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Aminophylline for treatment of postdural puncture headache:A randomized clinical trial
方 法
结 果
本研究共纳入中国5个医疗中心的126例PDPH患者(氨茶碱组62例,安慰剂组64例)。患者中位年龄为37岁,96例(76.2%)为女性;与安慰剂组比较,氨茶碱组患者治疗后8小时平均VAS评分显著降低(5.34 vs 2.98;p <0.001),PGIC明显改善(39.1% vs 72.6%;p <0.01);该治疗效果在治疗后30分钟尤为明显,并持续2天;两组间不良事件发生率无显着性差异(4.8% vs 1.6%;p =0.589)。
结 论
Wu C, Guan D, Ren M, et al. Aminophylline for treatment of postdural puncture headache: A randomized clinical trial[J]. Neurology, 2018.
To investigate the efficacy and safety of IV aminophylline for patients with postdural puncture
headache (PDPH).
We randomly assigned patients to groups receiving either 250 mg IV aminophylline or a placebo within 3 hours of symptom onset once daily for 2 consecutive days. The primary endpoint was headache severity 8 hours after treatment. We assessed this using visual analog scale (VAS) scores taken from patients in a standing position. We also recorded posttreatment VAS score
changes, Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC) scores, and adverse events. We performed an intention-to-treat analysis.
We enrolled 126 patients with PDPH at 5 centers in China (62 assigned to the aminophylline group and 64 to the placebo group). The median age was 37 years, and 96 (76.2%) patients were women. Compared to the placebo-treated patients, the aminophylline-treated patients had significantly lower mean VAS scores 8 hours after treatment (5.34 vs 2.98, p < 0.001) and were significantly more likely to report improvements on the PGIC (39.1% vs 72.6%, p < 0.01).This therapeutic effect was already evident at the 30-minute time point and persisted for 2 days.There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse events (4.8% vs 1.6%, p = 0.589).
IV aminophylline is an effective and safe early-stage treatment for patients with PDPH.
