Raising the Bar for Higher Power
The Advantages of Overhead Power Distribution in Data Centers
We often take forgranted the infrastructure necessary to support our increasingly digitized andinterconnected world. This demand for bandwidth is only growing, and with it,so is the demand for power.
Mission criticalfacilities need to be larger to accommodate for more servers, and facilitiesmanagers need to be able to quickly address this constant need for additionalcapacity. In order to support the extra elements required, worldwide ITspending on servers, power and cooling, and management/ administration hasrapidly increased over the past decade. But other than just an increase incosts, the need for a higher voltage of power poses additional challenges.
To accommodate this need, overheadpower distribution systems emerged within the data center arena within the pastdecade or two, and quickly began rising to the challenge of providingincreasing amperages of power.
When building adata center, power and cooling are two of the top priorities. Historically,raised floors, or concrete tiles installed onto a steel grid resting onstanchions 2 to 4 feet above a slab floor, have been deployed for coolingpurposes. The perforated tiles that make up the floor allow for cool air toflow out of the below passage and onto the server racks.
However, this underfloor area alsohouses whips and cables that supply power to the racks. As a data center spacegrows, more server racks are installed which require more power, in turncreating more and more cables under the raised floor; ultimately restricting theflow of cool air and completely contradicting the purpose of the excess spaceto begin with.
Over time many have realized this drawbackof the traditional underfloor method, as well as various others, including thefact that raised floors are costly; maintenance is required to remove unusedcables, which tend to be abandoned; and risk of human error while working withcircuit breakers and cables that are not clearly associated with a given load.
Overhead powerdistribution—otherwise known as busway systems—directly combat the traditionalpower solution of whips and cables beneath a raised floor. These systems havebeen proven to be both scalable and sustainable solutions to providing power.
Select busway systems also provide acontinuous access slot to power- meaning that a data center space will alwaysbe prepared for future reconfigurations or expansion. Power can be tapped atany location with a variety of plug-in units, eliminating panel boards, longruns of conduit and wire and expensive installation costs for dedicated poweroutlets.
Figure1: Traditional methods of whips and cables housed under a raised floor
With an overheadbus system, there is no need to work on live panels or schedule outages to add,move or change outlets. Busway systems eliminate the need to remove and scrapshort or undersized cable whips and run new longer or larger ones. Therefore,the risk of unintended potential power outages is avoided and racks can beinstalled or moved without disrupting operations.
Figure 2: Busway power distribution (above)compared to traditional whips and cables under a raised floor (below)
Busways are highly sustainable systems:they can be used for years and years and create much less material waste thanthe traditional whips and cables method does. Also, in order to cope withtoday’s ever-increasing server densities, an increase in kW power density isneeded, which equates to a related increase in cooling requirements. Before,this would mean additional power cables under the floor that obstruct air flowand thus make cooling more difficult. With an overhead busway system thisthreat is eliminated- making it an extremely energy efficient and safe methodfor distributing power.
It is oftendifficult to know the exact electrical design needed at the beginning of aproject. This can result in the need to reconfigure electrical outlets andtheir locations, which increases costs and causes schedule delays.
With a scalable overhead busway system,components and power circuits can be added as needed—without tying up capitaland wasting resources—rather than building out the entire facility in thebeginning. This is very beneficial for colocation and other facilities that arebuilt out over time. It also means that the cost of maintenance isautomatically dropped for the long run, as there is no need to reconfigureelectrical outlet locations and types.
With data centerfloor space at a premium, every square foot is critical. Overhead buswaysystems eliminate RPPs, which result in more usable space in the data centerfor IT equipment and server racks. In addition, miles of power cables areeliminated when power outlets or drops can be located exactly where they areneeded.
Figure 3: Busway with continuous access slot runabove server racks
In a data centerit is especially important to accurately monitor the amount of power beingused. Uptime is everything for mission critical environments, and thusunplanned outages must be avoided at all costs. Premium overhead powerdistribution systems are capable of incorporating metering units at both thefeed and circuit breaker level. Power and energy measurements are capturedinstantaneously, providing the granular data necessary to make informeddecisions such as enabling phase balancing as needed.
Further potential metering functionalityincludes optional display, daisy-chain Ethernet to save on network switchports, alarm functions and remote communication via an integrated webpage.Having all of these capabilities included within your power distribution systemmakes it simple for data center managers to intelligently track usage and planfor the future.
Aside from thefeatures and benefits offered by busway manufacturers, this type of systemprovides immediate monetary advantages in terms of installation and futurecosts. The installation of traditional methods is labor intensive in nature,and very costly. Compared to installing a raised floor and hundreds orthousands of whips and cables, busway installation is very simple and not timeor labor intensive.
When designing adata center with traditional electric systems, engineers or designers mustpre-plan every outlet. Because it is nearly impossible to predetermine thepower requirements for each rack in each location when a data center goeslive—let alone plan for future requirements— this will result in expensive andtime consuming changes that will have to occur in the future. However, with aflexible, adaptable busway system, future changes that require expensive labor chargesand potential outages are completely avoided.
With the world around us becoming more andmore dependent on the Internet, it is clear that the need for additionalbandwidth is only going to increase. This additional bandwidth results in moreand larger mission critical facilities and infrastructure, which require morepower. To address this challenge in the most efficient way possible, it’sessential to take advantage of the most up-todate technology available; asopposed to facing the needs of the future with the solution of the past.
About Starline
Headquartered inPittsburgh, PA, Starline, a pioneer in electrical power distribution since1924, is a world leader in the development of customizable power distributionsystems. Industry innovators for more than 85 years, the company’s premium,flexible products are designed to fit the electrical power needs of anybusiness in any industry. As one of the only companies dedicated exclusively toflexible power distribution products, Starline’s award-winning products haverevolutionized electrical power distribution in data centers, industrialmanufacturing facilities, retail chains, higher education and healthcarefacilities worldwide.