained using the WW  standard  Lean training for using a 6-step kaizen process?是否每位参与者(也包括组长)都经过”6步KAIZEN流程之WW标准方法”的精益培训?50Does   the Team Leader have a copy of the ACES Action Planning Template to  blow up  (poster size) and post in the team area?是不是 组长都有1份ACES行动计划的副本,以张贴在各组区域?51Have   plans for a walkaround tour on the final day of the kaizen event been   established and communicated to all participants?   Who will  lead the group tour?是否事先制定了KAIZEN活动最后一天的“工厂自由参观”计划 且  与所有参与者进行了沟通?谁将带领大家参观?52Has   an area/location been established to host the daily report-out  meetings?“每日报告会”的场地是否已经布置好?53Has   a portal (like Sharepoint) been established for posting daily  report-out  presentations?“每日报告会”发表用的网络接口平台(如:sharepoint)是否已经搭建好?向终点的冲刺和庆祝Celebration and Crossing  the Finish Line54Has   each Team Leader created a plan to celebrate the success of the kaizen  with  his/her kaizen team?   Has the kaizen  sponsor  (site leader or GM) checked with each Team Leader to verify that an   appropriate celebration/recognition plan is planned?每组的组长是否已经准备了本组KAIZEN成功后和自己团队的庆祝计划?KAIZEN活动发起人(厂长或总经理)是否已经和组长们确认过各组都已经做好了适当的的庆祝和奖励?55Is   there a plan in place for each team to send representatives to  off-shifts to  explain the reasons why and impact of any changes in the  department?每组发给倒班负责人的计划(解释部门调整的原因和影响)是否准备就绪?56Have   the expectations for when kaizen financial validations (initial  projections)  been clearly communicated to each Team Leader and site  Controller?是否已经清楚地和组长们以及工厂成本控制人员沟通过(发起启动时)KAIZEN活动财务价值的预期?57Is   there an audit mechanism in place to ensure financial validations are   reported within expected timeframe?为了确保财务价值能在所期望的时间内报备,是否有准备好一套审核机制?58Is  there an audit mechanism to ensure that outstanding changes are executed   after the kaizen ends (things that impact the process area but were not   executed during the week are followed up and completed)?为了确保优秀的改善能在KAIZEN结束后被执行(跟进并完成在KAIZEN周没有执行的 事情,相关区域需要采取行动的)?59Is   there a check in place to ensure the kaizen results are populated in  the  kaizen Sharepoint site?为确保KAIZEN结果都被被填进Kaizen Sharepoints中, 对此是否有检查?



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