小欧碎碎念 | 把“加油”翻译成“add oil”!这些Chinglish在国外大受欢迎!

现代都市男女生活节奏很快,“我没时间“是很多人的日常表达,“I have no time”就成了很多人的口头禅。
如果我告诉你,add oil 是加油的意思,你们一定觉得我在开玩笑。

在词条的下面,还解释了这个短语的出处,表示这是来自香港的说法,粤语发音为ga yao,就是普通话“加油”的意思,表达鼓励和支持。相当于英文的 go on, go for it。词条中也收录四条有明显时间跨度的“书面证据”加以说明 add oil 已经走红多年。

拉面:Japanese ramen restaurants are all the rage in London and New York, but the noodles are Chinese: lamian, meaning pulled noodles.
白酒:Their glasses may have contained a special blend of Moutai, an expensive brand of baijiu, a liquor distilled from sorghum.
人情:The rural poor continue to give even when they cannot afford it, says Mr Yan, because of a powerful imperative of renqing, or personal feelings.
BBC News 上是这样为外国人解释“add oil”的:
'Jia you'is a Mandarin Chinese expression used in cheers at sporting events and rallies or to encourage someone. Now the English translation - 'add oil' - has been recognised by the Oxford English Dictionary.

其实很多英语读起来有Chinglish的味道,比如no can do(不能做)和lose face(丢脸),还有最有名的long time no see。
其实有很多中国网友创造出来的怪异词汇和短语,虽然没有全部被国外认可,但是也都作为俚语被写进了《城市词典》(Urban Dictionary)...


还有短语类型的you can you up(你行你上)people mountain people sea(人山人海)、no zuo no die 不作死就不会死……

1.Straight Man Cancer
2.Rotten Women
3.Leftover Women
4.budget husband
5.Square Dancing
6.Rush duck
7.I give you face?
8.heart flower angry open
9.Where cold where stay.
10.you ask me,me ask who?
11.If you no three no four, l will give you some color to see see
12.See my face color do thing13.Dragon born dragon, Phoenix born Phoenix,mouse's son can hit hole
13.Know is know,no know is no know,is know!
14.Please have some B number in your heart!
