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Physiologic Evaluation of Ventilation Perfusion Mismatch and Respiratory Mechanics at Different Positive End-expiratory Pressure in Patients Undergoing Protective One-lung Ventilation
方 法
收集41例胸外科全麻病人的资料进行分析。在双肺通气和单肺通气PEEP为0cm H2O时,单肺通气PEEP为5或10cm H2O时测量肺内分流,V/Q和呼吸力学参数。测量吸入氧浓度、呼吸气体浓度和动脉血气计算肺内分流,V/Q。随机选择PEEP的水平,并在测量前维持15分钟。
结 果
在单肺通气过程中,PEEP从0 cm H2O增加到5 cm H2O和10 cm H2O,肺内分流分别下降了5%(0-11)和11%(5-16)(p<0.001)。PaO2/FiO2比值只在呼气末正压10 cm H2O时增加(P<0.001)。在PEEP为10cm H2O时,驱动压力从16±3cm H2O降至PEEP为0cm H2O时的12±3cm H2O(p<0.001)。V/Q值没有变化
结 论
Background: Arterial oxygenation is often impaired during one-lung ventilation, due to both pulmonary shunt and atelectasis. The use of low tidal volume (VT) (5 ml/kg predicted body weight) in the context of a lung-protective approach exacerbates atelectasis. This study sought to determine the combined physiologic effects of positive end-expiratory pressure and low VT during one-lung ventilation.
Methods: Data from 41 patients studied during general anesthesia for thoracic surgery were collected and analyzed. Shunt fraction, high V/Q and respiratory mechanics were measured at positive end-expiratory pressure 0 cm H2O during bilateral lung ventilation and one-lung ventilation and, subsequently, during one-lung ventilation at 5 or 10 cm H2O of positive end-expiratory pressure. Shunt fraction and high V/Q were measured using variation of inspired oxygen fraction and measurement of respiratory gas concentration and arterial blood gas. The level of positive end-expiratory pressure was applied in random order and maintained for 15 min before measurements.
Results: During one-lung ventilation, increasing positive end-expiratory pressure from 0 cm H2O to 5cm H2O and 10 cm H2O resulted in a shunt fraction decrease of 5% (0 to 11) and 11% (5 to 16), respectively (P<0.001). The PaO2/FIO2 ratio increased significantly only at a positive end-expiratory pressure of 10 cm H2O (P < 0.001). Driving pressure decreased from 16±3cm H2O at a positive end-expiratory pressure of 0 cm H2O to 12±3cm H2O at a positive end-expiratory pressure of 10cm H2O (P < 0.001). The high V/Q ratio did not change.
Conclusions: During low VT one-lung ventilation, high positive end-expiratory pressure levels improve pulmonary function without increasing high V/ Q and reduce driving pressure.
