

现象级英语社群有晨读、迷你写作和英文原版书阅读训练营。英文原版书训练营的训练方法很简单:每个月选一本书一起读、有问题问我、我会分享我的读书笔记。关于阅读的术与道我已经写了太多,市面上也有无数这样的文章,我觉得我们缺的不是什么方法,而是真正去读,我能做的也只是 Show & Tell。

3 月我们一起读 Maybe You Should Talk to Someone,目前我已经读了 13 天,我也写了 13 篇读书笔记。每一篇的核心是读书顺便学英语,我也会时不时加一些提醒和方法分享。我把其中一篇读书笔记公开发出来,希望无论是内容还是语言学习也能对你有所启发。

现象级英语 3 月英文原版书阅读训练营

Eric 的阅读笔记|Day 13

阅读进度 |读完 37&38&39

第 37 章标题是 Ultimate Concerns,这是来自存在主义心理学家 Irvin Yalom 的理论:

存在主义心理学认为人的心理问题都可以归结为「存在」本身,Irvin Yalom 总结为四个终极命题:死亡、自由、孤独和无意义。它们让我们恐慌焦虑,也可以给我们动力和希望。

Wendell 对 Lori 说,每个人面对 Uncertainty 都有不同的应对方案,而你的方式可能就是跟自己过不去。道理都明白为啥还总办糊涂事、逃避、自我毁灭呢?这可能也是试图掌控 Uncertainty 的一种方式:

“But, Wendell says, like my patient, I’ve come up with my own way to cope. If I screw up my life, I can engineer my own death rather than have it happen to me. It may not be what I want, but at least I’ll choose it. Like cutting off my nose to spite my face, this is a way to say, Take that, uncertainty.”

注意这里的 cut off my nose to spite my face(第 38 章还出现了个 on the nose,可以一起学),它的字面意思是割掉鼻子跟自己的脸过不去,这图个啥呢?我们往往一时糊涂冲动还真就做出这种蠢事,以为会让别人吃苦头,结果最后是自讨苦吃,杀敌不成自损一万。面对 uncertainty,我们也可能会心一横:与其坐以待毙不知道什么时候会溃不成军,我干脆就自己动手吧,至少我可以 call the shots。

Uncertainty 并不是洪水猛兽,它就在那里,我们在不同阶段不同心境下会看到它不同的状态。想一想,不知道未来会发生什么,第一反应是慌,但再想这不也挺好的嘛!正是因为不确定,才有无限可能。Uncertainty doesn't mean the loss of hope. It means there's possibility.

第 38 章,John 回来了,他讲了 Gabe 的事也讲了最近的一个梦。我看完后和 Lori 的感受一样——overwhelmed with heartbreak。他对孩子们有像火山一样的爱,情感释放那一刻也有泪如瀑布,不要错过这个故事。和上一章联系起来,John 面对痛苦和不确定的应对方式是把真正的自己藏起来,变成一个自恋狂,觉得自己是最特别的:

“I think, too, about how there are many ways to defend oneself from the unspeakable. Here’s one: you split off unwanted parts of yourself, hide behind a false self, and develop narcissistic traits. You say, Yeah, this catastrophic thing has happened, but I’m A-Okay. Nothing can touch me because I’m special. A special surprise. When John was a boy, wrapping himself in the memory of his mother’s delight was a way to shield himself from the horror of life’s utter unpredictability. He may have comforted himself this way as an adult too, clinging to how special he was after Gabe died. Because the one certainty that John can count on in this world is that he is a special person surrounded by idiots.”

第 39 章标题叫 How Humans Change,多有意思的话题。改变往往不是 just do it,改变的阶段按心理学家 James Prochaska 的理论分为:

真正的改变首先是自己想改变。我们都是从「意识不到自己的行为有问题」开始,然后由于发生了什么事情我们开始意识到自己可能有问题,有了想改变的意愿但是还会纠结要不要行动起来——“The hiccup at this stage is that change involves the loss of the old and the anxiety of the new”(注意这里的 hiccup)。接下来是 Preparation-Action-Maintenance,做好准备下定决心想要改变,付诸行动细水长流。

不过要注意,其实还算是有第 6 个阶段,那就是 backslide/relapse,一夜回到解放前。我们要警惕自己过往的习惯、社交关系,它们很容易让我们改变前功尽弃。

