Breaking news, three children have been discovered dead in a Reseda apartment, their mother is now under arrest.突发新闻,三名儿童在瑞希达一所公寓中被发现死亡,他们的母亲已被逮捕。I'm Veronica Miracle.我是维罗妮卡.米瑞寇。And I'm Jory Rand this is eyewitness news at four, we begin with this unthinkable tragedy playing out in the San Fernando valley. Let's . get right to Amy Powell, live in Reseda with those breaking details, Amy.我是乔里.兰德,这是四点钟目击者新闻,让我们从这场发生在圣费尔南多谷,令人难以置信的悲剧开始。让我们立刻连线艾米.鲍威尔,在瑞希达现场为您带来这起爆炸性案件的细节,艾米。Jory, Veronica just a very shocking crime.乔里,维罗尼卡,这真的是一起骇人听闻的犯罪事件。
As you mentioned three small children believed to be siblings all under the age of four found dead and now their mother is in custody.正如你们所说,三个四岁以下的儿童被发现时已经死亡,警方判断三人为兄弟姐妹关系。他们的母亲现已被拘留。The bodies of those children found this morning around 9: 30 after LAPD officers were called to an apartment building on the eight thousand block of Reseda boulevard.这些孩子的尸体是今早9点半左右被发现的,洛杉矶警察接到电话,赶到位于瑞希达大道八千街区的一栋公寓楼内。Police say the grandmother of the children came home from work and found them dead in an apartment.警方表示,孩子们的祖母下班回家后发现他们死在了公寓里。Police immediately began searching for their mother, 30-year-old Liliana Carrillo, who they say fled the scene describing her as “armed and dangerous"警方立即开始寻找他们30岁的母亲:莉莉安娜.卡莉欧。警方表示她逃离了现场,并称她''携带武器,非常危险”。
Reports came in indicating that Carrillo committed a carjacking in the Bakersfield area.警方报告显示卡莉欧随后在贝克斯菲尔德地区抢劫了一辆车。Carrillo was located in the Ponderosa area of Tulare county and arrested.卡莉欧被发现在图莱里郡的黄松地区活动,随即被警方逮捕。LT. Ben Fernandes, LAPD :“She did a horrific crime here that she followed it up by another crime north of here and it's those behaviors that ultimately got her caught."洛杉矶警局本.费尔南德斯中尉:“她在这里犯下了一起.可怕的罪行,随后又在北部地区犯下了另一起罪行,正是这些行为最终导致她被拘捕。”And police tell us they are interviewing family members as they gather details about what may have led up to this horrific crime.警方告诉我们,他们正在询问受害者家属,收集可能导致这起恐怖犯罪的更多细节。
LAPD chief Michael Moore was here at the scene earlier.洛杉矶警局局长迈克尔.摩尔先前也来到了现场。Again a major investigation underway here and detectives say that the mother of those dead children Liliana Carrillo is the only suspect in this crime.如我所说,这里正在展开重大调查,警探称死者的母亲莉莉安娜.卡莉欧是本起案件的唯一嫌疑犯。