《婚姻关系》十大成功法则10 Principles of Success in Marriage...


大多数人认为“婚姻”的实质只在于“蜜月期”或“初恋期”。事实上,最考验“婚姻关系”的是在“困难期”,而在“困难期”更容易分离。 所以可悲的是,如果你不愿意宽恕,那么这场战争已经输了一半,因为人是不完美的。

Most people think of marriage in only the good times or how things were in the beginning.But the truth is, the strength of a union is in the bad times, The difficult times when it’s easier to be apart than together. So the sad truth is, if your not willing to forgive, then the battle is already half lost. People are not perfect.


Trust is complicated , hard to gain and easily lost. Trust will keep a union together longer than love ever could. In the beginning it’s easy to trust or give the benefit of doubt simply because there’s no reason why not to.But once trust is broken, its an uphill battle to regain it , and even if you do come close, the damage never really goes away doubt will always remain. But if both are willing, You can work on it and get to a good place.



This means taking someone’s side no matter what, right or wrong, Loyalty is a seed that will always yeild good results. When your partner konws your on their side no matter the outcome. It strengthens them internally and their belief and faith in you. Loyalty is security and security will keep you union safe and protected. It’s easy to doubt love, trust and everything else. So please work on the simple things that will show your loyalty. Because in it’s self, loyalty is attractive.



Care is a simple word that will heal some of the biggest problems. Showing someone how much you care with the simple things will strengthen every union. It’s also important to recognise the little things your partner does to show they care. Remember it’s the simple things we take for granted that we eventually miss the most when they are no more.


这看起来很简单,但重要的是要知道你打算和谁建立关系。事实上,如果你们在生活中追求的东西不同,那么你可能需要重新考虑一些事情。任何婚姻都是关于旅程而不是目的地。所以,如果你们两个不是同路人,你们的道路将不会交集,从一开始就是一场持续的战争This might seem rather simple but it’s important to know the person you intend to get into a union with. The fact is if your different people who are after different things in life and out of the union then you might want to rethink a few things. Any union is more about the journey than destination. So if you both on different journeys your paths will not cross and its a constant struggle from the beginning.



This is one of the most important aspects of any union. Being able to communicate will unite you more than you think. Talking to each other about simple things and different things will bring you closer. Learn to listen and understand the other person and hopefully they do the same for you.



Staying united in any union is a strength that keeps you travelling on the same path. And staying on the same path you achieve more both in each other and whatever the goal might be. Togetherness is vital in any venture and it’s the same with a union between two people.


向别人提供支持,永远是最值得欣赏的事情之一。无论是在好时光里还是在困难时期,这些支持的种子深植在人们的心中,让人难以忘怀。所以抓住每一个机会展示你的支持,它总会以这样或那样的方式得到回报。Showing your support to another person is one of those things that will always be appreciated . Whether in good times or bad ones. These seeds of support get planted deep in people’s hearts and are difficult to forget. So take every opportunity to show your support and it always gets returned in one way or another.



Truth is most things in life are not achieved overnight and almost take a lot of work. But the ones that achieve their goals are those that never give up no matter how hard things get. You have to fight for what you have and want in life. Enjoy the good times and strengthen each other for when things get hard which they will so you can fight together.



Love means different things to many people and it can be displayed in several different ways. Love embodies all the aspects that make any union. Love is kindness, Love is forgiveness. Love is focusing on someone’s strength and uplifting them. Love is never giving up on whom you love. Love is care and loyalty. Love is belief without a doubt. Love is everything that’s good, which means you can never rub out of ways to show love.

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