菲利普·韦伯(Philipp Weber)超写实湿身少女,漂亮!

1974 年出生于德国罗斯托克



1996 – 2000 美术学院,卡塞尔,德国

2000 – 2002 德国柏林艺术大学



Philipp 的灵感来自电影、书籍、旅行、艺术家同行和创意人士,尤其是人们关于他们生活的个人故事,揭示了超越任何完美肌肤或华丽外观的抱负和梦想。

菲利普在 2018 年 12 月对超现实主义画家安娜·维皮奇说。

Philipp looks for inner truth in those he paints. He paints beautiful women in traditional magazine poses, empty fodder for men’s dreams, portraying them in ways that bring not empty perfection to life,

but the minor imperfections and deeply human stories. An incredibly skilled artist, Philipp has forged a clear artistic progression throughout his career. Interestingly he is an equally skilled drawer and painter.

Despite his stern appearance, Philipp is fun to be around. Philipp’s preferred reading genre is fiction and his studio is littered with audio books he listens to while painting.

He now has two assistants to pass his expertise and experience onto, which also makes his long working days in his spacious atelier more companionable.

Philipp’s inspiration comes from movies, books, travel, fellow artists and creative folks, and above all people’s personal stories about their lives, revealing aspirations and dreams that go beyond any flawless skin or fancy facades.

“My pictures are about life and death, despair and hope, the photos for the series I am currently working on were shot in Iceland. Nature and the element of water again play a role, as does tragedy and inner strength,”
Philipp told fellow hyperrealist painter Anna Wypych in December 2018.


