



数据来源:http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz 下载.gz数据后解压




  1. setwd('E:\\r\\biotrainee_demo\\class 2')

  2. # 读入数据

  3. t1 <- Sys.time()

  4. df <- read.csv('chr1.fa', header=F, stringsAsFactors=F)

  5. # index_df 为chr所在的位置

  6. index_df <- data.frame(begin=which(sapply(df[,1], function(x){

  7.  substr(x, start=1, stop=1)=='>'})))

  8. # index_df1 为string所在的位置+1

  9. index_df1 <- data.frame(rbind(matrix(index_df[-1,1]),dim(df)[1]+1))

  10. # 把index_start和index_end存入data.frame

  11. index_df2 <- cbind(index_df, index_df1)

  12. remove(index_df1, index_df)

  13. # 得出每个染色体对应string后计算其N与GC百分比

  14. result <- apply(index_df2, 1, function(x) {  # 把提取字符串后把字符串变为大写

  15.  y <- toupper(paste(df[(x[1]+1):(x[2]-1),1], collapse=''))

  16.  y <- strsplit(y, split=character(0))[[1]]

  17.  N <- length(y[y =='N'])/length(y)

  18.  GC <- length(y[y =='G' | y == 'C'])/(length(y)-length(y[y =='N']))

  19.  c(N,GC)

  20. })

  21. # 把行名改为N和GC并转秩

  22. rownames(result) = c('N','GC')

  23. result <- t(result)

  24. # 取结果前几行

  25. head(result)

  26. difftime(Sys.time(), t1, units = 'secs')


耗时:41.44945 secs


  • R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)

  • Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

  • Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1


数据来源: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz

数据下载时间:2017-01-10 23:08

运行消耗时间:309 seconds


  1. import os

  2. import time

  3. begin = time.time()

  4. os.chdir(r'F:\tmp\chromFa')

  5. def count_n_and_gc(file):

  6.    content = []

  7.    chromsome = []

  8.    g = 0; c = 0; n = 0; a = 0; t = 0

  9.    with open(file) as f:

  10.        raw_list = f.readlines()

  11.        for i in raw_list:

  12.            if not i.startswith('>'):

  13.                i = i.upper()

  14.                n +=  i.count('N')

  15.                g += i.count('G')

  16.                c += i.count('C')

  17.                a += i.count('A')

  18.                t += i.count('T')

  19.            else:

  20.                if  chromsome:

  21.                    content.append((n ,a, t, c, g))

  22.                    g = 0; c = 0; n = 0; a = 0; t = 0

  23.                chromsome.append(i.strip())

  24.        content.append(( n ,a, t, c, g))

  25.    return (content,chromsome)

  26. content = []

  27. chromsome = []

  28. for i in (list(range(1,23)) + ['X','Y']):

  29.    file = 'chr'+ str(i) + '.fa'

  30.    print('Start dealing with ' + file)

  31.    m, n = count_n_and_gc(file)

  32.    content += m

  33.    chromsome += n

  34. all_info = 'chr,GC_ratio,N_ratio,Length,N,A,T,C,G'

  35. for i in range(len(chromsome)):

  36.    data = '\n'+str(chromsome[i]) +',' + "%.5f"%((content[i][-1]+content[i][-2])/sum(content[i][1:])) +','  + "%.5f" %(content[i][0]/(sum(content[i]))) +','  +str((sum(content[i]))) +','  +str((content[i][0])) + ','  +str(content[i][1])+',' +str(content[i][2])+','  +str(content[i][3])+','  +str(content[i][4])

  37.    all_info += data

  38. with open('hg19_analysis.csv','w') as f:

  39.    f.write(all_info)

  40. print('Time using:'+ str(time.time() - begin) + ' seconds\n')

shell +python3(最快)

先使用shell脚本把所有chromFa.tar.gz 中的所有.fa文件合并为一个hg19.fa文件


  1. tar zvfx chromFa.tar.gz

  2. cat *.fa > hg19.fa

  3. rm chr*.fa

  4. less hg19.fa




  1. import os

  2. import time

  3. import re

  4. import sys

  5. from collections import OrderedDict

  6. start = time.clock()

  7. def count_fasta_atcgn(file_path, buffer_size=1024*1024):

  8.    bases = ['N', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'G']

  9.    ATCG_analysis = OrderedDict()

  10.    with open(file_path, 'r') as f:

  11.        line1 = f.readline()

  12.        chr_i = re.split('\s', line1)[0][1:]

  13.        print(chr_i)

  14.        ATCG_analysis[chr_i] = OrderedDict()

  15.        for base in bases:

  16.            ATCG_analysis[chr_i][base] = 0

  17.        while True:

  18.            chunk = f.read(buffer_size).upper()

  19.            if '>' in chunk:

  20.                chromsome = re.split('>',chunk)

  21.                if chromsome[0]:

  22.                    for base in bases:

  23.                        ATCG_analysis[chr_i][base] += chromsome[0].count(base)

  24.                for i in chromsome[1:]:

  25.                    if i:

  26.                        chr_i = re.split('\s', i[0:i.index('\n')])[0]

  27.                        print(chr_i)

  28.                        strings_i = i[i.index('\n'):].upper()

  29.                        ATCG_analysis[chr_i] = OrderedDict()

  30.                        for base in bases:

  31.                            ATCG_analysis[chr_i][base] = strings_i.count(base)

  32.            else:

  33.                for base in bases:

  34.                    ATCG_analysis[chr_i][base] += chunk.count(base)

  35.            if not chunk:

  36.                break

  37.    return ATCG_analysis

  38. def write_atcg_to_csv(ATCG_analysis, file_path = '.'):

  39.    file = os.path.join(file_path,'atcg_analysis.csv')

  40.    csv_content = 'chromsome\tGC_content\tN_content\tLength\tN\tA\tT\tC\tG\n'

  41.    for chr_id, atcg_count in ATCG_analysis.items():

  42.        GC = atcg_count['G'] + atcg_count['C']

  43.        N = atcg_count['N']

  44.        Length = sum(atcg_count.values())

  45.        GC_content = GC*1.0/(Length-N)

  46.        N_content = N*1.0/Length

  47.        csv_content += chr_id + '\t' + '%.4f'%GC_content + '\t' + '%.4f'%N_content + '\t' + str(Length) + '\t' + str(atcg_count['N']) +'\t' + str(atcg_count['A']) + '\t' + str(atcg_count['T']) + '\t' + str(atcg_count['C'])+'\t'+ str(atcg_count['G'])+ '\n'

  48.    with open(file, 'w') as f:

  49.        csv_file_content = re.sub('\t', ',', csv_content)

  50.        f.write(csv_file_content)

  51.    print(u'File have been saved in '+ file)

  52.    return csv_content

  53. if sys.argv:

  54.    result = OrderedDict()

  55.    for f in sys.argv:

  56.        done = 0

  57.        f= f.strip(''''"''')

  58.        if f.count('.') != 1 or f[-2:] == 'py' or not os.path.exists(f):

  59.            continue

  60.        print(f)

  61.        try:

  62.            done = 1

  63.            result = OrderedDict(count_fasta_atcgn(file_path = f, buffer_size = 1024*2048), **result)

  64.        except Exception as e:

  65.            if f.startswith('-'):

  66.                pass

  67.            else:

  68.                print(type(e))

  69.    if done == 1:

  70.        file = write_atcg_to_csv(result)

  71.        print(file)

  72.        print('used %.2f s'%(time.clock()-start))

  73.    else:

  74.        print ('\n\nSorry! The command is invalid!\n')

  75. else:

  76.    directory = input('Enter your file: ')

  77.    start = time.clock()

  78.    if directory.count('.') != 1 or directory[-2:] == 'py' or not os.path.exists(directory):

  79.        print('Your file is invalid!')

  80.    else:

  81.        result = count_fasta_atcgn(file_path = directory, buffer_size = 1024*2048)

  82.        file = write_atcg_to_csv(result)

  83.        print('used %.2f s'%(time.clock()-start))

保存上述代码为 fasta_atcgn_summary.py 文件后


  1. python fasta_atcgn_summary.py   F:\tmp\hg19.fa




  1. import os

  2. import time

  3. import re

  4. import sys

  5. from collections import OrderedDict

  6. start = time.clock()

  7. def count_fasta_atcgn(file_path, buffer_size=1024*1024):

  8.    bases = ['N', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'G']

  9.    ATCG_analysis = OrderedDict()

  10.    with open(file_path, 'r') as f:

  11.        line1 = f.readline().upper()

  12.        chr_i = re.split('\s', line1)[0][1:]

  13.        print(chr_i)

  14.        ATCG_analysis[chr_i] = OrderedDict()

  15.        for base in bases:

  16.            ATCG_analysis[chr_i][base] = 0

  17.        while True:

  18.            chunk = f.read(buffer_size).upper()

  19.            if '>' in chunk:

  20.                chromsome = re.split('>',chunk)

  21.                if chromsome[0]:

  22.                    for base in bases:

  23.                        ATCG_analysis[chr_i][base] += chromsome[0].count(base)

  24.                for i in chromsome[1:]:

  25.                    if i:

  26.                        chr_i = re.split('\s', i[0:i.index('\n')])[0]

  27.                        print(chr_i)

  28.                        strings_i = i[i.index('\n'):]

  29.                        ATCG_analysis[chr_i] = OrderedDict()

  30.                        for base in bases:

  31.                            ATCG_analysis[chr_i][base] = strings_i.count(base)

  32.            else:

  33.                for base in bases:

  34.                    ATCG_analysis[chr_i][base] += chunk.count(base)

  35.            if not chunk:

  36.                break

  37.    return ATCG_analysis

  38. def write_atcg_to_csv(ATCG_analysis, file_path = '.'):

  39.    file = os.path.join(file_path,'atcg_analysis.csv')

  40.    csv_content = 'chromsome\tGC_content\tN_content\tLength\tN\tA\tT\tC\tG\n'

  41.    for chr_id, atcg_count in ATCG_analysis.items():

  42.        GC = atcg_count['G'] + atcg_count['C']

  43.        N = atcg_count['N']

  44.        Length = sum(atcg_count.values())

  45.        GC_content = GC*1.0/(Length-N)

  46.        N_content = N*1.0/Length

  47.        csv_content += chr_id + '\t' + '%.4f'%GC_content + '\t' + '%.4f'%N_content + '\t' + str(Length) + '\t' + str(atcg_count['N']) +'\t' + str(atcg_count['A']) + '\t' + str(atcg_count['T']) + '\t' + str(atcg_count['C'])+'\t'+ str(atcg_count['G'])+ '\n'

  48.    with open(file, 'w') as f:

  49.        csv_file_content = re.sub('\t', ',', csv_content)

  50.        f.write(csv_file_content)

  51.    print(u'File have been saved in '+ file)

  52.    return csv_content

  53. file_path = 'F:\genome\chromFa\hg19.fa'

  54. ATCG_analysis = count_fasta_atcgn(file_path, buffer_size=1024*1024)

  55. cg_list = []

  56. chr_id_list = list(range(1,23)) + ['X','Y','M']

  57. for i in chr_id_list:

  58.    cg_list.append((ATCG_analysis['CHR'+str(i)]['G']+ATCG_analysis['CHR'+str(i)]['C'])/(ATCG_analysis['CHR'+str(i)]['A']+ATCG_analysis['CHR'+str(i)]['T']+ATCG_analysis['CHR'+str(i)]['C']+ATCG_analysis['CHR'+str(i)]['G'])*100)

  59. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  60. plt.bar(left = range(25), height = cg_list, color='k')

  61. for i in range(len(cg_list)):

  62.    plt.text( x=i-0.1, y=cg_list[i]+.35,s=str(round(cg_list[i])))

  63. plt.title('GC content for hg19 genome')

  64. plt.ylabel('GC content (%)')

  65. pos = []

  66. for i in range(len(chr_id_list)):

  67.    pos.append(i + 0.35)

  68. plt.xticks(pos, list(range(1,23)) + ['X','Y','MT'], fontsize=8)

  69. plt.xlim(-0.2, )

  70. plt.ylim(0, 100)

  71. plt.savefig('F:\hg19_gc.png',dpi=600)

  72. plt.show()


