


  1. 不要混淆你的愿望和事实。

  2. 不要为自身形象担心,只需关心能不能实现你的目标。

  3. 不要过于重视直接结果而忽视后续、再后续的结果。

  4. 不要让痛苦妨碍进步。

  5. 不要把不好的结果归咎于任何人,从自己身上找原因。

Whatever your nature is, there are many paths that will suit you, so don’t fixate on just one. Should a particular path close, all you have to do is find another good one consistent with what you’re like.

But most people lack the courage to confront their own weaknesses and make the hard choices that this process requires. Ultimately, it comes down to the following five decisions:

  1. Don’t confuse what you wish were true with what is really true.

  2. Don’t worry about looking good—worry instead about achieving your goals.

  3. Don’t overweight first-order consequences relative to second- and third-order ones.

  4. Don’t let pain stand in the way of progress.

  5. Don’t blame bad outcomes on anyone but yourself.

