2021年初中学业质量检查(百校联考)--阅读理解 2021.6.18


Do you keep your teeth in good condition?Or do you usually

have a toothache ? For many years,dentists keep reminding us that flossing is one of the best ways to keep our mouths and teeth healthy.But while nearly everybody has heard of this,it turns out that there isn't much evidence to back it up.


"There's little evidence that fossing works,"said an article from

The Associated Press(AP).The news agency looked at studies from the past 10 years.The AP found "weak" evidence that flossing is good for your teeth.


Another review of flossing research,done in 2011,found that

many studies were of "poor quality",though it said there was some evidence that flossing and brushing regularly did seem to

reduce gingivitis.

2011年对牙线使用研究的另一项回顾,发现许多研究都表明“质量很差”, 尽管有一些证据表明经常使用牙线和刷牙似乎确实有效减少牙龈炎。

Without clear evidence,the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 left out a sentence about flossing.By law,the guidelines must use scientific evidence.


However,many dentists say that just because there is no evidence to show flossing is good for you,it doesn't mean that it is bad for you.


Joan Otomo-Corgel,a dentist of 32 years and member of the

American Academy of Periodontology,told National Public Radio that flossing does help.She says it removes bacteria between teeth.

一名32岁的牙医 Joan Otomo-Corgel,美国牙周病学会的成员,她在接受美国国家公共广播电台采访时说,用牙线清洁牙齿确实有帮助。她说,它可以清除牙齿间的细菌。

"If you don't floss,you only clean 60 percent of your teeth,"US

dentist Andrew Swiatowicz told HuffPost."Imagine if you left 40 percent of your body un-showered...Wouldn't you still feel sick ?"


牙医Andrew Swiatowicz告诉《赫芬顿邮报》。“想象一下,如果你有40%的身体没有洗澡……你不会觉得恶心吗?”


In 1870,a science fiction novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea written by Jules Verne was published.It gave readers a picture of the deep ocean.In fact,you may know that the ocean is home to tens of thousands of fish,but you may not know that fish cannot explore every part of the ocean.


Recent studies have found that the deepest depth a fish can swim is 8,200 meters.This is about three quarters of the depth of the deepest part of the ocean.This is because of a chemical in fishes' cells that is called trimethylamine n-oxide(TMAO).


trimethylamine  /traɪ,meθɪlə'min/

For example,if you take a ping-pong ball 10meters underwater,the pressure turns it into a tiny piece of plastic.Most things break down after a certain depth underwater because of the high pressure.


TMAO warns fish of this danger at about 8,200 meters.If fish swim deeper,the TMAO chemical stops working and starts to damage the fishes'brain cells.


Although there is life at the bottom of the sea,most fish live within the top 1,000 meters of the ocean.Even sharks,which are often described as the "kings of the ocean",have never swum deeper than 4,000 meters,not even half the depth of the ocean.


Deeper down in the ocean,the most dangerous animals are the deep-sea fish.The anglerfish is one such fish.It lives about 2,000 meters deep in the ocean.There is no sunlight at this depth.But anglerfish can produce light themselves.They use this light to find food.


Below even these fish is the cusk-eel.These small fish live close to the ocean floor at a depth of 8,000 meters,far out of reach of hungry predators.


