欧洲药典 新版“凡例”发布!拟取消“注射用水”、“纯化水”标准中无机物等化学测试!
chapter 1. General Notices
At its 169th session (March 2021), the European Pharmacopoeia(Ph. Eur.) Commission adopted a revised version of chapter 1. General Notices.
欧洲药典(Ph. Eur.)委员会在其第169次会议 (2021年3月)通过了修订后的凡例。
Overhauled to provide greater clarity for users, the structureand content of the chapter have also been reviewed.
The chapter features new additions such as a section onmonographs for medicinal products containing chemically defined activesubstances (reproducing the paragraphs on dissolution and disintegration asadopted by the Ph. Eur. Commission in November 2020 – see news of 10 December 2020).This new section also provides information on related substances and impuritiestaken from the relevant Technical Guide (Technical Guide for the elaborationof monographs on medicinal products containing chemically defined active substances [2020]).
The wording and terminology have been further harmonised andclarified. For example, synonyms have been weeded out, with “medicinal product”selected over the formerly interchangeable “finished product” and“pharmaceutical preparation”.
措辞和术语已进一步协调和澄清。例如,同义词已经被淘汰,以前可相互替换的“成品”(finished product)和“药物制剂”(pharmaceutical preparation),一律使用“药品”(medicinal product)替代。
Further terminological changes include “shelf life” and “re-testperiod” instead of “period of validity” and “period of use”, in accordance withthe ICH guidelines. Definitions have also been added for “freshly preparedsolution” and “immediately before use”.
其他术语变更包括根据ICH指南使用“货架期”(shelf life)和“复验期”(re-test period),取代“有效期”(period of validity)和“使用期限”(period of use)。还增加了“新配制溶液”(freshly prepared solution)和“临用”(immediately before use)的定义。
Another addition is a sub-section on “Demonstration ofsuitability of monographs” that provides useful guidance for users.
The scope of first and second identification series and ofalternative identifications described in monographs have been clarified andseveral changes, including an explanation of the rounding rule, information onchiral substances and an example of equivalents, have been introduced in thetests and assay sections of the General Notices.
Lastly, all the paragraphs concerning monographs on herbal drugsthat were previously dispersed throughout the text are now gathered together ina single section, for enhanced readability.
The revised chapter will be published in Ph. Eur. Supplement10.7, available in October 2021.
Water For Injections
Deletion of tests for inorganic substances in the section onsterilised water for injections (SWFI).3
This section currentlyincludes tests for Acidity or alkalinity, Chlorides, Nitrates, Sulfates,Aluminium, Ammonium, and Calcium and magnesium. It also describes aConductivity test, with specific acceptance criteria, depending on the size ofthe container.4
During discussion with otherpharmacopoeias in the context of international harmonisation, scientificevidence has been provided demonstrating that if a sample meets theconductivity requirements, it would also comply with the tests for inorganicsubstances listed above.5
Based on well-known chemicaland physical properties of water, and ions in water, it is possible todetermine the minimum conductivity that these inorganic impurities wouldproduce when present at the highest allowable concentration for each of thespecies according to the chemical tests.6
Consequently, if the samplepassed the conductivity test, it would necessarily pass each of the originalchemical tests. In view of the above, the chemical tests could be deleted infavour of a single, instrument-based, quantitative test.7
It is therefore proposed todelete the tests for Acidity or Alkalinity, Chlorides, Nitrates, Sulfates,Ammonium, and Calcium and magnesium. The test for Aluminium, however, will bemaintained, since it is a requirement for SWFI used in the manufacture of dialysissolutions.8
The possibility of revising these aspectsin the monograph Purified water (0008) is under consideration.