Introduction部分写作句库 (Sentence Bank)整理

1. Introduction

1.1          描写研究问题重要性的句子或表达

1.1.1     对于学术/实践/某一领域很重要

1. In recent years, X has become a well-known construct to bothscientists and practitioners. An emerging body of research is beginning to …

2. The presence and consequencesof X at work have significant implications for both management practice andscholarly theory.


4. xxare associated with a wide variety of indicators of psychosocial functioningincluding psychopathology, social, and romantic relationship functioning, andacademic achievement.

1.1.2      越来越多的X的研究

1. X has received growing research attention over recent years. Numerousstudies showed that

2. The recent burgeoning ofresearch on X is indicative of a growing conviction that X is a major factor inthe relation between A and .. outcomes

1.1.3     自某年/x世纪以来成为关注重点

Xhas been a focal research topic in (management and applied psychology) sincethe 1970s

Overthe past two decades…, have prompted scholars to pay greater attention to X

1.1.4      临床心理学

1.1.5     一些名词短语搭配





Considerable/increasing number

Dramatic/significant/rapid increase/rise

Essential element / Vital aspect

Popular/powerful/useful method

Profitable technology

Remarkable variety

Widely studied factor serve as..

1.2          描述已有研究的句子或表达

1. Priorresearch/ Prior empirical studies/ Previous studies has/have shown/ indicatesthat…/ have provided evidence of…

1.2.1     描述前人的理论

*可以用的动词propose,/postulate,/posit/suggest, emphasise, document, outline (the framework),articulate(relationship) can be characterised by severalmodels, implicate, state,

可以用的名词: theory,approach, account, hypothesis, model

1.3          研究空白/矛盾/不足,以及未解决问题

1.3.1     X 某问题很大程度被忽略/

1.  although some studies showedthat … more work is needed to identify boundary conditions. In particular, therole of ..(national culture) has rarely been studied in extant research.

2. However, the studies thathave been performed on this topic in …have focused nearly exclusively on…Weknow very little about…

1.3.2     关于某问题仍然不清楚/未解答Much remainsunknown/unclear

1. While previous research investigated …, few studies empirically tested.. simultaneously. Consequently, it is unclear …

2. Unfortunately, the …and theextent to which different theoretical approaches have been conceptually andempirically compared and contested in past research, remains unclear.

1.3.3     尚未有研究解答No research investigated/

1.surprisingly, there has been relatively little investigation of thebehavioral mechanisms underlying the relationship between A and B

2. Yet, to date, directempirical examinations of this important theoretical stipulation remain absent.The emphasis of extant research on … has been valuable, but at the same timethis focus has constrained our current understanding of the spectrum of…

1.3.5      混淆的不一致的研究结果Mixed results/inconsistent

Whereas some studies have founda positive A–B relation (e.g.,…), others have found a null relation. Similarly,studies have found A–B relation to be negative.

There are mixed findingsregarding the relationship between X and Y. Some studies have found that X hasa positive effect on Y (e.g., ). Other empirical studies show X having anegative effect on Y(e.g., ).

1.3.6     临床领域

The few available studies provide relatively mixed support for thetheory, xx provide clear support, xx do not. A few studies are equivocal, withthe general pattern that ..and .. are not significantly related to ..

1.3.7     方法上的不足

An important limitation of past research examining…is the almostexclusive reliance on short-term prospective designs (e.g., six weeks) asopposed to longitudinal design.

1.3.8     产生矛盾结果可能的原因


e.g. 1  Possible explanations for thesedifferent results are that : the relatively small sample may have lacked powerto detect significant interactions; the studies included children across a wideage range; the younger children’s cognitive styles might not have beendeveloped yet; these studies assessed stress differently and used different measures ofcognitivevulnerability.


There are important problems, for example, key premises of that work havebeen seriously questioned.

1.3.9     研究空白Research Gap

Despite a great deal of researchon A and B over the past several decades, there has been very little researchintended to integrate these two areas. One consequence of this gap is that…

1.4          研究目的的表达

1.4.1     研究目的常用表达

To reconcile these contradictoryfindings and to answer the question of…this study examines…

The purpose of this study is toprovide a comprehensive empirical assessment ...

1.4.2     小结Summary


to develop/clarify/examine/investigate/

We aim to…

1.5          描写研究贡献的表达

What will we learn? How does youstudy fundamentally, change,

1.5.1     研究贡献主旨句GENERAL OVERALL

Our article contributes to theliterature in several ways. First and foremost, …, we contribute to research on

Summary: The present/our research/investigation/study/we contribute(s)/provide(s)/advancesto the literature/topic/our knowledge/ theory in several ways…

1.5.2     具体贡献SPECIFIC contributions

1.5.3     填补研究空白

Therefore, this study fills anexisting research gap by explaining …, and thus, it has the potential tocontribute to…

In our present work, we addressthis gap by studying …

1.5.4     扩展已有研究

Given that most research on Xhas examined …, this study contributes to the field by expanding ourunderstanding of the small but growing stream of research investigating…

1.5.5     响应研究者呼吁

Additionally, by examining … werespond to calls for taking../we address recent calls to uncover factors…

1.5.6     提供实证研究证据

This analysis, thus, allows usto provide suggestions for future research on examining short- and long-termoutcomes of…

Overall, this article not onlyfurthers our understanding of … in organizations but also pro vides empiricalevidence that…


1.5.7     #从方法角度

Suchan approach also allowed for a multidimensional approach towardassessing …

Ouradvantage of such an approach is that by obtaining repeated assessmentswithin adolescents over time, we were able to gather a relatively reliableestimate of ….

1.5.8     总结常用表达词句

Summary: Ourstudy provides more clarity/ empirical evidence/new perspective/insights/a finer- grained understanding of/ insight into

Generate uniqueinsights/

Shed light on/shiningthe spotlight on…

Extend/advance/expanding/ complement our understanding/ knowledge/theory/literature on…

1.6          元分析研究贡献Meta-analysis

First, the current studyprovides a meta-analytic estimate of…

1.6.1     纳入大样本Include more primary studies

Compared to xx and xx, ouranalyses include almost 20 years of additional research studies, 14 additionalwork design outcomes, and…

we have included more recentpublications to obtain an accurate account of the current state of the field(i.e., our meta-analysis includes over three/n times the amount of primarystudies than reported in the largest previously published meta-analysis).

we expand upon the priormeta-analyses by including a larger number of independent studies andcorrelates. , we present the largest meta-analysis of X done to date.

1.6.2     检验调节变量Test moderators

Second, we empirically testmoderators of X that have yet to be investigated in order to identify …

Furthermore, we examinepotential moderators of X–Y relationships, which may provide understanding ofany inconsistent effects of X on its criterion domain.

1.6.3     发表偏差Publication bias

Most past meta-analyticalreviews of these relationships/X focused only on… none of them related tounpublished studies, and each included only a relatively small number ofsamples, casting doubt on their findings regarding the effect of possiblemoderators.

1.7      引言自检: checklist

1. What is the topic or research question(s) ?

2. Why this topic is interesting and important in theory and practice?

3. What do we know about this topic?

4. What do we do not know, and so what?

5. What key theoretical perspectives and empirical finding have alreadyinformed the topic or question?

6. What major unaddressed puzzle, controversy, or paradox does thisstudy address, and why does it need to be addressed?

7. What will we learn? How does you study fundamentally, change,challenge, or advance scholar’s understanding (i.e., theoreticalcontributions)?

8. Does your introduction too long more than three double-space paper?

9. Did you clearly state the goals of your paper?

10. Does your introduction match the rest of the paper (overpromising issue)?

