

China's Modern Economy

Summary of today's session

Today we continued to discuss the topic of China's Geography setting. The focus is on the specific features for different areas. The whole country is divided into different parts based on the 2 lines. One of the line is the Qin Mountain Huai River line, which separtas China into 2 parts, north part and south part. The most important or decisive difference between this 2 parts is the whether or not there is central heating system for the building. According to the rule the north part of this line is equiped with central heating system because of the cold weather and the south part is not. The result is the north margin place of the south experiences the severe weather during the winter only with the help of air conditions and with the efficient heating system. Moreover the north part enjoys the heating system, however such heating system relies on heavily the pulluted energy, coal and suffers the air pollution during the winter. Understanding this line and related impacts of the line makes us recognize the origin of some problems and challenges. Such as the direction of population's movement for different seasons, and the different economic growth model owned by various places, also the energy structure the place applies, etc..The other important line is Anhui-Tengchong line, also named as Hu Huanyong line, which divide the country into western and eastern parts based on the population's density. We also need to understand the meaning of this line and extend the line into the explanation of economic performance.

By Li Zhiqing, School of Economics, Fudan University

