
杨浪序 她把史学理论的水“搅浑”了




为何人类人类起源非洲 《忽然》连载1-2

欧洲与中国谁更先进? 《忽然》连载2.1

《忽然》连载 永远的莫氏线 2.2

《忽然》连载 3. 新石器时代与巨石文化

3.4 回顾气候对文明的影响《忽然》连载



Conclusion: Rise of China and the Law of Civilization


For hundreds of thousands of years, human evolution and

development of civilization have been determined constantly by the two

big hands behind: climate and geography. In addition, accumulation

effect and clustering effect also played important roles in history. These

elements combined to bring into being the global human society today.


New Guinea, Yali’s hometown, has been lagging behind largely because of these factors. The place far away from the center of the world civilization has long been disadvantageous in terms of geography and accumulation effect.

(巴布亚 新几内亚在世界上的位置 / Location of New Guinea )


The fact that East Asia was lagging behind for long and it has been on the rise is can be well explained these laws and rules. Compared with the west, China was  in the  disadvantageous in terms of geographical spread and

accumulation of deficit. As time went by, accumulation effects became

increasingly powerful because it is the center of the East Asian continent

with a vast territory. Today, all these effects are reversed and no one can

compete with it.

弹指一挥间,千万年人类发展史俱往矣,明天的文明高地又在哪里?中国能保持多长时间的崛起? 明天的全球文明又会如何发展?  旧规律还会继续发挥作用吗?

Time is flying and all has been past and gone. But where will the height of civilization be tomorrow?  And how long will China keep rising and how will tomorrow's global civilization develop?


《忽然》连载 是原定的小纪录片脚本,但现在准备对该脚本进行较大修改,可能最终以 《人类文明是如何发展的?》为主要脉络,以《忽然》的知识体系为背景,来重新阐述我的“文明学”框架。欢迎大家就各个方面提出宝贵意见与支持,包括对剧本提意见、给片子取名到拍摄技术和赞助。拍摄地点在北京与上海两地完成,顺利的话预计半年内完成。感谢朋友们一直以来的鼓励支持!