如果你想改变,你正处于哪个阶段呢?(加入现象级英语社群也是在寻求改变吧?)如果你觉得自己有 relapse 的趋势,那是什么触发了它?面对改变和不确定,你在害怕什么?你的防御方式是什么?我们每个人都有改变的能力,很多时候是因为我们缺少一些方法和鼓励,希望今天阅读的内容能给你一些方法和信心。


- Will I find the right partner? Will my writing career go up in flames?

go up in flames/smoke 本意是「着火」「化为乌有」,常表示「失败」「不成功」,也就是我们常说的「泡汤了」。

- The process is highly idiosyncratic because there’s no cookie-cutter way to help people through what are at the deepest level existential fears—or what Yalom called “ultimate concerns.

这个 cookie-cutter 太有意思啦!cookie-cutter 本意是做饼干凹造型的模具。作为形容词它表示「千篇一律的」,类似的常见说法还有 formulaic/cut-and-dried/one-size-fits-all。

- Two months later, Charlotte waltzed in, unpacked the contents of her bag onto the arms of her throne, and said, “So, I have a question.

waltz 是「华尔兹舞」,waltz 用作动词除了表示「跳华尔兹舞」,也常用来表示无拘无束地、轻而易举的做某事。比如「轻松通过考试」就可以说成 waltz through an exam(相当于 sail through)

这里的 waltz in 是那种翩翩然、自信悠然地走进。不过要注意 waltz in 这个用法常用于贬义,可以理解为「大摇大摆地走进」「不把自己当外人似地说来就来」。

- But with Charlotte, I knew I sounded like an old fogy; her generation wasn’t going to change, so I’d have to change to keep up with the times.

old fogy 是「老顽固」,fogy 也可以写成 fogey。keep up with the times 就是「与时俱进」,注意这里的 times 是复数形式。

- A month went by before he responded to my message after his no-show—he’d unexpectedly resurfaced and asked to come in. But maybe, I thought before he arrived, he got cold feet.

这段话里的 get cold feet 是个常见习语,可以理解为「打退堂鼓」,这也和后面这句呼应:“Indeed, on the walk down the hallway, John goes on to say that after he pulled into the building’s parking lot, he sat in his car, debating whether to come upstairs.”

这里的 debate 也很实用,当我们想表示「纠结」时就可以用它。

- I’m a parent. I have two girls. I won’t let them down. I will not be a basket case and ruin their childhoods. I will not leave them with two parents who are haunted by the ghost of their son. They deserve better than that. What happened isn’t their fault. It’s ours. And it’s our responsibility to be there for them, to have our shit together for them.

这里的 basket case 是个好词儿。它的本意是一个人失去了四肢,画面极其令人不适。basket case 常用来表示一个经济状况极差的国家/机构,就是我们常说的「没救了」(也常用 a lost cause,no-hoper)。

basket case 也常用来表示精神失常的人,柯林斯词典的例句中把它翻译成了「脑子进水了」:You're going to think I'm a basket case when I tell you this. 如果我告诉了你这件事,你会认为我脑子进水了。在这里 basket case 和后面的 be haunted by the ghost of their son 呼应,表示精神极度紧张,神经兮兮的那种。


- Later, the police would try to piece together what had caused the tragedy. The two witnesses from nearby cars weren’t much help.

想表示「没什么帮助」我们可能第一反应是 XX doesn't help 或者 XX isn't helpful 吧?这个 XX isn't much help 也是非常常见的说法。

- “God damn it,” Margo hissed, the first time she’d sworn in front of the kids. “Don’t 'God damn it’ me,” John hissed back.”

注意这里 God damn it 的用法。口语中往往可以根据语境灵活使用一个词,比如这里第二句就把第一句中的 God damn it 当作动词使用。我曾在

《飞越疯人院》也遇到过类似的说法:一个人对另一个人说 Sorry,对方想说「别跟我说什么对不起」时,说的就是 Don't sorry me。

Eric 写在后面:

你可能只花了一辆分钟、几秒钟就读到了这里,但我从读到写笔记前前后后花了至少 1-2 小时,全文约 3000 字。如果你看得比较仔细,你会发现里面有举一反三拓展、上下文逻辑联系、查词典、对比、细节......我试图用这种方式展现我阅读时脑中自动浮现的联想和实际操作。




· 手把手教你我是如何读英文原版书的?

· 我的英文原版书训练营有什么不同?

· 为什么我不推荐任何英文阅读app?

