>>> My father seems to expect me to study 24/7. 我老爸似乎想要我时时刻刻学习。
I do hope my boyfriend could look after me 24/7 when I'm not myself. 我真希望我男票能在我不舒服的时候时时刻刻照顾我。
The convenience store is open 24/7. 这家便利店时时刻刻开着。
>>> Although others reckon that he's an airhead, he's a genius in my mind actually. 尽管在别人看来他是个傻子,但他在我看来是个天才。
>>> I really goofed in the exam and I felt lousy. But after my intimate friend had a talk with me, I felt way better than before. 我考试考砸了,感觉很糟糕。但是当我的好朋友和我聊完天之后,我感觉比以前好多啦。
We goofed last week at the end of our interview with the singer-songwriter. 我们上周在和这个创作型歌手做访谈快结束的时候,犯了个愚蠢的错误。
You goof it up again. 你又把它搞砸了。
>>> I was so stoked to receive the letter. 我收到信的时候非常兴奋。
>>> I still haven't sussed out why the girl was mad at me at that time. 我还是没有想明白为啥这姑娘当时对我大动肝火。