

A precise method for determining acetabular component anteversion after total hip arthroplasty



Aims: Several radiological methods of measuring anteversion of the acetabular component after total hip arthroplasty (THA) have been described. These are limited by low reproducibility, are less accurate than CT 3D reconstruction, and are cumbersome to use. These methods also partly rely on the identification of obscured radiological borders of the component. We propose two novel methods, the Area and Orthogonal methods, which have been designed to maximize use of readily identifiable points while maintaining the same trigonometric principles.


Patients and methods: A retrospective study of plain radiographs was conducted on 160 hips of 141 patients who had undergone primary THA. We compared the reliability and accuracy of the Area and Orthogonal methods with two of the current leading methods: those of Widmer and Lewinnek, respectively.


Results: The 160 anteroposterior pelvis films revealed that the proposed Area method was statistically different from those described by Widmer and Lewinnek (p < 0.001 and p = 0.004, respectively). They gave the highest inter- and intraobserver reliability (0.992 and 0.998, respectively), and took less time (27.50 seconds (sd 3.19); p < 0.001) to complete. In addition, 21 available CT 3D reconstructions revealed the Area method achieved the highest Pearson's correlation coefficient (r = 0.956; p < 0.001) and least statistical difference (p = 0.704) from CT with a mean within 1° of CT-3D reconstruction between ranges of 1° to 30° of measured radiological anteversion.


Conclusion: Our results support the proposed Area method to be the most reliable, accurate, and speedy. They did not support any statistical superiority of the proposed Orthogonal method to that of the Widmer or Lewinnek method.


文献出处:Murphy MP, Killen CJ, Ralles SJ, Brown NM, Hopkinson WJ, Wu K. A precise method for determining acetabular component anteversion after total hip arthroplasty. Bone Joint J. 2019 Sep;101-B(9):1042-1049. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.101B9.BJJ-2019-0085.R1. PMID: 31474147.



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