
I. Listening Comprehension (1’*30=30’)

5.  A. At Guangming Cinema.B. About a hero.C. At 7 o’clock.6.  A. Christmas.B. Dragon dance.C. Spring Festival.7.  A. He is a policeman.B. He likes playing football.C. He drives to work everyday.8.  A. Two hours ago.B. About two hours.C. After two hours.9.  A. I was ill.B. I was absent.C. I got to school early.10. A. There are five people in my family.B. There are 200 people in the hall.C. There are 32 students in my class.11. A. It is very interestingB. It is $12.C. It is by Mark Twain.12. A. They are on the tableB. They are very cool.C. I don't wear glasses.13. A. Yes, she is.B. No. she can't.C. Yes, she does.14. A. A computer is more expensive.B. I have got a camera.C. A computer is more useful, I think.C)15. How does John go to school?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. By taxi.16. What’s Charlie’s problem?A. He doesn’t like English.B. He finds English homework difficult.C. He can't find his homework.17. What are they talking about?A. Subjects.B. Music.C. Schools.18. How does Daming like chocolate cookies?A. He thinks they are delicious.B. He thinks they are too sweet.C. He doesn't like them.19. Where is the woman going?A. To a post office.B. To a hospital.C. To a supermarket.20. What’s the weather like?A. It’s warm.B. It’s cool.C. It’s cold.21. What is Susan doing?A. Putting up the paper cuts.B. Helping her friends.C. Cleaning the house.22. Who are they talking about?A. Chen Huan’s grandma.B. Chen Huan’s first English teacher.C. Chen Huan’s first Chinese teacher.23. Which country has Diana been to?A. England.B. The United States.C. Australia.24. Where are the two speakers now?A. At a concert.B. At a cinema.C. At a party.D)No.25-No.27 is based on the next conversation.25. What’s the date today?A. June 19th.B. June 20th.C. June 21st.26. What has the girl bought for her dad?A. A black shirt.B. A blue shirt.C. A black cap.27. What will Mike do for his dad?A. Sing a song.B. Buy a cake.C. Make a cake.No.28-No.30 is based on the next section material.28. What is Jack’s first class?A. Maths.B. Science.C. English.29. Why do those students laugh at Jack?A. Because he doesn’t like science.B. Because he gives a wrong answer.C. Because he doesn't do his homework.30. What does Jack think of Alice?A. FriendlyB. Naughty.C. Afraid.听力原文及答案:录音材料Listening Comprehension Tape ScriptsA)1. My ruler is broken. May I use yours?2. Tom is very hungry. And he’s eating a big hamburger.3. We can see national flags everywhere on October the first.4. Betty and Tommy are talking happily  on the phone.B)5. What time is the film on?6. What Chinese festival do you like best?7. What does your father do?8. How long does it take to get to Beijing?9. Why didn't you go to school?10. How many students are there in your class?11. How much is the book?12. Where are my glasses?13. Is your mother cooking?14. Which is more useful? A computer or a camera?C)15. W: Hi, john! Do you go to school by bike?M: No, I don't. I live far from the school. So I go to school by bus.16.   W: Hi, Charlie! What’s wrong?  M: Oh, Mary. I’m finding this English homework really difficult.17.   M: I like the music. Who is it by?  W: Well, I’m not sure. But Sally’s school orchestra is playing it.18   W: I’ve made some chocolate cookies. Have some please.  M: Oh, they taste really delicious. I like them. Thank you.19.   W: Excuse me. How do I get to the nearest hospital?  M: Go straight ahead. It’s opposite to the post office.20.   W: It’s freezing, isn’t it?  M: Yes. It’s really cold.21.  M: Can you come and help me Susan?  W: Sorry, Jim. I’m putting up the paper cuts. Why not ask Li Ming?  M: Oh, he’s cleaning the house.22.  W: Chen Huan, do you still remember your first English teacher?  M: Yes. She’s Miss Brown, a very nice lady.23.  M: Diana, have you been to the United States or to England?  W: Well, I’ve never been to the US but I’ve been to England.24.  W: Let’s go home. I don't like this party.  M: Why not? I’m having a great time.W: The music is too loud and it sounds like noise.D)25 – 27.  W: Mike, what’s the date today?  M: It’s June the twentieth. Oh, it’s Fathers’ Day. W:  You are right. It’s a day to show love and thanks to fathers. M: Oh, yes. Then how shall we celebrate this special day? W: Well, I’ve bought a shirt for Dad. M: A shirt? What color? W: Black. That’s Dad’s favorite color. M: That’s a nice present. Err…What shall I do for Dad? W: Why not make a cake? M: Good idea. Let’s start now.28 – 30.Jack is not happy. It is the first day  of school. He’s going to a new school. He is a little afraid. Jack goes to his  first class. It is English. His teacher gives homework to the students. Jack isn't happy. Jack goes to his second class. It is science. The teacher asks Jack a question. Jack’s answer is wrong. Some students laugh at him. Jack is very unhappy. A girl smiles at him. She says, “Don’t worry. It’s only the first day.” Her name is Alice. Jack is not sad any more. He has a new friend. 答案:

