
January: Hijacking an icon劫持图标
On New Year’s day, a team of pranksters changed the famous hillside sign that looms over Hollywood to 'Hollyweed’, celebrating a new law that makes recreational use of marijuana legal.

February: The kung fu women of Kabul喀布尔的功夫女郎

Clad in the ancient robes of a Shaolin monk and hoisted balletically on one foot, an instructor in Wushu, a modern form of traditional kung fu, struck a statuesque pose on a hilltop west of Kabul.
Flanked on either side by a retinue of crouching students poised for combat, the female instructor’s stance echoed a shape in ancient Asian art, claimed Grovier.

March: Listening to music in the ruins of Aleppo在阿勒波的废墟中听音乐
An extraordinary photo, taken in the battle-ravaged Syrian city of Aleppo, was shared widely in March.
Shot in the ruined, bomb-rattled home of Mohammed Mohiedin Anis (also known as Abu Omar), and showing the 70-year old collector of vintage cars smoking a pipe while listening to music on a record player, the image was “a mute dirge to the savage devastations of war”, according to Grovier.

April: A portrait of self-sacrifice自我牺牲者的肖像
Footage of Abd Alkader Habak rescuing injured children after a bomb blast on the outskirts of Aleppo showed the moment when the Syrian photojournalist was “forced to choose between remaining separate from the unfolding events or setting his camera aside and inserting himself into the action”, said Grovier.

May: The crack that’s redrawing the world’s map改写世界地图的裂缝
“The shape of the world is hanging by a thread – or rather, according to experts, by a 110 mile-long (177km) rift,” wrote Grovier in response to a photo showing a rapidly expanding crack in the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica.
The aerial image, taken in November 2016 by Nasa scientist John Sonntag, was back in the news in May with the announcement that a second rift had been detected.
In July, a large portion was reported to have broken from the shelf, creating one of the largest ice bergs ever to break off Antarctica, and a new crack appeared to be extending northwards.

June: The man who ignored a tornado
A photo of a man in Alberta, Canada mowing his lawn while a tornado loomed behind him went viral in June.

July: The gorilla that loves to look at smartphones爱看手机的大猩猩
A photo of a gorilla looking at a smartphone was shared widely in July after it was posted on Instagram.
Taken at the Louisville Zoo in the US state of Kentucky, it showed Lindsey Costello and Jelani watching videos of baby gorillas together, resulting in an image “that shuttles between a tenderness of touch and the cautiousness of an unbridgeable distance”, according to Grovier.

August: When is it OK to pull down statues?什么时候才能拆除雕塑?
“If you really want to understand a people, don’t study the statues they erect. Look at the ones they’ve pulled down,” wrote Grovier after images of protestors toppling a statue of a Confederate soldier circulated in the news in August.

September: The golfers who putted while a forest burned
A striking image of golfers putting calmly against an apocalyptic backdrop was shared widely in September.

October: Amazing photos of London’s apocalyptic skies伦敦末世般天空的震撼照片
More apocalyptic images emerged in October, when Hurricane Ophelia left a strange haziness in parts of the UK.

November: The 700-year-old sculpture swallowed by tree roots
A photo that won an award in November – showing a sculpture at a 14th-Century Buddhist temple in central Thailand – was praised by Grovier , the image reminded Grovier of Cubist paintings by Picasso and Cézanne.

December: How a balloon can be an emblem of hope气球如何成为希望的象征
To mark International Human Rights Day on 10 December, an event organised by the Border Network for Human Rights allowed families that have been kept apart by the US-Mexico border to reunite for three minutes.
One of the photos that emerged – showing a young girl clutching a balloon as she waited by the barrier in Ciudad Juárez, just south of El Paso, Texas – captured a tension “between the buoyancy of the lifted spirit and the reality of restricted bodies”, according to Grovier.