546 热泵论文摘选2020-5


[1]P. Carroll, et al.Air Source Heat Pumps field studies: A systematic literaturereview,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

[2]Peng Shi, et al.State-wide comparative analysis of the cost saving potential ofVuilleumier heat pumps in residential houses,Applied Energy.

[3]Salvatore Vasta,et al.Experimental assessment and numerical study of apump-assisted loop heat pipe for high capacity thermal systems,Applied ThermalEngineering.

[4]Xu Ping, et al.Prediction and optimization of isentropic efficiency of vortexpump under full operating conditions in Organic Rankine Cycle waste heatrecovery system based on deep learning and intelligent algorithm,SustainableEnergy Technologies and Assessments.

[5]George Kosmadakis, et al.Techno-economic analysis of high-temperature heatpumps with low-global warming potential refrigerants for upgrading waste heatup to 150 °C,Energy Conversion and Management.

[6]Carlos Mateu-Royo,et al.Theoretical performance evaluation of ejector andeconomizer with parallel compression configurations in high temperature heatpumps,International Journal of Refrigeration.

[7]A. Badiei, et al.A chronological review of advances in solar assisted heat pumptechnology in 21st century,

Renewableand Sustainable Energy Reviews.

[8]Zhenghao Jin,et al.The effect of lithium bromide on the performance ofammonia-water absorption-resorption heat pump system,Applied ThermalEngineering.

[9]Evyatar Shaulsky,et.al.Membrane distillation assisted by heat pump for improveddesalination energy efficiency,Desalination.

[10]Shahin Shafiee,Operational principles and effect of operating parameters onperformance of metal hydride heat pumps,International Journal of Refrigeration.

[11]Suzhou Dai, et al.Thermodynamic analysis of a novel chemical heat pump cyclebased on the physical-chemical thermal effects of reversible reaction,EnergyConversion and Management.

[12]Bowen Guan, et al.Optimization of solution concentration in liquid desiccantair-conditioning system driven by heat pump,Energy and Buildings.

[13]Lazzarin,Heat pumps and solar energy: A review with some insights in thefuture,International Journal of Refrigeration.

[14]Peng Wang, et al.The detection and correction of various faulty sensors in aphotovoltaic thermal heat pump system,Applied Thermal Engineering.

[15]Gudjonsdottir, et al.Technical and economic analysis of wetcompression–resorption heat pumps,International Journal of Refrigeration.

[16]Minqi Li, et al.Preparation and characterizations of a novel temperature-tunedphase change material based on sodium acetate trihydrate for improvedperformance of heat pump systems,Renewable Energy.

[17]Chenghu Zhang, et al.Experimental study of a novel double-effect evaporation concentrationsystem for high temperature heat pump,Desalination.

[18]Chang Sung Heu, et al.Recent progress on developing anti-frosting andanti-fouling functional surfaces for air source heat pumps,Energy andBuildings.

[19]Zhiyao Yang, et al.Ammonia-based chemisorption heat pumps for cold-climateheating applications: A comprehensive review,Applied Thermal Engineering.

[20]Zhaoyang Li, et al.A novel defrosting initiating method for air source heatpumps based on the optimal defrosting initiating time point,Energy andBuildings.

[21] AgataCzernuszewicz, et al, Low-force compressive and tensile actuation forelastocaloric heat pumps, Applied Materials Today.

[22] FengWang, et al, Anti-frosting performance of sprayable superhydrophobic coatingsuitable for outdoor coil of air source heat pump,Applied Thermal Engineering.

[23] NooriBniLam, et al, Parameter identification algorithm for ground source heat pumpsystems,Applied Energy.

[24] Zhenying Zhang, etal, Progress in ejector-expansion vapor compression refrigeration and heat pumpsystems, Energy Conversion and Management.

[25]Mohammed A. Al-Madhagi, et al, Performance analysis and comparative study oftwo compression-assisted absorption cycles for heat pumpapplications,Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments.

[26]Majdi M. Saleh, et al , Wire fin heat exchanger using aluminium fumarate foradsorption heat pumps,Applied Thermal Engineering.

[27]Raya AL-Dadah, et al, Fadhel Al-Mousawi,Metal-organic framework materials foradsorption heat pumps, Energy.

[28] Dahiru U. Lawal, et al,Experımental investigation of heat pump driven humidification-dehumidificationdesalination system for water desalination and space conditioning,Desalination.

[29]Shimin Liang, et al, A novel characteristic index for frosting suppressionbased on the configuration and operation of air source heat pumps,International Journal of Refrigeration.

[30]Faran Razi, et al,A new solar combined cycle integrated with heat pump system,Applied Thermal Engineering.

[31] Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, et al,Experimental investigation of the specific heat capacity of parent materialsand composite adsorbents for adsorption heat pumps,Applied Thermal Engineering.

[32]Hanfei Chen, et al ,Multi-objective optimization of a free-piston Vuilleumierheat pump using a genetic algorithm,Applied Thermal Engineering.

[33] Lijuan Chen, et al ,Investigationabout energy-saving for the isobutyl acetate synthesis in a reactivedivided-wall column via vapor recompression heat pump,Chemical Engineering andProcessing - Process Intensification.

[34]Shihab AL-Hasni, et al,3D printing of vacuum and pressure tight polymer vesselsfor thermally driven chillers and heat pumps,Vacuum.

[35]Lingen Chen, et al, Exergy-based ecological optimization of an irreversible quantumCarnot heat pump with harmonic oscillators,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics andits Applications.

[36]Qiuming Ma, et al, Optimization and design of a novel small-scale integratedvacuum membrane distillation - solar flat-plate collector module with heatrecovery strategy through heat pumps, Desalination.

[37]Bo Yang, et al, Techno-economic study of full-open absorption heat pump appliedto flue gas total heat recovery, Energy.

[38]Song Ye, et al, Experimental study of heat and mass recovery on steamgeneration in an adsorption heat pump with composite zeolite-CaCl2,SustainableCities and Society.

[39] Hadi Rostamzadeh, et al,Performance enhancement of a conventional multi-effect desalination (MED)system by heat pump cycles,Desalination.

[40]Chang Su, et al, Seawater heat pumps in China, a spatial analysis,EnergyConversion and Management.

[41] Nico Mirl, et al, Design andanalysis of an ammonia-water absorption heat pump,Applied Thermal Engineering.

[42]C. Aprea, et al, The employment of caloric-effect materials for solid-stateheat pumping,International Journal of Refrigeration.

[43] Jiaxin Yang, et al, A Hybrid Methodfor Integration of Heat Pump Assisted Distillation System with IntermediateReboiler/condenser, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering,Elsevier.




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